Thursday, June 6, 2024

Just A Hot Day

 Woohoo we got roasted yesterday!  I like my toast extra crispy and that's what we got, but nothing like what's supposed to arrive one week from now.  Of course we all know the weather guessers aren't right that often, so maybe this is the time for them to blow it!  It was 101 yesterday, but heading on up to a scorching 107 by next Wednesday.  

When they say it's a dry heat in the desert, they are right.  There were many days there of 110 and up that didn't affect me like 101 does here.  That makes it an easy choice ... just stay inside in the air conditioning.

I started off like gangbusters though!  Let's tidy up the yard some more.  Nope ... too hot.  Let's tidy up the garage!  Nope ... too hot.  Let's VACUUM!!  Hahahaha you know that wasn't ME saying that!  But I did reach down and push the button on JAMES, my robot butler!

That's when the screaming began.  Yikes!!  If a parrot is in pain or discomfort, believe me, you will know it.  I rushed over to the cage to find Jonathan in distress over a long flight feather hanging off his wing.  He's molting, so I expected that, but this is truly weird.  

After several attempts at cutting it off without losing any of my fingers, I almost gave up.  Now he thinks I'M hurting him and is doing everything possible to sink his sharp beak into my flesh.  Finally, it came loose with a horrific SCREECH from Jonathan.  SUCCESS!!  Well that was just weird ... feathers usually fall right out without hurting them.  

Before it got too hot, Mark stopped back by to try and thread this piece where the grey water dump handle should be.  The original handle was put on with just a tiny set screw that fell off the first trip I took.  We thought to thread the stem and screw on another handle.  That didn't work.

Come to find out, that stem is hollow, requiring a handle like this one, which was not available when I looked for one two years ago.  I finally found one and placed an order yesterday.  Hopefully this will be a quick fix ... maybe.

I figured before it got REAL hot, I would head on off to the Elks for a check signing party.  Honestly, this is like running a huge business!!  Somehow I missed the memo that no one would be there.  We did get a little bit done, with a promise that I would return tonight for our "inspection", to make sure we are doing things properly.  There are rules, don't you know!!

Back home, I crashed.  Up too late, can't sleep, heat ... all a recipe to fall asleep on the couch watching Xtreme Bull Riding.  Lucky for me, I had ordered Hello Fresh and could actually cook something for dinner.

This is that Shepherds Pie I had once before.  Thanks to Barbara Westerfield who had me over to dinner, THS is my favorite meal.  No, I didn't eat the whole thing, but I certainly COULD have!  It's that good!

I'm determined to get a little something done in the garage today.  Every time I walk in there, I cringe.  And there's still that fuel tank that needs to be emptied of sand.  After that I'll probably lounge in my fridge for an hour or so before contemplating the meeting tonight.  It's going to be a long one!!!


  1. I don't blame you for staying inside from the heat.
    That Shepherds pie looks delicious!
    Keep cool!
    Frances :)

  2. Who is the "Inspector"? Is it a fellow Elks person(s) or is it a county health inspector, or what???

    1. It is an Elks person ... a much higher up kind of guy. They come to check out all the things we are doing and to see if we can do more. Gosh ... I think we have maybe 20 committee chairmen who all have to give a report of their yearly activities.
