Sunday, June 30, 2024

Lost In Space

 Well dag nabbit ... in spite of my protestations, it's going to get even hotter.  So much for my zero solar bill this month.  They SAY 102 to up 108 every day for the next ten days.  That doesn't bode well for my trip to Utah.  All three of us (me and the two kids) may just melt into a big puddle!!

I'm surprised that this guy didn't.  It was 5:00 in the morning when he began the roofing project next door. Boy that's a dark roof to have in sunny hot California.  Luckily my house is well insulated and I don't hear all the noise.  He kept going until 3:00 in the afternoon.  I spotted him up there as I trotted back and forth to the rig.  Tough guy he is!!

First things first ... you know that all time favorite shirt you have that's SO ratty, but SO comfortable and cool you just can't throw it out?  I knew where I left it, but I could not FIND it to save me!  I tore this house apart.  I looked in every garbage can, including the big one outside.  

I went through every drawer and cupboard in the rig, thinking I might have stuck it there while in a heat fog.  Nothing ... like the socks in my dryer, it was LOST IN SPACE.  I called St. Anthony SO many times.  He kept leading me back to the bedroom.  Finally, I got down on my hands and knees and practically crawled under the bed.  

FOUND IT!!!!  It was stuck between the footboard and the bottom mattress.  Well that wasted an HOUR!!  I switched shirts just so I wouldn't lose it again!!!  Then I was off to the rig to check on those window coverings.  

I was getting pretty frustrated because they would NOT stay up!  Why would they make such a nice screen that won't stick in place.  After all, it's got magnets in the corners.  I finally got smart.  GOOGLE IT.  No kidding, you can get the answer to almost anything ... it might be wrong sometimes, but it's an answer.

The one thing I never thought of to do ..... OPEN THE DOOR.  You open the door, slap the thing on the window and CLOSE the door.  They fit perfect and stay in place.  Who knew??  Truthfully, it wasn't that easy since you have to balance on the step to be able to reach high enough ... but that's doable.  The difference in inside temperature is amazing.

Problem solving makes me hungry.  It's time to try out that fabulous shepherds pie.  Here we go folks ... remember, I try these so you don't have to.  

And believe me, you don't WANT to try this one.  It doesn't look quite like the picture, does it.  In fact, it looks like some nasty baby food ... or maybe ... okay, I won't go there.  Be BRAVE Nancy ... taste it.  The potatoes .. that's the white stuff ... were like glue.  The brown gravy kind of stuff had no flavor whatsoever, and the nice chunks of meat in the above photo magically turned into a big pile of ground up something akin to sand.  Do NOT ... I repeat ... DO NOT BUY THIS!!  It's the worst thing I've eaten in my life.  Marie Callender ... I'm highly disappointed in you!!

It gives me chills now, just looking at the photo.  So on with my day, I got a couple more Amazon packages.  It's been like Christmas around here, though I've had to return several.  These are the light bars for the bathroom and the closet.  Wow ... they put out a LOT of light!  You do have to charge them via USB, but the charge lasts for a long time.  

And FINALLY .... the fan!!  I had one of these in my Class A rig and I loved it.  It was very quiet, but now squeals like a pig caught in a fence.  Great minds think alike because just as I received the fan, I received an email from Miss Terry (of Gypsy Journal fame and Chef extraordinaire) saying this one was the fan to have.  

She was right ... it can be run on batteries or plugged in and is quiet as a mouse!!  PLUS it puts out an amazing amount of air even on the low setting.  

My stack on the counter of things to put in the rig is getting higher.  The problem will be finding the room.  Remember, I've still got two kids who require food, snacks, leashes and paperwork!!

After a long day of Reno Rodeo, it was time for another taste test.  I used to eat these a lot when I worked.  They were cheap and quite tasty.  I don't know what happened, but the tasty part seems to have disappeared.  This looks quite yummy, yes?

Isn't this false advertising???  I mean really, the only thing that looks the same are the carrots.  Even the peas don't match.  This is AFTER the cooking, not before.  At least there were 6 chunks of chicken, but they were NOT nicely brown.  I admit, I ate those and threw the rest away.  

My plan of taking frozen meals in the rig so I don't have to cook much, just went out the window.  I guess I'll have to make a couple recipes of my own and freeze them in little containers.  At least they would be edible!!

Mr. Cooper wasn't impressed with the heat and spent much of the day on the couch.  I know because I was right beside him ... and it's not even really hot yet.  

This morning, friend Renate is coming over to get some info on her holding tanks, along with some suggestions for electrical/battery stuff.  I think I've finally got that part straightened out, except for one thing.  Several sites say that as long as you are plugged in, your CHASSIS battery will also be charged.  I'm not sure about that part and will make a call to Canada this morning to ask that question.   

As for the rest of it, as Bill and Dave have said ... just leave it all turned on all the time.  The only time to turn OFF the batteries is when it's freezing cold.  Lithium batteries don't like being cold.

And so we are preparing for another warm day ... HAPPY SUNDAY!!!


  1. I don't think you will get cold enough in Merced Area to worry about freezing your batteries. Also, since they are inside the rig, just keep a heater going "if" it gets a bit cold. I too am watching the Chassis Batteries, but I plan to drive the van once or twice a week minimum, so I am not as concerned. But a $50 solar panel just to keep the engine battery charged 'might' be in our future, just to be sure. Since I have a generator, I set it up so if house drops below 12v, it will kick on until it gets up to 12.7 OR an hour of generator has taken place. Won't kick on between 9 pm and 7 am.

    1. I'm pretty sure I will NEVER be in weather that cold. A solar panel to keep the chassis batteries up, now that's an idea. Seeing the generator by voltage ... that's an idea. I was thinking more for AC for the kids.

  2. It's supposed to be 120 in Bakersfield on July 6th!
    We are supposed to get hot in SLO too.
    Happy Saturday!
    From the looks of those frozen meals I think frozen pizza might be better.

    1. Frances ... we think alike. I'm on the frozen pizza track now!! Hate this heat.

    2. Nancy give her chicken pot pies a try. I love the crust and fillings. Do not look at the calories. Dee

  3. Hi again from NC, it's hot here too, but we get a small break on Monday, back to high 90 to 100 by Thursday. I have been purchasing Lean Cuisine meals and add to them for a quick meal. I cook ahead protein so it's easy to add some additional chicken or beef to the vegetables and starches in the meals.

    I tend to pick chicken meals and some of the pasta with red sauce meals. The local grocery just emptied the shelves if two of my favorites. I'm hoping it was an inventory thing.

    I do not buy Marie Calander. Got cured years ago when the chicken pot pie was yuck. Used to eat the Swanson pies when I was a kid and it just did not taste good..
    Amy's has a few I will pick up.. they are more pricey and quantities seem to be shrinking. . They dont have meat so I add a burger to the cheese enchilada and beans.

    There are some rice and vegetable options that can be microwaved in the bag. Cuts down on time and heat generated when cooking in hot weather.

    Stouffers and Lean Cuisine are the same company, and there are a few pasta type meals I purchase from that brand too.

    I was trying to figure out what was in the big black bag from an earlier posting, so I did some googling and found a youtube from an older couple explaining about how to use the door shade covers and that the front windscreen cover was too heavy for the wife to manage. They liked the window covers, but if the weather is bad, that makes it inconvenient to put up ot remove since you gave to open the door. They purchased some lighter weight Weather Tech shades. It's all a learning curve. Keep on posting all your adventures in kitting out the new van.

    M in NC

    1. I admit, there are better brands and better tasting fast meals, but they are so expensive, I've shied off. I'll have to make some myself. I'm laughing because of the 'RAIN' in that video. I watched the same one!!

  4. I bought the S.Pie also but waited to see if you liked it.....mine looked just like yours....TERRIBLE. I stick with Stouffer's Lasagna or the Chicken ala King. Cereal is always good or sandwiches when don't want to cook!! Can always go out to eat and let someone else cook! :):)

    1. Ooooh lasagna ... that's a good one. I agree ... going out to eat is MUCH better!

  5. Mr. Ed said
    I was going to tell you shepherds pie for Marie Callender sucks, but you’ve already bought it and you have to test it for yourself and you and I come to the same conclusion as for plugging your RV in there’s a number of trains of thought when you are running down the road you’re charging the engine batteries and the chassis batteries when your solar system is working you’re charging your chassis batteries not the engine battery when your generator is running you’re charging your chassis batteries not the engine battery when you plug-in to an RV park you’re charging your chassis batteries not your engine batteries although you may have an override for chassis battery to engine, battery switches under the rear bed??? ,,,so your best friend will be your EMC gauge that little blue gauge under your DC power icon just try not to discharge it below 40%
    So technically, leave it alone
    and cold weather and lithium batteries, please don’t scare us if you remember we’re in global warming
    Although many types of lithium batteries can continue operating above subzero temperatures, it's essential that they're not charged when the weather dips below freezing. Charging a lithium-ion battery when its internal temperature is below 25° F can cause long-term and permanent damage to the batteries

    1. Got it!!! I have no intention of being in weather that cold, but you never know ... the weather guessers might get it wrong!!

  6. The picture vs reality pictures of those meals are hilarious. You just saved me from ever buying one!

    1. Oh and I have MORE!!! And MORE FISH pictures please!!

  7. I buy the Great Value (Walmart) Shepherds Pie. Is big enough for two people. I must admit though that I spice mine up with Wickle's Original Relish on top.

    1. Hmmm I've never seen that one. Next time I'm there I'll check it out. Thank you!!

  8. Go to Costco and but Amylu chicken crumbles (White box. Sez it’s chicken taco meat). Easy fast way to heat the chicken in microwave and use as taco neat. Fast food that isGOOD.

    Or from market, try frozen Amylu cheese and black bean enchiladas. They are pricey (about $6.00 for two in pismo beach) but they are tasty and easy to heat in microwave. Much better than marie Calendar

    1. Chicken crumbles? Gosh ... so many things I've not seen or heard about. I'll definitely check that one out!! Amylu ... that's a new name to me also. Thank you for the recommendations!!

  9. The Product picture looks like they used uncooked food. That's why your's doesn't look the same.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. That could very well be. I guess if they showed what it really looked like, NO ONE would buy it!!

  10. We were told Marie Callendars sold 3 or so years ago. A company back east bought it. The food and pies were never the same and our restaurant closed down and was demolished. Now a McDonalds is being built. That’s probably why the frozen foods are a mess.
    Hang in there, surely with your smarts you will conquer
    these RV van problems. Our money is on you !!
    Linda a.

    1. I didn't know that Linda. That's probably why the food has changed so much. Too sad ... those pot pies were so good!!
