Friday, November 17, 2023

The World Keeps Turning

 LOOKY HERE!!!!  COFFEE!!!!  Funny how I can get so excited about a little can-o-cappucino.  When I received that email from childhood friend Frances (we were classmates), I did a happy dance around the room for ten minutes.  Then this happened.  That wonderful friend not only found my coffee ... she bought a case and sent it to me.  I can't thank her enough.  And so this mornings blog comes to you from Frances because I've got coffee to wake me up!  Yes, I went online and ordered another case!

It's been a long few days.  Turning the clock back means I have to stay up an hour later every night for the 
Elks Lodge required attendance.  If it weren't for this guy keeping me laughing ... and Frances' coffee ... I'd probably be sacked out on the couch!!

The first appointment of the day was early.  On my return from Tucson last time, the driver's side air bag died.  I wondered why I was feeling a little sway in the rig.  I took it back to the installer, who took pictures before fixing it.  The fix didn't last.  This was my second trip.

They sent the pictures to the manufacturer, who agreed to replace it for free.  It just happens ... how coincidental ... that the shop is right next to Hobby Lobby.  Those of you who know this store, know it's a dangerous place to go.  I want absolutely everything I see.

I probably never would have done this, since I haven't participated in the last five or six years, but I saw a (wait for it) .... CHRISTMAS tree on a friends webpage.  I don't know what in the world got into me, but I had to have a tree this year.  

Yup .... it comes in a box from China, where else.  Honestly, I don't know whether it's better to chop down a beautiful tree or buy junk.  The good news is it was 50% off ... which means nothing actually, because EVERYTHING in the store is 50% off.  They just double the prices and put a discount sticker on it.

I laughed when this is the first thing I pulled out of the box.  It says do NOT take it back to the store.  What, I should put it on a slow boat to China??

Here's my inspiration.  Yup ... she put up a tree for Thanksgiving.  Seriously, she must be a professional designer.  Just LOOK at that thing!

And here we are!!  My magnificent tree!!!  I instantly knew it wasn't going to look like THAT one.  

I'll work on it, after I rest up from last night's LONG installation of members at the Elks Lodge.  We currently have over 1500 members and they just keep coming.  

It was Farm Equipment night when all the farmers come out for a nice New York steak.  At least I think it was nice because I got just a small piece of one.  We have been a little lax in our control and it seems non-members have been coming and just walking through the line without paying.  Nancy volunteered to take the tickets.  

Our outside barbecue is a big one, but not big enough to cook 190 steaks on the grill at once.  The line came to a screeching halt several times.  In no time at all they ran out of green beans ... ahhhh, no green beans .... and I watched as they began cutting the baked potatoes in half.  Well that's not good!!  Someone needs to tell the MEN (because it's all men who are in charge of these meals) that they can't base the amount of food on the attendance from two years ago!

I was starving when I got home.  Lucky for me, I had made this tasty key lime cheesecake and stuck it in the freezer.  Yes that's a big piece gone, but it's my small pan, only 6" across.  

As the world keeps turning, though sometimes I wish it would slow down a little, I'm going to enjoy TWO cups of coffee, followed by CHEESECAKE for breakfast.  Maybe that will jumpstart my batteries so I can conquer that tree!!!  

Back to the OLD stuff tomorrow ... and a truck question for the guys.


  1. Nice of Frances to send you coffee to go with the pie! I hope that was a plant behind that decorated tree and not part of the tree. It will be an interesting post when you show us your final product! I’m looking forward to it.


    1. You know Deb ... I thought it was part of the tree, but now you have me wondering! LOL

  2. Frances is such a good friend sending you a case of coffee.
    Your key lime pie looks so yummy.
    Have a great day !

    1. Yes she is!!!! Last time I looked there was no coffee to be found. Now I see they are making it again.

  3. What a wonderful friend!! That should keep you perky for a while!😄
    Love the tree! Once you spread those branches it will be awesome. How tall is it?

    1. They have two sizes Patsy ... 7' (this one) and 5' I think. Called pencil trees, they are about 2' wide at the base. Perfect for an RV!

  4. It was my pleasure Nancy.
    I'm so happy to have reconnected with you after all these years.

    1. You are a gem Frances. I thought I'd never see this coffee again.

  5. Coffee helps to get things done! Your tree will look better with some sparkly stuff on it! Pie? Now I need to make my Cool Whip / Key Lime pie. You're a GREAT influence on me! Thx!

    1. I think your key lime pie is amazing, and you are worth it!! Enjoy!!!

  6. You have your work cut out for you if your tree is going to look like the example. But I have all the faith in the world that you will get there! What I do not have faith in is humanity. What the hell is wrong with people trying to sneak in line for a free steak supper?!?!

    1. Well I'm glad someone has faith in my decorating skills, because I don't! Humanity doesn't surprise me any more after working Bingo! LOL

  7. Looking forward to seeing how the tree comes out. Estimating how much food to buy for these type of meals is a difficult task. In the restaurant business we always had to guess how busy our weekends were going to be. If you don't have enough food delivered by Friday, you are not going to get another delivery until Monday or even Tuesdays.

  8. Key lime cheesecake? That got my attention. If it's easy, I might do it. Is it?

    1. I will get the recipe and post it for you tomorrow Judith. It's very easy to make and quite delicious!

  9. Hobby Lobby is a very dangerous store and the "sales" are tempting. Looking forward to seeing what you do with that tree.
    Seriously, how sad that people go through a line for a steak and not pay. So basically stealing from an organization thats goal is to give back to their community.

    1. That's it on both points Deb! I guess they think it should be free since they pay dues. You know, it's only ONE little steak! Won't they be surprised when we raise the dues because we can't make ends meet!
