Thursday, June 13, 2024

That ONE Neighbor!!

 OH WHAT A DAY!  Isn't there a song by that name?  It went through my head all night long, meaning I'm yawning in my coffee this morning.

It was hot hot hot!!!  I have to say that when they tell you it's not that hot in Arizona when it's 118, they are correct compared to right here in river city.  It was 101 ... not bad, right?  But worse than I think I have ever felt here.

Since I've done all this hard work of purging to make my rig lighter, I decided to try and find somewhere local to take it for maintenance (local as in 45 miles away).  I have a trip coming up next month.  You know the drill ... grease the axles and whatever else they do to the wheels it rolls on.

Another biggie is checking the roof.  Ever since CoVid hit, Grand Design has had major problems with the  roof membrane coming loose and being ripped off going down the highway.  There have also been major water leaks and now front caps are coming off because they used bolts that were too small.  YIKES!!  

I said a lot of prayers when I dropped it off.  A Maintenance guy jumped right up on the roof for a look see.  I was amazed when I heard it's in FINE condition except for two little screws coming up out of that white caulk stuff at the front.  No biggie he said.  What a relief THAT was.  I should get it back in a week or three.

In the meantime, I'm still digging through all the junk.  Truly, there is no need for three of everything.  It also gives me a chance to wash all eight of those rugs!!

Back home after three bottles of water and sweating up a storm in the heat, I went outside to see what I might do with the toolbox.  I dumped it on the gravel and let it dry out.  No kidding folks ... this is MAJOR.  This won't be "wipe off the rust and WD40 it".  It's BAD with a capital B.  

If I find duplicates in my other toolboxes ... just like the duplicates in the rig ... it may just be more trouble than it's worth to try and save them.

Dinner was ... let's say different.  On a trip to Costco I spotted a spice bottle of Onion Butter.  Gosh .. it sounded like it would be good on SOMETHING!  Last night, I found out that was "not-so-much".  The recipe said to sprinkle it on your chicken tenders and air fry.  

They look yummy, yes?  Do they taste yummy?  NO.  There's a strong taste of butter, but who puts butter on their chicken tenders?????  The flavor of onion escaped me altogether.   However ... I ate them with enthusiasm because I was starving!

There I was, languishing on the couch with a full belly when I realized Cooper was panting and I was once again hotter than my concrete sidewalk.  I hear the AC ... but it's not COOL air.  A very loud audible sigh came from my mouth.  No no no .... please don't let my AC go out on the hottest day of the year so far.

Oh yes Nancy ... here's just another major problem for you to handle at the end of a long day.  This thing in the picture below wasn't making ANY noise.  I turned the system off and began the search for AC repair.  Then I remembered my GOOD neighbor has a son who just went through AC Tech School.  If nothing else, I'll ask them who to call for repairs.

How could I possibly be so lucky as to live next to that ONE neighbor ... the BEST EVER in this entire neighborhood!!!  The HUSBAND was over in ten minutes to check it out because AC repairs are part of his job.  

It's the capacitor he said ... and I've got one in my truck.  Twenty minutes later, that was fixed.  Then he got his ladder and crawled up into my attic to check fuses.  Yup ... blew one.  

With all THAT done, the thermostat control went haywire.  Why they put it in this silly hole in the wall is beyond me.  He finally got the cover off and sure enough ... this Made In China control is toast.  Another trip to his truck and he had two in hand.  One was too big for the hole.

I watched intently as he switched it out to this one, so I would know how to do it when the OTHER AC unit goes out, because you KNOW if one does, the other is not far behind.  This one is not programmable, but it worked like a charm.  THE AC IS BACK ON!!!  What a relief!  I admit, it only got up to 86 inside, but that's like an oven to me!

By now it's 8:30 at night.  Just who do you know that would come over and do all that work so late?  I may have the worst neighbor ever on one side, but I have the absolute BEST one on the other side.  He's even going to get a programmable unit and replace this one for me.

I didn't sleep much ... my brain was just going too fast.  It's going to be another two-cuppa day!!


  1. The idiot that originally installed that should be jailed for life with only bread and water forever.

    There is a cleaner, ZUD, that is very good at removing rust but that means a lot of work. I buy a lot of tools at estate sales.

    If you ever come to East Texas, it should probably be in the winter. One thermostat is on 80 and the other in the atrium is on 84.

    1. I guess they thought it was "decorative"?? I've no idea. I do admit that being older, I require a lot more COOL than previously. Seems it should be the other way around!

  2. Sure glad you got your AC fixed.
    Stay cool my friend!

    1. Me too Frances ... me too! Maybe I should move to North Dakota ... or Alaska! LOL

  3. My take on the tools is, TOSS THEM! And am I seeing that right, you have a thermostat OUTSIDE, or is that a picture inside with stucco walls around it??? Finally, I wish I can share our weather with is only 85 right now...both the temp and the humidity. "Feels like" 99 degrees, and it is only 10:15 am...

    1. That thermostat is INSIDE. So weird how they did it. It's sheetrock and texture, but WHY the inset, I've no idea.

  4. My a/c unit is on the roof. Thermostat is in the house. Tool box is in the house. Buy NEW TOOLS - one each. :)
    I use Johnny's Season Salt - chicken,pork,beef,eggs!!

    1. I like your idea about the tools!!!!! And I'll look for Johnnys season salt. The onion butter is a no go.

  5. Wow. What a day! It was very toasty yesterday. But when evening hit we had a nice breeze. Thank God for good neighbors!

    1. No breeze here. And I'm so very lucky to have these nice neighbors.

  6. Your 101 degrees is my 38 degrees and yeah that is stinking bloody hot, the toolbox would be a right off if it was mine as I am too lazy to try and do something with it. Why do air cons like to play up or pack it in on a stinking hot day or during a heatwave.

  7. Nancy, I think you would love South Dakota, they dont get the extreme cold like North Dakota gets. But who knows what future weather will bring, seems weather is getting more extreme no matter the state. Dee
