Friday, November 1, 2019

Still Alive And Kicking!

You KNOW I'm not feeling well if I skip THIS holiday!!

I wish I could say this was me.  It's not.  I was flat out in bed moaning and groaning as the puppies reminded me of the time.  I had finally fallen asleep at 2:38 am.  I don't know if I'm getting more wimpy in my old age or if the flu bugs are getting stronger.  I suspect the latter.
Honestly, I have nothing to complain about.  While trying to at least LOOK like I was doing something yesterday, I contacted the past President of the Golden Spike RV Group for some guidance.  Here's his message back to me:

Give me a day or 2.  I'm in an ambulance headed to cath lab for heart attack.  

My response:  Oh good Lord.  I'm sending you prayers.  

Thank God he's just fine and will be home in two days.  So now I really feel bad for just feeling bad.

Here's the lovely that got me.  Apparently it's just a cold per the doctor.  No fever and no throwing up.  Do YOU remember having any colds like this when you were a kid?  I guess we are raising super bugs!
So here's a little story.  When I was in Alaska, Homer to be exact, I got a horrible sinus infection after my "cold".  I went to a local Native urgent care facility to be met by a young Miss Doctor dressed in a cocktail dress.  Mostly she made me feel old, but she gave me prednisone to relieve the swelling in my nose and therefore the screaming headache.  

I've been to several doctors since, who have all refused to prescribe the same.  Yesterday, I went to the new Eastern Indian doctor at my clinic.  He prescribed prednisone.  It's the only reason I may survive this horrible creature above.  I'm in the process of slapping him silly!!

As far as Halloween went, I will forever be known as the creepy lady in that house on the corner who was coughing up a lung.  I just opened the door and stuck my hand out will the bowl of goodies attached.  I only had four customers all night.

So this is me, heading back to the couch for another day of epic coughing.  At least I can breathe through my nose.  Hopefully I'll get well before being completely covered in kleenex, or dust as the case may be.
When I can no longer read the word dust, I'll clean, assuming I feel better by then.  Truthfully, I'm counting my lucky stars a bad cold is all I have.


  1. Nothing quite like a flu bug to make you feel rotten, hope soon you will feel.

    1. I could deal with the bug I think, it's all the coughing I'm having a problem with.

  2. Hope you feel better soon.
    The prednisone, with any luck will stop the cough in its tracks, also.

  3. Rest, drink fluids, eat chicken soup. The age old remedy for a bad cold. It took me years to realize the drink fluids part is to replace all those you are depositing in the tissues.

    Your dust message reminded me of one I saw on a truck once. It said, "Dirt test #89." :)

  4. My sister and Arny only had 8 kids all night, 3 knocks on the door. Ten years ago they would have had 40+

  5. That bug sounds horrible. Hopefully you'll be better soon, my friend. The dust will be be there when you are well enough to deal with it. It's your house, no one is allowed to judge!!

    1. True ... but it makes me feel worse just knowing how dirty everything is. Only because I'm sick I guess! Ha!
