Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Moving Right Along ... at 35 MPH

 How could I have forgotten to mention this beauty in all his splendor.  He tried to eat me in the last few moments of the Vail house.  I've no idea what it is, but it was fast, about an inch long and those front legs were going like crazy.  I do NOT have a passion for bugs, whatever it is.

I have to admit though, it might have been better with the bug in Vail than with the heat in Quartzsite.  Good grief it was hot.  I never stopped sweating the entire time.

This is the sound of air.  It is quite amazing to me that I slept with the AC unit on.  Not for long mind you, but sleep I did.  I must have run up a $100 electric tab in one night.

It's not exactly comfortable since there's no room for people, let alone one tiny dog.  I can't put the slide out because there's too much weight on it.  I'm not taking the chance of breaking something.

Morning came quickly, along with 92 degrees of heat.  It was okay though, because the inside air was 80 degrees.  YAY!!!  It took all of 15 minutes for us to be off to the next destination.  Except wait ... my truck is leaning to one side.  Apparently the left air bag leaked or is broken.  That's not good ... I had to let all the air out of the other one, which will probably kill it too.  It's going to be a rough ride.

But first .... let's fill up with some of this fuel that they tell me is NOT part of inflation.  Are you kidding me?  This is Arizona ... in the summer heat ... and the price of diesel is $4.60 a gallon.  Just wait until we get to California.

It was a nice drive in the early morning hours as I passed through Parker.  There was very little traffic and my little truck just hummed right along.  

Until we got to Needles that is.  I know I had 40 gallons of fuel and about 15 gallons of water, along with all the other things I stuffed in the truck and rig.  We barely made 35 mph as we climbed up to the top.  I was leaning forward, hoping to help a little.  She didn't fail me though, and still never overheated.  That was a big surprise.  AND no check engine lights!!

The next stop in Barstow for more fuel was an ouchy one.  I thought Arizona fuel was high.  Barstow was $5.999 a gallon, which my truck is sucking down as fast as she can.

The next few hours were boring, but we kept on trucking.  Going up Tehachapi was a little slow due to the single lane.  The last huge rain washed all the dirt and sand off this hill and over the road.  It was closed completely for several days, but open when I went through.  They are still doing cleanup work.

Boy was I ever happy to see Orange Grove RV Park.  In one minute we were parked (really un-level) with both AC units running full blast.  It's only 95 degrees, but I'm not going to unhook the electricity to move over two feet.  We don't need level since I'm not putting the slide out and the fridge is on electric.  

Here we are back on the bed under the AC unit.  The heat didn't bother Cooper at all ... it was PLAY TIME.

Yes, that's my blanket in his mouth.  He hid his ball underneath, and now has to dig it out.  What a kid!!

Cooper and I split a chicken tender for dinner, and we relaxed in the too small chair while I played with my phone.  There's no TV with the slide in, can you believe it?  

We've been here an hour and the temperature is finally down to 84 degrees inside.  It's almost pleasant. I would take a nice cold shower, but it too is full of boxes.

This morning we'll take off early again on the last leg.  Dan will be about nine or ten hours behind me.  Just in time for me to hit up Panda Express for dinner.  You didn't think I was going to cook, did you?  

I'm looking forward to a nice long rest when I get home ... after unpacking the U-Haul truck ... and spending days unpacking the RV.  Maybe then the furniture placement will come into play.

The good news is there have been multiple showings of the house.  Surely more good news will be on the horizon.  


  1. So glad you are scooting right along.
    Drive safe!

  2. Thank God the truck is humming right along. Home today!

  3. I've been watching the weather. I saw Bakersfield 98...thank God cuz Wellton today...117. Mornings have been beautiful.

    1. I think Quartzsite got up to 118. Crazy hot this weather.

  4. That’s interesting,,, it’s 115 but it feels like 106 ? ☃️ I think the ding bat weather Person got there numbers wrong. That’s funny you have a U-Haul it coming behind you, but yet you load the trailer up are you related to the weatherman?

    1. Hahaha maybe!! I loaded up my rig with all the quilting stuff so it wouldn't get dirty or broken. The longarm machine is costly enough to have it travel behind me in the back seat! Its pretty heavy!!

  5. Another title for your post could have been "Gross".
    The big is gross, the heat is gross, and most certainly, those fuel prices are gross!

    1. I was trying to be "nice" about the weather. I said lots of bad words, which got even worse when it came to diesel.

  6. Good to hear you are humming along. Hope your home is at least a few degrees cooler. Just read your comment on my blog. Seems we might have met when we were both kids as I was the Cub Scout handing out programs as you walked into the theater in the park. I think they paid me a quarter for that. I'm sure you don't remember that. :O) Small world sometimes.
    Safe Travels,
    Oh, and yes, I'll be doing the hamburger again. Even though it was huge, I gobbled it up, one bite at a time. Homemade sour dough bun, cowboy type stuff, that's the way they would of done it. Fried onions and bacon. Buns toasted in butter. The corn thing doesn't let me do the condiments, but it didn't need any. Yummy.

    1. You are probably joking, but I remember the Boy Scouts handing out papers ... wouldn't that be crazy if it was you? I do love homemade sourdough bread ... and your burger sounds so good!

    2. Not joking. I was the only one that did that. And I'm astounded you have such a good memory. Must be the magic of the place.

  7. Must feel good being so close to home...probably there as I write this right now. Bet you turn your A/C down to 72 since you have all that free solar. Sure hope your home gets an offer real real soon.

    1. Thanks Dave ... but I'm more worried about YOUR place. I hope it just brushes by and leaves the condo alone.

  8. Almost home! Maybe you'll have an offer when you arrive. 😊 that would tie things up nicely.

    1. I'm hoping for the same thing Patsy, but I'm not holding my breath. I'm too tired!!
