Monday, June 24, 2024

Creative Downsizing and Smashing

 FINALLY ... the temperature got all the way down to 75 last night.  We are in a heat wave.  Not compared to Arizona of course, but that 105 degrees is HOT HOT HOT!  Especially when you are out in an RV trying to figure out how to make things work.  My brain doesn't work all that great when it's frying like an egg on the sidewalk.

First minute in the rig ... Mr. Cooper was not impressed.  Hey Mom ... this is NOT my couch!  I know little buddy ... but you will be just fine.

The first thing I need to do is get a rug for the very slippery floor.  As the place heated up, I pulled all the blinds and turned the vent on low.  I'm getting the panel figured out, except for the one that shows the solar stuff.  It's a 5,000 piece puzzle to me.

Out with the crazy stuff, like the window shade in that black bag that weighs at least 30 pounds.  I've already heard from other owners who said to ditch it.  Maybe there's a secret to setting it up, but I haven't found it yet.  Also, in the box, is a blow up mattress to lay across the front seats for an extra kids bed.  I won't be needing that.

In no time it was so hot inside that I stole the sunscreen from my truck.  What a difference THAT made. Yes I could have used the AC, and I did for a time, but when it's on high, it's pretty noisy, as expected.  Outside, it's as quiet as a mouse!!

Time to get inventive.  I made a quick trip to Wally World (in my truck) to pick up some storage containers.  Downsizing is the name of the game.  I have no plans to feed dinner to 25 folks, so all but 4 of each utensil went away, along with six serving spoons and eight kitchen knives.  Where did all this stuff come from?

I picked up a few plastic containers to hold canned goods and found my find of the day ... two plastic cereal containers.  Being creative is not usually my thing, but one of those boxes fit perfectly behind that bar to use as a waste basket.  Surprisingly, all my black tank products, TP and hair products fit underneath the sink.  

Thank goodness for Quakehold ... that stuff museums use to keep things from falling and breaking.  I used it to adhere my toothbrush holder and a soap dish to the counter.  That left more than enough room in the medicine cabinet.  Not my rig pictured here.  I'll take a few more pics today.

At least an hour was spent trying to get the TV to work.  Turns out you have to TURN ON the antenna!  Not my channels, but it's more about the "company" than anything else.  If it ever cools off enough, I'll spent a night or two in it to see what else I might need.

Surprisingly, my little toolbox fit perfectly.  Here's my next dilemma.  The gray knob controls the inverter, the red one the battery disconnect, plus I can turn the inverter off inside.  So do I leave both of these on ALL the time?  Even when I'm plugged in sitting in my back yard?  Do I need to keep the lithium batteries charged up or just turn it all off until I go on a trip?  

I turned them both off, thinking that would stop the occasional whirring sound of the inverter inside, but it whirred anyway!!  Is that a word?  I just can't seem to grasp the solar inverter thing versus being plugged in when I'm not traveling.  

Here's Mr. Cooper checking out the FOUR boxes from Amazon.  Yessirree ... I have been busy.  The first box I opened brought everything to a screeching halt.  My rig has an induction cooktop.  You can only use induction cookware, which I have NONE of.  I order four pieces ... least that's what it said.  Silly me, I didn't check the SIZE.  I opened the box from the top and went to slide the pans out.  Got it .......

Yup I GOT IT all right.  The 3 quart glass pan lid fell out the bottom and right on to my two left toes.  I won't repeat what I said.  I haven't been in that much pain since I broke two on the same foot when pulling out of a campground somewhere around Oklahoma I think.  MAN THAT HURTS !!#$#.  

Three hours later, it was excruciating, so I'm pretty sure it's broken.  It's definitely BLACK in spite of an ice pack.  Aspirin made most of the pain go away until I walked on the bedroom carpet barefoot.  It's now all taped up ... no use going to the doctor because they won't do anything for it.   That pretty much put the kibosh on my loading and packing for the day.

I'm returning it all.  It's way too big for my new minimalist lifestyle.  They say to take a magnet to the store and if it sticks to a pan, it will work.  So I'm heading for Marshalls for something cheap.  Sadly, two out of four boxes will be returned ... more on that tomorrow because right now I need to go play with Mr. Cooper and try to figure out how to get some kind of ladder .. or box set up so he can get up on the RV couch.  I really need to get creative on this one!


  1. I just love your new camper van. You will have it all set up the way you want it before you know it. Sorry about your toe that hurts like heck.

    1. I think it's going to be perfect. Less is more!!

  2. Mr. Ed said take it back to the dealer and have them go through the solar system with you. Trying to figure it out by yourself. It’s frustrating. It’s fairly easy leaving the solar system and inverter on. Let the solar panels do the work you don’t need to plug it in
    at the same time. Have the dealer pair your phone to the EMS. That way you could sit on your couch with your broken toe and play with all the new gadgets from a far…..? Did you find the dip stick

    1. Induction cooktop Why buy new.. you have cast-iron skillet (s) grab one griddle 🥓🍳 (flat) with 👉high sides, and a ribbed steak 🥩skillet and you’re good to go
      my cooktop stays outside under cover I’m a carnivore I like my steak raw and seared but I don’t like all the smoke and the fire department in the house so my suggestion is to get a small, very sturdy table

    2. We pretty much did that at the dealership. Those young guys didn't know much more than I do! I will definitely hook up my phone, just haven't gotten that far yet. As for the cast iron ... never thought of that as induction cookware! But yeah .... the smoke!!

  3. Congratulations on the new, beautiful rig!! I know you will enjoy camping in it!

    1. I think it's going to be fun ... when it cools off a bit.

  4. First off, congratulation to your new rig. Although smaller, it is a step up from your previous models. When plugged into shore power (house) you don't need the inverter as it would interfere as it is the same putting power in. I agree with Ed, make a list and take the RV back to the dealer and have them go through all the systems with you now that you had time to look everything over. It looks like a very nice built RV!

    1. Thanks Marlene ... I started a list yesterday!!

  5. Those TV's require the booster being on, and you need to search for channels when you move the RV, they usually remember the last ones found.

    1. Exactly. Took me awhile to figure that out since I'm used to Dish TV. Then I had to find the control!

  6. Regarding your induction stove top: No need to buy new cookware. I am not home where my induction cooking is available. I bought several years ago a cover you put over your induction stove and then put your regular cookware on top. It may cost $30+ but no need to purchase new cookware. Yes, I carried and still do, a magnet to see if a used pot is good for my portable induction cooktop. I found that a COPPER BOTTOM pot worked. I have several CAST IRONS & they, too, seemed to work. Good luck & congrats on your new RV purchase. Lynn Cross

    1. I went through all my pots here at home and found only one that would work. Didn't even think about cast iron, but they are so heavy. I picked up two small ones yesterday.

  7. Hi Nancy, besides cast iron, stainless steel should work. They won't be non-stick, but not too hard to clean. If you carry a magnet around, keep it away from your phone and other electronics.

    I use an over the air antenna for my tvs. Sit down with a notepad to make a cheat sheet for getting to the settings antenna programming for the tv and any other electronics. I had to do that for the newest TV and one gadget I bought for it.

    Going back to the dealership is a good idea. Just check and make sure they can help. Since the dealership scheduling,sales software got hacked, many are having to do things old school to work with customers. When I showed up for scheduled service on Saturday, the service dept was writing everything on paper.

    Congrats on the new purchase. Mr Cooper will figure it out after it does not smell so strange.

    M in Nc

    1. I thought stainless would work, but alas ... mine did not. Yup ... I'm making notes over notes!

  8. Oh my gosh, I miss one blog post and you go buy a camper van!?! I am so happy for you. I am sure there will be some growing pains, or shrinking pains, but overall I think you will love it!

    1. It's all YOUR fault because I figured if you TWO with TWO dogs could do it, so could I with a dog and a parrot. As for shrinking pains, it's not been bad at all.

  9. I am a Induction Cooking Convert as of our last trip to California. We were running low on Propane, did not want to go through the hassle of packing up, getting propane, etc. etc. So I got a portable Induction Cooker and one deep sauce/fry pan and liked it so much, put it in the condo and use it to cook 95% of the time! Our CamperVan came with two, so now we have three...not sue if I'll take both in the van or leave one home along with the one we bought last summer. Indy can jump on the couches so I can't help much with doggie stairway. As for Solar/Lithium...if your panels are exposed to sun, then I would leave master power one, inverter off, and you should be able to keep Refrigerator running all the time, and if all works right, your batteries will always stay full except for the slight drop overnight which should recover within an hour of good sunlight, 3-4 hours of overcast sunlight. Our inverter is only good for running the TV when you don't have power or generator, does not seem to fire up any of the other 110v outlets.

    1. I've never tried induction cooking. Maybe my skills will improve?? It's definitely going to be an experiment in solar for me. Thanks for the help Dave ... I'm sure I'll need more.

  10. My mum had an induction cooker and loved it, I think my brother took it when she passed. Mr Cooper like you needs to feel like the camper is home but it is still too shiny and new to feel like home, it takes time.

    1. I'm surprised so many folks have used induction cooking. Guess I'll join the crowd.

  11. Nancy hope your toes feel better and I would make an appointment with the dealer to answer all of your questions . Have fun with the new rig !

    1. Thank you Sue. Yes, now that I've had a stab at everything and have exact questions, I'll head back to the dealer for answer.

  12. Would be nice to be closer so we could go over all the solar stuff. If you are plugged in, turn off the inverter. If not plugged in, turn it on.
    Not sure what panels you have and the size of them. They will charge the batteries for you, that's what they are for.
    The dealer should have explained all of this.
    We will certainly talk when we get together this winter.

    1. Thanks Bill ... this thing has the exact same setup as my fifth wheel did. 3-100 watt panels (I think) and a 3000 sine wave inverter. The "explainers" were may 25 years old and not all that knowledgable. I'll turn the inverter off.

  13. Nice going on the new unit. Since you've already had the big ones, you'lll really appreciate the smaller package in your older age. Just look at the smaller unit like going out with your horses on a camping trip. You only carry what you really need. Sitting up camp is super easy, just put your chair out and sit down.
