Thursday, June 27, 2024

Solutions .....

IT'S COOL!!  At long last the winds switched over from convection oven to cool delta breeze.  It's a lovely 68 this morning as Cooper and I sit on the patio.  That means my brain was actually working on solutions to those little problems of learning an entire new computer system.  

First off ... here are some of the specs.

Exterior height 10 feet
Interior height 6'3"
Fresh water 24 gallons
Grey water 35 gallons
Black water 12 gallons
Propane 8 gallons

I don't think any of these will be a problem for me since I'm only one person.  My philosophy is simple ... always use someone ELSE'S bathroom, every chance you get!!  Once I get going, I'll let you know how many days I can go without dumping.

It's diesel with a 3.0L V6 BlueTEC engine, (turbocharged) whatever that means, and yes, it uses DEF.  Fuel capacity 24.5 gallons and 23 miles per gallon of fuel (at least that's what Renate got with hers, and we have the same engine).  The hot water heater is Aqua Hot continuous water and can be set at "comfort" level, meaning it keeps slightly warm water in the pipes at all times.  No waiting for it to get hot. 

The fridge is 6 cu ft, the same as my fifth wheel had, and the microwave is convection, bake AND grill.  Three ways for me to burn food!  How exciting!!  It has a built-in induction stovetop which I have no idea how to use.  It's all about temperature instead of just turning it on high.

As you can see, the checkered dog blanket I ordered came in.  They say the fabric is tear-proof, but I don't believe it.  This serves TWO purposes.  It keeps the furniture clean, and it's so thick and fluffy, it makes a nice mattress for MY bed at night.  AND it's Cooper approved.

At Bingo the other night, my friend said they used a battery operated fan in their house boat that has no AC.  You can also plug it in to the wall.  Perfect I said ... I'll get one to use on those hot nights when I can't run the AC.  So here it is, using batteries I already have.

That is until I turned it on.  It says WHISPER ... but believe me, it's more like a roar.  Even on the low setting, it's too noisy to sleep with.  RATS!!  Back it goes.  I'll keep looking for a battery operated quiet one.  Honestly, I'm pretty addicted to being plugged in, so I may not need one anyway.
Heading back outside to mess with the control panels, because that's really the only way I'm going to learn ... I heard this crazy loud noise.  Wait for it ......... I thought it was a baby hawk in the trees screaming to be fed.  Then this second weird noise happened.  

Watch closely for the two tiny birds who flew to the top of the white fence.  It took me some time to figure it out, but it was THEM making that crazy loud noise.  How is that possible?

Back to the computer panel ... here's just one of MANY screens to play with.  I'm not plugged in at the moment, which really doesn't make much difference because this is all Greek to me.  I get the batteries are at 92%, the generator is off and the charger and inverter are on.  That's about it!!  

I spent the next three hours reading the Owner's Manual.  It was then that I discovered it's for a 2023 model ... and mine is a 2024.  It might not make a difference, but they changed a LOT of things on the 2024, including the all electric fridge and the computer screens.  I called the dealership to find they knew nothing about it.  No surprise, it is after all a DEALERSHIP.  Mercedes will send a new book to me in a couple of weeks.

I never did figure out what you turn off when, or if you even need to turn anything off when you run the generator ... which I did.  Do you turn the solar off before starting the generator?  I let it run for a few minutes, just to be sure it DID start up, and the numbers quickly jumped up to 100%.  I'm hoping if I hit the wrong button at the wrong time, it will give me a warning before exploding!!

Enough of that ... it was too hot outside to think straight.  Mr. Cooper and I fielded several more Elks phone calls.  There were even MORE text messages, but gee whiz ... those just flew right over my head into the outfield.  Awwww I missed them!!

Dinner was as easy as pie.  Brown some ground turkey, dump in Cole slaw and carrots, along with a good dose of ginger/sesame sauce.

Serve on lettuce leaves.  Talk about a diet dinner!!  I followed it up with a bit of peanut butter pie ... Shhhhh .... don't tell anyone!!!

I was done for the day until the door bell rang.  Some guy was going around the neighborhood selling his weed control, tree service.  He informed me I had a massive case of powdery mildew on the two remaining sycamore trees out front.  I wandered outside later, and sure enough, the leaves are COVERED!!  

RATS ... yet another thing to deal with.  Later ... I'l do it later since it's RENO RODEO time!!!

I'll be on the couch!!


  1. Your dinner looks delicious!
    Happy Thursday!

  2. Dinner looks yummy ...a good summer meal.

    1. It turned out pretty good ... and so easy to fix.

  3. I bought two of these fans last year: Low really is pretty quiet, and they have their own rechargeable batteries and can run on battery or USB. And they clip onto to counters, knobs, etc. If it is fully charged, it will run all night on low without a problem.

    As for "turning things off when plugged into power (or on generator or alternator)", don't worry about it. The CamperVan comes with a controller that senses that type of thing. Your solar panels will still work, but they won't put any of that power to the batteries because they are getting power from another source...that power just vanishes instead of overloading your batteries.

    1. Thank you on both counts Dave. I've been searching for a fan with no results. Definitely need the "run all night" one. I thought they had automatic transfer switches, but haven't read that far in my book yet. Good to know I don't have to adjust everything all the time.

  4. I would be interested in learning about how and where you get this vehicle serviced.

    1. They say for the first oil change, go to a Mercedes dealer, but from then on, take it to your regular oil change guy. I have two ... a good shop in town and one in Tucson. For the RV stuff, it goes back to the dealer I bought it from.

  5. It sounds like you, Renate and Dave can bounce things off each other. Between the three of you, one of you will know the answer!

    1. It is SO nice to have RV friends. It's not like in the old days where you only had one plug in and a place to add water. Now everything is electronic with a computer to run it!!!

  6. Ditto Jim's comment. Nice dinner. Powdery mildew...yuck.

    1. Yeah ... maybe that's been causing all my allergy problems.

  7. Birds can be really noisy. Whenever we have the Balcony Door open, Birds line the railing screaming until we talk back to them. That's funny, because they look at one another than fly way for a while, before returning to talk again. Thats the real meaning of Tweeting.
    As long as the Solar Panels are connected to the Charge Controller, it is charging the Batteries. When they are at 100% it will shut down.
    When you are plugged in, you shut the Inverter off. When you are Boondocking, that's when you run the Inverter.
    Tou can only run the AC, when you are plugged in.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. You have some interesting birds!!! I figured the AC was only for electricity .. just like my other rig. That's why I like being plugged in so much!!

  8. I know a bit about noisy birds have them here often
    You will get the hang of things with the new camper just don't rush it

    1. You definitely have some noisy birds down under ... and some GORGEOUS ones at that!

  9. Speaking of noisy birds! Well, then there are the noisy chorus frogs, just ask Bill. hahaha I hear a different bird sound and I'm out there with my Merlin app to see what it is!
    I agree with Jo-Anne, you will figure things out and your friends will help you along the way. My bet is that you'll be plugged in most of the time.
    btw, when are you bringing it to The Ridge? ♥

    1. I agree ... frogs are worse! Boy would that be a kick ... the Ridge ... and a LONG drive!!

  10. 23 MPG that is awesome. Thanks for all the specs. I have the Ryobi fan and use but then I like white noise at night. Vern

    1. I'm undecided Vern ... I'm so spoiled from living in the country where it's QUIET. Hard for me to sleep with ANY noise!!

  11. Here’s a link to a Venty portable fan that has worked very well. USB rechargeable and long battery life. Really enjoy reading your blog.

    VENTY Portable Fan for Travel - Rotating Fan with Remote Control and LED Lighting - Folding Oscillating Rechargeable Fan -

  12. Thanks so much for the fan suggestion. I'll look it up. That long battery life is a plus!!! Happy to hear you enjoy my crazy adventures, even if they are just in my living room.
