Tuesday, June 11, 2024

HOW Did That Happen?

 I don't know how it does it.  How can it be a lovely 61 degrees one morning, NOT get all that hot during the day, and be 70 degrees on THIS morning.  How does that happen?  

It wasn't all that fun yesterday, as I continued purging the rig.  And here I thought I was only using up a small portion of the space!  Come to find out I had things stuffed EVERYWHERE.

I did take a short walk with Mr. Cooper to find my whatever-these-are blooming nicely.  They are slow at it ... with the buds opening up just a few each day.  Well that's weird!

Here's another of the weirdest things that has ever happened to me.  I needed to adjust the screen door on the fifth wheel.  I got my trusty toolbox out from under the kitchen sink instead of using the big one in the pass through.  

I admit, I haven't opened this since it was in my Class A rig.  It lived in a cupboard under the TV.  From there, I moved it directly to the inside of the garage, followed by another move to under the kitchen sink in the fifth wheel.  It has not been out of that location since, other than yesterday when I moved it to my patio.

Take a close look.  Yes, that's rust.  What the heck????

Upon further inspection I find that the tool box is full of water.  Everything is completely ruined and covered in rust.  How could that be??????  Where did the water come from?  

I rushed back outside in a panic to check under the sink.  Maybe I had a leak I didn't know about ... but how could water get inside a box where the lid completely covers the top?  I'm so confused!!

Nothing ... there was no sign whatsoever of water UNDER the sink.  Dry as a bone and no warping or damage of any kind.  HOW did this happen??

Absolutely everything in the box is trash.  I might be able to save the little screwdrivers, but anything of value is gone.  I swear ... it's the weirdest thing I have ever encountered.  

And so the purging continues.  You might think a Chef lives in that rig, there are so many bowls, pots and pans, cake decorating equipment, cheesecake pans, muffin tins, casserole dishes ..... I could cook for a group of 50 easily!  The worst part is I left what I think I will actually use in the cupboards.  

But that's not all!!  My back patio is covered with even MORE boxes.  I must have had four bottles of window washing stuff ... and I never wash windows!!  There are cleaning products like I was in the business of house cleaning, which you KNOW is not my thing.  Apparently I will never have to buy another bottle of furniture polish.  It's mind boggling!

The rig now looks amazing ... my house, not so much.  By the time I got this far, it was too hot for anything else.  Hopefully sooner or later this will all disappear ... NOT into my cupboards and NOT into the garage.  Maybe a FREE sign out on the driveway would be good!!

In the meantime ... it's BINGO TIME!!!

And THEN .... I will be off to Harbor Freight to replace my tool box!!  Woohoo!!


  1. If you have pliers, screw drivers, and other tools with much metal (nothing w/batteries) you can try salvaging by soaking in vinegar fir a few hours or overnight, and then draining followed by a thorough scrubbing with steel wool. Follow up with machine oil rub. That works well with my garden tools. Takes rust off.

    1. Vinegar? That's a new one for me. I will try that Emjay ... thank you!!

  2. It's amazing how much stuff one can collect.
    You are on a roll it will be a great feeling of satisfaction when you are done.
    Stay cool!

    1. Amazing is right!! I think I've become a pack rat!

  3. You can buy stuff that will remove all of that rust, or at least most of it. Soak it for a few days, dry off and spray with WD40, and it will be good enough for occasional. Repeat with the WD40 every couple of months, and no need to buy more tools.

    1. You convinced me ... I'll try cleaning them off.

  4. Rusty Tools must have been all that exposure to that "high humidity" in the Tucson area! lol

    1. Right??? I just can't believe it! Haven't heard about your new RV yet Dave ... did it all get worked out?

  5. Those temps don't seen too bad to me, not really hot, just saying. Yeah when we clean stuff out we find stuff everywhere and sometimes we think why did I put that there, well I do. Damn finding water and rust in the toolbox with a closed lid and no leak that is weird.

    1. You are right Joanne .. it's really not that hot, we are just spoiled! LOL

  6. Many people don't realize that Toolboxes with small handles on the lid allows water to get inside. As for the rust on the tools, simply lightly spray them with WD-40 and wipe them off. The rust will be gone.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. That was the consensus at Bingo ... handle in the lid.

  7. I think that water has been in that box for quite a while. Perhaps the Class A had a leak that you didn't notice? I agree with the above comments, WD40 or COKE! :)
    Hmmm, I'm wondering if things will be going back into that fifth wheel???

    1. It's going to be a big mess to clean up ... there's lot of tools there. I'm guessing maybe a gallon water jug sitting on top of the box? I bet it leaked ....... and NO .. all this junk is NOT going back in there!!! Way too much stuff to carry!

    2. Good plan, we all need to purge. I should go through the Suite again. There's always stuff we don't use often enough to lug along.
