Saturday, June 29, 2024


 Enjoy it while you can!  It's going to get HOT HOT HOT this week, so there's going to be lots of NOTHING going on around here.  I admit, it's boring as all get out, having to stay inside.  That's why I head out early.  

Looky here ... another blooming plant, or tree as the case may be.  No use moving your head because YES, the tree is crooked.  When they planted it, they never staked it.  By the time I came along, it was what it was going to be.  

Next to that you see the sad results of a big wind last week.  These beauties finally bloomed after all these years before getting thrashed.  I cut off the droopy ones and left one or two.  Then it was on to weed spraying yet again.  I completely forgot the entire front area by my mailbox.  Weeds were already two feet tall.

I STILL have not filled in around that sprinkler, so that's numero uno on my list for today.

Then it was back into the camper van.  I discovered quite by accident that the bag with the extremely heavy and awkward front window sunscreen ALSO contained SIDE screens.  Well let's just try them out!  This is cool ... they are MAGNETIC.  Now that's an idea!!!  Perfect fit and insulated as well.  Too bad the front one is so heavy and awkward I can't even get it OUT of the bag, let alone set it up.

Here's an interesting little tidbit.  I got a call yesterday from Canada.  Yes I know a few folks there, but they know that it costs me $15.00 to speak to them, so we use Messenger instead.  I'm pretty sure my bill just went up by at LEAST that amount because this MORNING ... that would be 18 hours later ... I received a voice mail from the call I did NOT answer.

It's crazy ... it was from PleasureWay Canada.  They thanked me for purchasing their rig and provided me with a phone number and an email address for personal service with any questions or problems for the next year.  WOW!  Now THAT'S what I call SERVICE!!

Throughout the day, my phone and credit card were HOT HOT HOT!!  I was reading everything I could on Facebook about problems (there were very few) and suggestions (there were a lot) about things to make life easier.  

Here's one ... these are battery operated light bars you can place anywhere you want, like in the bathroom where I need a little more light.  Don't want to scare the little kids with crazy hair, don't you know.  They can be motion activated, or just on/off.  They are also magnetic so you can take them down and recharge the batteries via USB.  Nice ... we shall see how long they last.  I'm guessing I'll need all six placed around the mirror!!

For my afternoon enjoyment, finding it hard to get into my house due to the large stack of Amazon boxes, I grabbed my handy dandy box cutter and went to work.  Why they package all this stuff in boxes twice as large as needed is beyond me.  Their cardboard bill must be extraordinarily high!!  My bin is full to the brim and I still have boxes left.  Well that was fun .... destruction always is!!

Tired of watching rodeos, I hit my sewing room trying to tidy up a bit.  It's hard when you still have Arizona moving stuff stacked everywhere, now towering with RV things stacked on the very top.  Did I ever show you the ugly surfing material I refused to use?  I have a request for another baby quilt .... for a surfer dude.

That's a tall order and I haven't been able to find anything.  While scrounging in some boxes, I couldn't believe my eyes.  There at the bottom was this crazy panel I picked up maybe ten years ago.  I got straight to work adding three borders around it and VOILA!!!  A baby quilt for ... believe it or not ... one of the Australian world champion surfers.  He's having a boy, so do you think this will work?  Yes, I too am shocked that I know someone from this little town that is related to him.

And so, crazy as it seems, yet ANOTHER month has just disappeared into the horizon.  I imagine in about 4 weeks I'll be four years older!!  

Notice I haven't even mentioned the DEBATE?  Elder abuse is not a good thing.  

And so life goes on as I order yet another Amazon package.  I think that's four in the mail now, one of which was destroyed somewhere in Stockton California, and I cannot order another.  Oh gee ... more time on the Amazon website.  I wonder what I'll find now!!!


  1. Just curious: Just how many of those Beach Panels did you buy? You gave Cindy Three, which she has finished! See you soon.

    1. There must have been four. I thought I gave all of them to you ... lucky to have found one left over for this quilt!!

  2. Love your quilt! I don't think there's a picture of a quilt you have made that I don't like. Each one is awesome.
    Happy Saturday!!

    1. Thank you so much!! Funny how I'm liking the smaller ones now. SO much less work!!

  3. What kind of tree is that in your yard that is flowering?
    Very pretty !
    The quilt is perfect for a surfer guys new baby. You are a creative gal Nancy.
    Have fun getting to know your new van !

    1. That is a crepe myrtle. Not that I remembered ... Miss Patty sent me a message ... "in case you didn't remember, that's a crepe myrtle"!!! LOL

    2. Please tell Miss Patty Thank you !

  4. If the windscreen cover is that heavy who in the hell would be using it, maybe some big strong man but to me it seems silly to have something so useful be so damn heavy many wouldn't be able to use it.

    1. Definitely ... I think it was meant for a MAN to install when needed. Way too heavy for a gal.

  5. Love the quilt panel, it'll be perfect!
    I love those big purple flower balls too, the winds up here would sure bend them over. In a vase, they would be lovely.

    1. My neighbor has about 20 of those plants. They are magnificent!! She brought over a big vase full of them one year. They are large agapanthus.
