Monday, May 4, 2020


When is a fire not a fire?  No, I didn't burn my house down with my cooking, but I'd like to take a stab at burning my entire back yard.  I think we talked about this once before.  This entire county is built on top of ant hills.  When you purchase property, there is small print ... VERY small print ... that tells you that little known fact.

Normally, they are just those little sugar ants which are no big deal.  Yesterday we had an event of epic proportions which cancelled my travel plans and today I go to WAR!!

Like a little 6 year old, I thought it would be funny to cover up the three big openings into this ant nest with grass.  I mean completely cover it up.  Within two hours, there wasn't a single blade of grass to be seen.  Wow ... industrious little buggers.

So what would a little kid do?  I covered them up completely with sand and tamped it down nicely.  Maybe they will go away.  Sadly, that didn't happen.  I guess I just made them mad.  My first line of defense was the can of ant spray.  An ENTIRE can.

Two hours went by and they were back at it, not caring a wit that the sand was soaked in poison.  I finally left them alone.  BIG mistake!!
At about 12:00 I let the puppies outside.  In a few seconds, even though he didn't go anywhere near the ant hill, Cooper had his leg in the air and was literally crying.  I raced over thinking he must have been stung by a wasp.  They sometimes lay in wait in the grass.

I checked his foot and grabbed a bag of ice.  In fifteen minutes he was no better, so I went digging in his foot.  There was one of those HUGE ants, about a quarter inch long.   I dug it out and smashed it on the couch, but not before another one on his fur BIT ME!!

Cooper could not be consoled.  He refused to put his foot down and wouldn't lay down so I could ice it some more.  I finally had to carry him for about thirty minutes before sitting down.  By then, my arm was screaming because someone was sticking a sharp knife deep into the tissue.  Good heavens ... is this what Cooper is feeling?  I almost cried.

I laid him on my stomach and held him tight as his foot twitched.  Another hour and he fell asleep.  TWO hours later as the screaming pain in my arm began to recede, Cooper finally woke up and tried to walk.  At last he put his foot down and walked over to get his ball.  My sweet little boy was okay.

I on the other hand, have a huge red welt on my arm that still feels like there's a knife in there.  I'm thinking those must be fire ants.
This morning, the war begins.  Since I don't have any gasoline, my weapon of choice, I'm going for bleach.  I'm not sure it's going to work, but I'll try anything.  I would call the County, but they are of course, closed down.  If the bleach doesn't work, I'll go buy a gas can.  I'm not letting my kids gets bit again!!

So much for my foray into the outside world.  I spent the rest of the evening finishing up this lap quilt.  Gee ... only NINE more quilts to go!!
I'm heading for my cowboy boots and my bottle of bleach.  Wish me luck!!

By the way, I'm curious.  Are alcohol and marijuana essential in your neck of the woods?  Funny that those businesses were never shut down.  Just wondering.


  1. Oh no! We've never experienced a bite from them but have been warned about fire ants. Poor Cooper! Poor Nancy! Yup, if the bleach doesn't work, go for the gusto with gasoline.
    Good luck!

  2. There are Specific Ant Sprays that kill off Fire Ants and anything below them. Since your yard is so infested I'd recommend getting the container you dilute into a sprayer and do your entire yard. Wear Rubber Boots and spray them first so the Ants don't bite your legs.
    Fire Ant Bites are that painful. I've had them.
    Be Safe and Enjoy your battle.

    It's about time.

  3. Walmart sells marijuana ,,, now that's a novel idea
    Sounds like you got fire ants. They have a granular did you can buy to kill tham bad boys. But you really need to get a pest control to do the whole yard unless you have a lawn spreader You can buy the bags at Lowe's or Home Depot
    As for the bite spray Windex or alcohol helps stop the itching

    1. They have a bug spray for the yard that you hook up to the Garden hose that will take care of the regular little pasty's fire ants are a different story

    2. Yeah I think those fire ants are pretty sturdy. Hopefully I can get them to move somewhere else.

  4. Those bits sound nasty! Hope you and your sweet baby recovered! We were always able to buy liquor and marijuana in this state since the quarantine. I was told those are sin taxes that the state does not want to lose! Never mind all the jobs and small businesss that are now lost.

    1. Really? Now I had not heard that. I bet they have had a lot of customers since the quarantine!!

  5. I have had good luck with a product called " AMDRO " ANT BLOCKER
    I found it at Lowe's I think . I have used it for inside sugar ants and out side for other types of ant's . You can use a small closed plastic container with holes cut in to it so ants can come and go but yours babies couldn't get to the bait. Good luck and just remember about the cow in Chicago when come's to fire. Vern in Boise Id.

    1. Thank you Vern ... I'll see if I can find some here. I was hoping the local Farm and Ag Department would come extinguish them for me, but so far they aren't answering the phone!

  6. Gasoline is my first choice too. Kills almost anything

  7. We had Fire Ants pretty bad in Arkansas the entire 20+ years I lived there. The best treatment I know is AMDRO Fire Ant Bait. The thing is you won't see immediate results as you do with a insecticide contact killer, but what you do see is the entire ant nest(s) killed as the bait is taken to the nest(s) and kills the entire nest(s). The contact insecticide doesn't get into the nest, and all you do is put a temporary hold on a bad situation. A guy from the county extension office came to our Rotary Club and gave a real good presentation on this. "IF" you can talk your neighbors into treating their yards, it can keep them away from your yard for a few years. Otherwise, it is a yearly thing you have to do. You have to give it a week, but it really works.

    1. I will definitely check it out. I'm a little leery of pesticides around the puppies. Maybe I can put it on the other side of the fence and they will carry it back to their nest.

  8. Good luck with the fire ants. Much worse than the horde of caterpillars we battled. Don't let them win. Go with the Amdro Fire Ant Bait. Good luck.

    1. Definitely! I have to say Doug, I will never forget that hike!!

  9. We had read somewhere that pouring club soda on the nest will kill them. Tried it once with little success, maybe it will work for you?!?!

    1. Gosh, that's one I haven't heard of. Hey, I'll try anything!

  10. Poor Cooper and your arm! I'd be out to kill them anyway I could. Looks like good suggestions up above! Yes, apparently alcohol and marijuana are essentials here in Nevada. Warped ways of thinking huh? Our Casinos are all closed and many will not reopen again. Those poor people out of jobs, for what?!
