Monday, June 3, 2024

Popping Balloons!

 It was a long day Sunday.  You know how sometimes you have lots to do and problems to figure out?  That was Sunday.  In spite of the coolish weather, I didn't spent ANY of my time outside.  

First off, my supplemental insurance sent a bill for $540.00.  My good day balloon burst!!!  Well that's not happening since I send them a check automatically every month.  It's frustrating to say the least when as you know, you ALWAYS get someone who cannot speak good English.  This is an American company ... why do you hire folks from China??  She said I didn't pay last month and was late this month.  I hung up.

I was on the verge of just paying it when I decided to call once again.  THIS one, though speaking the same broken English, actually SAW my last payment and admitted they changed the due dates to earlier without telling me.  Problem one solved.

It was time for my skinny breakfast.  I stole this sign from Mr. Ed because it's exactly what happens to every diet I've ever been on.  BANG!!  That was another balloon popping!!

Actually I have been doing okay on the diet wagon ... so far.  As you know, I have no willpower when it comes to sugar.  I try to emulate Patsy at every turn since she's so much better at it than I am.  Here's my grilled cheese and tomato lunch on low carb bread.  I know she loves this bread, but it's a hard swallow for me.  I don't know about you, but that almond flour just doesn't hit the spot.  I eat it, but I'd rather have Sheepherder or Sourdough!!

After breakfast, I went after my email problem with a vengeance.  It just seems like they would make computers easier to manage because let's face it, most of us are not techy geniuses.  I have gained a bit of knowledge over the many years, only because one of my jobs with the County involved learning how to use one of the first desktops ever made, so I could teach everyone else how to use it. 

Sadly, we have come so far, they are now very convoluted and hard to navigate.  I learned a lot when I had questions about my husband and my computer.  I began an epic search through every single dark cobwebbed corner of my machine.  Believe me when I say if you delete it, it's still there.  It resulted in a divorce.  That was a BIG balloon!!

So when I actually sat down and began the email quest, it took quite a while to delve into the deep recesses to find there are many places in which to turn your email on or off line.  I rather imagine it was one of those emails I accidentally clicked on, or maybe "I" accidentally clicked something.  That does happen on occasion.

However ..... SUCCESS!!  I found that section, and although it took a few minutes to get it to turn back to ONLINE, I finally succeeded.  My email has returned.  What a pain and a HUGE waste of time!!  Not that I had anything else to do anyway I suppose.

The good news was there were no balloon popping sounds when I worked on this quilt once again.  I think I need to figure out a way to sew standing up.  My back complaineth just like I did about the email.  The blocks are now sewn into rows, but the rows are not sewn together.  I took several aspirin, but it did not do it on this day.  It's the beginning of 100 rodeos in 100 days on the Cowboy Channel, so I plopped on the couch like a popped balloon and watched for the next couple of hours.

This dinner .... THIS popped the last balloon of the day.  Time to eat the last of the taco-ish lettuce wraps.  It needed something.  I scanned the shelves of the fridge to find leftover honey mustard dressing from a spinach salad.  

It was a BIG mistake ... a BIG letdown after that first bite.  I scraped off the dressing as best I could.  Yeah, that didn't work out at all!!  I topped it off with a bitter chocolate candy to get rid of the taste in my mouth.  Oh for a huge serving of ice cream!!

I found at the end of the day I did still had ONE balloon in the air.  The keto ... low carb and no sugar ... diet is working.  Of course my cholesterol is probably through the roof.  I've lost FIVE pounds so far.  I have to admit, it's pretty fun when you put on your big girl shorts and they fall right off onto the floor as soon as you take a couple of steps.  Maybe now I can breathe a little better through those long Elks Meetings.


  1. Congrats on the weight loss. It's the sweets that kill me! I'm much better at staying away from them than I used to be.
    Your quilt is gorgeous!

    1. Thank you Frances ... I like this quilt too! Me too on the sweets ... It's so hard!!!

  2. Life is challenging enough without companies changing their due dates and the like. Why do they do that?!?

    I put a couple pictures of the inside of our camper in our most recent post.

    1. Right? It's been perfect for 12 years and now they want to change it. Can't wait to see your pics!

  3. Mr. Ed said if you’re using an Apple computer just dig into the email archives or the history book mark as I said before Apple has beginner classes that are free take your iPad and join. You’ll be amazed what you’re missing and what’s new especially in the AI side of computing

    so much simpler than a stinking PC that falls under the favorite past history
    I spare no expense when it comes to Walmart bread at $1.34
    And that’s for a whole loaf
    if you have a bread machine why not make your own favorite sourdough/sheepherder there’s 1,000,001 recipes experiment on the first two if you like what you get throw one in the freezer Plus it will make the house smell nice if you do it before you have company they’ll think you’re Just a busy baker just make sure you hide the bread machine👀🤫

    1. I do make my own bread ... but it's far FAR from low carb. When they come up with a low carb bread machine recipe, I'll be all over it! Yup I love my Apple, it just takes time to figure that stuff out.

  4. Losing weight always feels good.
    Ring a call centre get someone with limited english, sounds about right.
    I am not tech savvy but I know a bit more the Tim

    1. If you can figure out how to write and post a blog, you're pretty tech savvy in my book.
