Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Magic Kingdom .... YAAAAAY!!!

It was a great night at the Magic Kingdom of Bingo, except for the box that fell on my foot, the peasant who threw a temper tantrum over $5 she said we stole from her and the cheaters who got caught doing what they do .... cheating!!
The day began as usual, EARLY, but I was excited to try out my first blueberry pancake breakfast container of food.  They even included syrup.  Although I removed everything to a plate for ease of nuking in the microwave, I discovered these containers are both microwave and dishwasher safe.  Perfect for reusing.  Truthfully they were as yummy as pancakes can be ... it's all about the syrup in my book!!

Lunch was salmon with NOT overcooked veggies, which was a plus.  Can you tell my life revolves around food??  There's just not much else to do but eat and read.  At any rate, the salmon was super good, but twice what I SHOULD have eaten.  It didn't take me long to figure out I need to split these meals in half.
Finally it was time to head on down to the Castle.  I was quite early, so I stopped in at the Sky Lounge, which has no resemblance to a REAL Sky Lounge.  It's on the second floor of a 100 year old building, in a room with NO windows.  It DOES have a bar with good alcohol at cheap prices, which is why everyone wants to be an Elk.

I can usually find my cohorts having ... believe it or not ... non-alcoholic beer before the onslaught of peasants.  I stuck to my usual coke.  When time came to head downstairs and set up, there were several large boxes that needed to make the trip with us.  I'm not saying we're all old and feeble, but we are definitely OLD and probably shouldn't be carrying boxes down tiny stairs not built to current code.  The Castle Custodian dropped the box right on my foot.  Good thing I had my best old pair of boots on.

Things went pretty good in the beginning, but with the Castle Lawyer calling in sick, that left me with two Newbies.  Instead of working the dreaded machine myself, I let them take over.  The peasants spotted them immediately and began plotting an overthrow.  "I'll give you my cards, then I'll go up to the table and tell them they didn't give me what I paid for ... they'll give me more and they will be FREE".

Never trust the Castle Accountant.  I had already given the speech about the peasants trying to pull the wool over their eyes.  The Newbies said NO.  Mainly because she didn't even have a receipt to show she had purchased anything!!  The screaming began.  Finally, one of the ill-informed men bought those games for her out of his pocket.  The temper tantrum began when she STILL insisted we owed her $5.  I took her into the Safe Room ... you tried to cheat us .... you LOST ... get over it ... and so she did!!

Next up on the Cheaters List, one gal bought the required $20 cards, then came back for two more which were then half price.  Those two she gave to her friend at the table who had not bought in at all.  Nope .... can't do that my friend ... everyone has to buy in at $20.  There was lots of paper shuffling, but with no second receipt to be found, she gave up the extra $10.  We're not talking large amounts here ... $5 ... $10 ... even as low as $2!!

At the end of the night they all went back to their own castles, the infernal machine balanced perfectly (YAY!!!) and we received our pay for the year.  A frozen turkey for our Thanksgiving dinner.  Not just ANY turkey .... a 12 pound BUTTERBALL turkey!!!  We all cheered for the King.

I think today I will write down all the meals I can easily prepare to fill the containers, along with a shopping list.  This way I'll be set up to make my own while I'm on the road.  I'd love to have Matt ... we are on a first name basis now ... ship them to Oregon, but he's not set up for freezing and the taxi to deliver them would just be too expensive.  In the meantime, I really need that little thing that makes Zoodles (noodles) out of zucchini.  I had those with turkey meatballs and pesto sauce and OH MY it was DELISH!!!  Who knew??  Maybe it was just the sauce, or maybe it just wasn't cooked by me!!


  1. Non-alcohol beer is for people who don't like to get drunk, but do like to pee.

    1. Hahahahahaha ... trouble is, it still tastes like beer, which is a little too foreign for me. I do however, drink water and have the same problem!!

  2. Oh my god not turkey time again
    You better go back and look at your post from last year's turkey
    I don't remember a good outcome on that one
    You better keep that one Frozen until you get to V and give it to Mr. C

    1. This time I got the Chef at the Lodge to write down exactly how to cook it. I'm hoping for the best!!

  3. Every time I read about your "Fun at Bingo", I am so happy our Rotary Club in Arkansas never got involved with anything like that! It kind of reminds me of the library patrons who would argue over paying a 10 cent fine...yes, a 10 cent fine! We fixed them though, we would give ONE fine forgiveness, and we would document it in the computer system. So a number of months later when they complain about a legitimate $5 fine, we would look it up and say, "Sorry Miss XXXX, we already forgave a fine on you back on [date] for 10 cents, we can only forgive a fine once..." Of course, that got to them, but after all, they were the one trying to cheat the system. :)

    1. That's a great idea if I had a computer to keep track. It's sad that so many people try to ding you for a dollar. Sometimes I wonder if they are really that broke or if they just like to scam people.
