Thursday, November 3, 2016


History was made ... the Chicago Cubs FINALLY, after 108 years of trying, beat the Cleveland Indians and won the title of WORLD SERIES CHAMPS.  It was a nail biter of a game, causing heart attack after heart attack!

They were leading into the seventh inning when a pitcher change almost blew all that hard work.  To make matters worse, there was a 17 minute rain delay, which turned out to be a good thing.  It gave the Cubs time to rally up and get their act together for the tenth inning WIN!!
Congratulations to the guys who held it together, got one more run, then held on for the last three outs to win the series.  The Goat is DEAD!!  Now they can become known as the team that WON after 108 years of trying.  The moral of the story is NEVER give up!!
Wow ... that was exciting ... to be followed by gloomy fog in Central Cal.  You can just barely see a hint of blue at the top of this image.  I was in the back yard wearing my oldest pair of jeans that barely fit and a torn, rag tag shirt, taking this picture, when the doorbell rang.  I'm sure I scared a couple of years off the life of the guy standing there.
It was the repair crew fixing to finish up my windows.  See the funny pinkish dormer window on the right?  That's what happens when air gets in between dual pane windows.  
The glass repair guy came on Halloween at 3:00 to replace the four broken windows  He had these three out in no time.  I figured to just make him part of the Halloween decorations, but he finished up around 4:30 before the kids showed up.
Don't they look pretty?  He even cleaned them before installation.  The wood frame around the windows was showing signs of dry rot, so the Contractor removed all of it and will replace it with something more waterproof.  This is when they discovered the windows were not even ... the middle one was half an inch lower.  Honestly, I couldn't see that far, but Pat Murphy is a stickler for details and wanted it fixed.  Can you imagine?  A Contractor that insists on doing a good job??
It took all of two minutes to replace this one.  Who knew you could just snap the window out of the frame??  In TEN minutes he had it back in place.  
There is still no diagnosis of the problem, other than these Jeld-wen windows are a bad product, made during the housing boom ten years ago.  If you happen to be the original owner, they are guaranteed for life.  Otherwise, you are out of luck.   

Kind of hard to see, but the repairs have been completed, my house can see again and has a new frame to boot.  Now for the painting to begin.
As you know, I DO get up early, but I'm definitely NOT presentable before 10:00 am.  The Painter showed up at 7:30, so you can imagine HIS surprise at the same attire that greeted the glazier.  As we discussed the paint color, I mentioned the window sills that were peeling terribly.  He took a look and said it wasn't primed first.  

Good grief ... I paid a Painting Contractor $6,000 to paint all the trim on my house (because it was peeling) and he didn't use primer???  I guess the only way to do things right any more is to do it yourself!!  This guy has agreed to fix it, but you can bet I'm going to be standing over his shoulder the entire time to make SURE he uses primer!!  

In the mean time, I drug out my tallest ladder for today's project ... gutter cleaning.  Won't THAT be fun!!!


  1. We need to clean our gutters,but don't do ladders any more,you would think it would be easy to hire someone. HA job too small.

    1. You would think finding a handyman would be pretty easy. Around here I've come across a couple, but their looks scare the heck out of me. I probably shouldn't be judgmental, but they look like street corner panhandlers!!

  2. Great game! I though the Cubbies was going to lose after it got tied up.

    1. Me too ... like many of the Giants games, it was TORTURE!

  3. I only watched three half innings all year. The last three. It was exciting. Didn't you clean the gutters last year? Jim M

    1. Jim I DID clean them last year but the contractor said the front gutter was full of stuff. It's rather small for the amount of roof that drains that direction. Figured I better check them all.

  4. Be careful on that ladder. Accidents can happen in a split second.

    1. Yes they can Jan ... every time I look at a ladder now, I see your foot. It's a reminder to watch my every step!!
