Friday, June 21, 2024

The Quiet Before The Storm

 SHORT ONE!!  I'm really dragging this morning.  In spite of the nice cool air floating around my back yard yesterday, not enough of it got in the house, or STAYED in the house.  I guess I'm just getting old and confused.  Old because I can take the heat less and less ... and confused because I have not one, but THREE temperature gauges win my house, none of which read the same.

At any one time, one says 78 degrees, one says 74 degrees and the third reads 80.  So I'm not sure WHEN to turn up the cool, so I DON'T.  Even Cooper was complaining when I finally gave in and turned the temp down enough to cool off.

I cleaned a little, only because I have company coming ... and I sewed a little, only because I was bored ... and I watched the grass and dirt NOT get put back in the sprinkler hole.  That one was the most fun.  Old age seems to bring on procrastination also!!

I think there was a little napping and I think I ate the rest of that wonderful chicken for lunch.  After that, it's a blur because I had to get ready for another Elks Initiation, meaning squeezing into a tuxedo.  If only this dieting would work, I might be a little more comfortable in that pursuit.  

I arrived early as usual, to find no sign-in book.  I went on the hunt, which was a small hint of what was to come.  Here's the quiet before the storm.  

Turn up your sound ... or most likely, you won't have to.  This is the din an hour later.  You are looking at my styrofoam cup to protect the identity of the innocent, of which there were none.  

No pen ... I ran up two flights of stairs.  No list of free dinners ... I ran up two flights of stairs.  Not enough tickets ... I ran up two flights of stairs.  No change ... I ran up two flights of stairs.  You get the picture.  I can't complain too much however, because I used to stop at the top and suck in all the air I could find.  Now I just walk off like it was nothing.  No gym required!

FINALLY ..... NO regular steak!  I would probably pay double for THIS meal.  Chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, GRAVY (not left over from Sunday breakfast), CORN (what, no green beans?) and a BISCUIT ... yes, leftover from Sunday, but at least they were frozen.  

Then it was off to the meeting of all meetings.  An initiation, which always takes WAY too long, before several pins were awarded to some folks, for what I don't know because by then I was heating up and not paying attention.  BAD Nancy!

Next up ... a time killer of a vote for ONE person, having to wait for all of those new members and their sponsors to go first.  That was followed up by a house vote for three big tickets items I was handed at the last minute.  I could hardly get the words out.  Finally ... after 20 yawns by Nancy, the REAL meeting began, which was over in 30 minutes.  It was WAY past my bedtime.  It was contagious, because as I looked down the row, EVERYONE was yawning!

I think I got home at 10:30, but I'm not sure.  Funny how doing mostly nothing makes you more tired and sleepy than a hard days work!

I'm groggy (even after my first cup of coffee) and NOT ready to face the world, or my company.  I've still got a lot of cleaning up to do.  The good news is she doesn't care ... she says it makes her feel SO much better about HER house.  It's a compliment I guess!!  I'll take it!


  1. You live a busy life with that Elk job and no wonder you get tired from it. Relax, there will be another day to do all those things ;-)

  2. Sounds just crazy enough for it to be a Nancy day!! 😘

  3. Nancy you amaze me!
    You are a busy gal.
    Rest today if you can.

  4. Oh, how many times have I heard that sound of the crowd...brings back too many nightmares! lol

  5. Whatever happen to getting others involved to help.
    Be Safe and Enjoy visiting with your friend.

    It's about time.

    1. We actually had about 15 help with Fathers Day ... I think that's a record!!

  6. Yeah as we age we can handle the heat less, when I check the temperature I look at my phone, laptop and thermometer on the wall all give a different reading.

    1. I never knew there were so many things about getting old!! No one ever tells you these things.
