Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Worth His Weight in GOLD!!

 Another hot flash!!  Yessirree Mother Nature is having a hot flash, but not the kind that has you climbing in the fridge.  Extreme heat warnings went out every few hours yesterday.  I don't get it ... why is absolutely EVERYTHING nowadays an EMERGENCY!!!  

The EXTREME HEAT with several major announcements, got all the way up to 101 degrees.  Are they keeping up the sky-is-falling warnings just to see if it still works?  I just don't get it!!  Today will be another one at 101 degrees.  Good grief people!!!

It's okay because I spent most of the day inside.  MOST of it.  Let's get to it!!

My gardener showed up to drastically trim back my rose bushes, though I did have the thought of letting them grow wild and maybe cover up the new house next door.  To save on energy, we raked them all into the lawn and used the lawn mower to pick them up.  That worked REALLY good!  

In the middle of that, my good Elk friend Mark showed up to do a repair on my fifth wheel.  The last time I dumped, I noticed a strap on the sewer line that had broken.  With the terribly rough roads around the country, I was afraid the whole thing would break off.  

You already know my thoughts ... a handy man is worth his weight in GOLD!  This one has had an RV most of his life ... Montanas ... and does all of his own repairs and maintenance.  He's also the Manager of our Elks RV Park!!

With a truck full of tools, he took the broken strap off and began to MAKE a new one out of much heavier "plumbers tape".  He bent it ... cut it ... drilled holes in it ... and VOILA!!!  A new strap.  He said it's not going to look pretty ... did I want him to get a new piece of metal?  Heck no ... that one is just dandy!!

Every time he said "I need this" ... I thought I would have to go buy a tool.  Nope ... he had everything you can possibly imagine in his truck.  

Just to prove the point, when he saw my old fuel tank, he said I should sell it on Marketplace.  This is the weirdest thing ever ... I said I can't because it's full of sand.  I left it here when I had the big tank put in my truck.  Believe it or not, ants decided to make it their condo.  They took grains of sand from underneath and made a HUGE nest, filling the whole thing up.  It's so heavy, I can't move it.

I can fix that he said ... and he whipped out a skill saw from behind the drivers seat to cut open the top, making it easy for me to dig the sand out and get rid of the tank.  Worth his weight in GOLD I tell you!!!!

Lastly, just for good measure, when I pointed out the grey tank pull handle that was missing, he said ... OH ... I can fix that too.  I'll be back tomorrow to thread the handle.  I am forever grateful!!

And so it was BINGO time!!  Everyone should be completely frustrated at the end of the day (like me), to make it impossible to sleep.  OK, not really!!

Here we are ... I'm late.  No worries, I didn't have as much to do on this night.  I even took a chance and parked in a completely different spot.  That will come in later.  I spent the first hour setting up before ringing up the first three customers who get their cards early because they work for Bingo.  The infernal machine stabbed me in the heart.  

The first one "should be $54.00" came to $163.00.  Wait, WHAT??  That's not right.  The next one came to $110.  Well I'm getting closer, but NO ... that's not right either!  At last it came up with the right amount, but caused me another ten minutes of voiding everything that was wrong.  That did not bode well for the long night.

Actually we cruised along quite nicely until the fight erupted.  Someone who bought food from our kitchen, did not go back to pick it up.  It stays hot because there is a warmer light over the counter.  When she finally went to get it, she DEMANDED her money back because it had sat on the counter too long.  Well honey ... whose fault was THAT?  The Knights were called to duty and order restored.

The infernal machine gave me fits here and there, charging out dollar amounts instead of Number of Cards.  I hit 2 REG and got $140.00 when it should have been $20.  It's all fixable, it just takes time.  

Finally the end of the night came ... time to balance.  I held my breath.  Nope, not happening!!  I was $400 off.  You just cannot concentrate when the caller is yelling out numbers, the folks are yelling Bingo and I'm yelling to boot!!  At long last I discovered I wrote down 506 instead of 106.  

Yup ... the infernal machine pulled one over on me ... it was my fault all along!!  I headed out the door, only to find my truck had disappeared.  OH NO ... WHERE'S MY TRUCK?  

Duh ... it's on the other side of the building, remember???  Luckily I got home in one piece to the crazy affection of one sweet puppy dog.  Cooper makes it all better.

Lots on my plate today ... hopefully I remember where I parked my truck this time!


  1. Hope today is a better day for you than last night at Bingo.
    What a great friend to work on the RV for you. Someone you trust.

  2. Nancy that is such a nice friend to fix your trailer for you.
    Hope you have a good day!

    1. No kidding ... he is definitely one of the good guys!

  3. a carryover from yesterday That’s funny, 🤡you’re bound and determined to take that car 🚐🏎️with you aren’t you? Yep You’re b van has a 20 foot electrical cord that you need to plug-in occasionally only to charge your batteries …. because your lithium and you have a solar panel or you drive somewhere so you have three ways of charging your battery
    You fill your water tank two ways 👍no continuous hook up needed unless you choose.
    To empty your gray tank and your black water tank are done by a macerator. 👍No continuous hook up needed.
    Now tell me again, how much time it takes you to hook or unhook your tow vehicle
    Never mind how much extra $$ gas you use in reduce mileage
    And then tell me again when you get to that secret 🌴🪺🌋🏜️🏝️place that you want to go explore how nice it would be to have your own kitchen 👍and bathroom 👍and change of clothes 👍and a place to rest👍

    1. I have to say, I'm a pro at hooking and unhooking my Jeep. If you have the right car and the right hitch, it takes less than 4 minutes. Been there, done that hundreds of times with my Class A rig. Towing would just be a convenience and make it easier to leave my critters in the cool van when I'm out exploring.

  4. Sounds like he is your Arny! (sister's husband that fixes all my stuff)

    1. Yup ... knows how to fix absolutely anything. I don't ask often though. Waiting on pins and needles Dave!

  5. Why is everything an emergency, because there are so many big babies in the world. Since 101 degrees Fahrenheit is 38 degrees Celsius I would have to say not that extreme just bloody stinking hot in my books.

    1. Yeah, it wasn't all that pleasant, but that's because it was the first time this year. I just turn on the fans and stay inside.
