Monday, July 17, 2023

Adrenalin Charge ... From The Oven

 Welcome to the DESERT!  Some years I sneak by without seeing any of the biting, stinging and venomous critters of the night.  At least if I stay inside when it's dark out, I'm more likely NOT to run into anything, although it was mid morning when I ran onto that gopher snake.  That's very unusual.

I'm always up early.  Let me just say there's nothing like a good screaming adrenalin rush to wake you up. No morning cup of jo required.  

When I take Cooper out in the mornings, it's dark.  I open the door and shine my floodlight of a flashlight around the steps and across the lawn, just to be sure there's nothing there.  On this morning it was not a problem.  Why oh why I would then decide to feed the quail way up on the block wall, is beyond me.

Following the flashlight beam, I double and triple check my path.  There are lots of small drip lines running over the ground and they look just like snakes, so believe me, I take my time.  

I saw a tail.  Oh good grief.  ANOTHER SNAKE!!!  The adrenaline rush was epic this time!!  My heart rate skyrocketed!  In spite of its looks, this is NOT a rattlesnake, but a lyre snake that has rear fangs that can give you a nasty bite.  I know that, but it didn't matter.  A snake is a snake!!

Supposedly it's not deadly, but with my luck, I'd be allergic.  Though I ran for the shovel, those guys are fast and can climb into bushes and over walls like no other, even if it is small at about 2 feet long.  I suppose they are good snakes because they eat mice.  

I am no longer going outside if it's even BEGINNING to get dark.  The old nightmares have returned. Big sigh.

When I discovered it was National Ice Cream Day, I thought it would be a good distraction from the snakes.  How could you possibly NOT celebrate THAT!  Patty called and said let's go to town.  Since I needed to get sprinkler valves, off we went to get fabric, bok choy and valves.  

I picked up these valve replacements for about $20 each.  The YouTube video explained how you could just take the tops off and replace the OLD insides with the new.  It sounded like a plan.  

After a couple more stops, we hit up Cold Stone to celebrate the day.  I needed something to replace all that adrenaline that escaped in the morning.  Coffee lovers is our FAV, full of big pieces of Heath Bar.  It hit the spot!!

Back home, still on full charge from sugar, I got a package in the mail.  This little solar water fountain was half price.  I figured what the heck, it might be fun for the birds, and have some soothing, relaxing sounds for me.  No kidding, I'm stiff as a board from that snake episode.  Every muscle aches.  This little thing worked like a charm and puts out the perfect amount of white noise.  I need a bigger pot to sit it in though.

As I relaxed on the couch ... it's time for a little RAT talk with Bob.  Anyone who reads his blog knows he's the expert on chickens, rats and tapping springs.  I needed rat advice since the traps the Pest Guy puts out do not seem to be working.  We talked for quite a while and I now have a plan.  I'll post the results later.

THEN we talked sprinkler valves.  Apparently you can buy just the seals and not the entire valve.  Who knew?  That's why it's nice to have MEN friends.  I finally found some online and am returning the valves.  It sure would be a cheaper fix!

In the meantime, the oven only got down to 86 degrees last night.  It's HOT, but Cooper has to go outside before going to bed.  Of course ... it's DARK.  I didn't even get the door open when I spotted this guy hanging on the edge of my steps.  He was apparently looking to clean up the bug population.  That's fine with me!!!  With all this heat, the bugs are out in full force, as you can see.

Another reason NOT to go outside in the dark.  My back yard is full of holes these guys live in.  It gives me the creeps, but not as bad as a snake.  I ushered him off the steps so I could let Cooper out, then back inside we came, locking the door to keep any OTHER critters OUT!!  Maybe I'm not cut out for the desert after all.

Just before hitting the sack, I checked all the doors and locks.  Oh my Great Aunt Lucy!!  I left the garage door slightly open at the bottom to get rid of some of the heat.  Big sigh ... I spent the next hour going through the garage from top to bottom looking for whatever might have crawled in.  I don't want any surprises!!!!

Hopefully today will be a better day as I become the Great White RAT Hunter!!


  1. Replies
    1. I could do without THAT kind of interesting! LOL

  2. I must say those dessert critters are keeping you on your toes.
    Be safe out there!

    1. Gotta keep an eye out all the time in the summer!

  3. Wow. Which is worse....AZ critters or CA skunks? (And I don't mean the governor).

    1. The Governor Skunk is THE worst, but I'd rather have skunks than snakes!!

  4. Snakes, Spiders, Scorpions....why do they all start with "S"??? lol

    1. Oh I never noticed that!! Makes you wonder who named them all.

  5. I meant desert critters! Lol

    1. If they were good for dessert, I'd be loving them Frances!!

  6. I was wondering if you could put the box back over the valves and put the goodies under that? Since the rats are already used to that. Just a thought, maybe it won't work.

    1. You read my mind Bob ... but I have to get those sprinkler valves fixed first.
