Thursday, November 28, 2024


Happy Happy .... it's TURKEY DAY here in Central California.  I'm all over the turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy.  I could pretty much do without everything else, but decorum requires a vegetable.  I have a choice between cheesy broccoli, bacon smothered peas or carrots swimming in maple syrup.  Or maybe I'll forget to cook those "good for you" things. 

The day started off on a good note with a little sun.  My Christmas light timer did its thing and turned off right on schedule.  It's so nice when those really cheap electrical controllers actually work.

After breakfast, my kid went right back to sleep.  Oh to sleep like a dog!!  In three seconds he's out like those Christmas lights.

My intention was to spend today cooking up a storm, but instead, I have accepted an invitation to my friends house.  You'll have to wait to hear about all the disasters that seem to accompany MY big Thanksgiving dinner.  I'll be cooking it up tomorrow instead.

In the meantime, I did whip up a batch of cornbread, stolen from Jonathan.  His bird biscuits are 90% cornbread from a box mix.  I baked this on a sheet tray, cut it up and am waiting for it to dry out.  The bad part is every time I walk by, I grab a piece.  You know, just to see how it's doing in the drying phase.  By tomorrow, there probably won't be any left!  It's SO GOOD!!

I finally grabbed a section of smoked ribs from the freezer for lunch.  It amazes me how good they still are, even when microwaved.  By the way, when did you get your first microwave?  I think mine was a 1969 model that weighed in at around 100 pounds. No kidding, that thing was HEAVY!  Mostly I just used it to reheat stuff.

Occasionally I would grind up perfectly good canned ham, mix it with barbecue sauce and pile it up on hamburger buns, to be wrapped up and frozen.  When it was time for lunch, I would nuke them for a couple minutes and VOILA!  Ham sandwiches.  That actually sounds TERRIBLE now, but they were delicious back then!  

I did try a couple hot dogs, which exploded nicely, causing an hours cleanup on aisle one.  Now I doubt I could live without one because there would be WAY too many pots and pans on the counter from reheating stuff, that would never get washed.  

The weather was so nice, I went out to check the van.  I plugged the solar charger back in before turning on the inverter and 12 volt power.  Sure enough, my solar panels, despite the rain and clouds, have kept the batteries at 100%.  That's a plus!!  

I know you can plug the charger in to the cigarette lighter and set it on the dash, but only if the lighter is hot all the time.  It appears that mine only works when the engine is on.

Dinner was a healthy chunk-o-salmon, not so much for me, but for the Kid.  All of a sudden, Mr. Cooper is gaining weight faster than he should.  Apparently we share the same problem.  Surprisingly, he ate his little portion with gusto.  I'm trying to get him off the dry dog food since it seems to cause so much itching and scratching.  It's like trying to take ice cream and cookies away from me!!!

Evening brought a big surprise when I went to gather up my trash cans at the curb.  WOW!  Where in the world did they get these trees?  I think my neighbors have four spread across their yard.  THIS one now lives in MY yard!  I love it!

Of course my phone camera doesn't do it justice, so I may have to get out my REAL camera.  This is just the beginning of their masterpiece.  I love the green wreaths up top!  On the left there's a creche scene that's just beautiful.  I'll try to get pictures of that too.  What a show stopper this is!

That was it ... a nice quiet day at home with this bundle of joy!  Leave me alone Mom, I'm SLEEPING!

Here's wishing you a wonderful happy food-filled day with your family on this Turkey Day.  I'm so very thankful for all my friends who read this crazy, sometimes boring blog, and give me a lot of much needed advice to keep me going.  I appreciate each and every one of you!!



  1. Happy Thanksgiving Nancy and enjoy your day.

    1. Thank you Sue ... Happy Thanksgiving to you as well.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving!
    Thankful to reconnect with an great childhood friend.
    Enjoy your day!

    1. Me too Frances ... I can't believe after all these years we connected once again. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!! And thank the Hubby for his advice!

  3. Mr. Ed’s said enjoy your holiday
    History is interesting
    1946: The first commercial microwave—the RadaRange— is sold by Raytheon to restaurants, large canteens and ships' galleys. It was nearly six feet tall, weighed more than 750 pounds, used about 3,000 watts of power and sold for roughly $5,000. 1967: The first microwave for residential use comes to market.

    My First microwave Experience Probably about the same time 1968 The job site I worked on just installed one Didn’t like it at first because it didn’t brown my Turkey and cranberry sandwich After about 15 Minutes I gave up After that Note to self it doesn’t get brown, but Caution it sure does gets hot and Burns..
    You don’t need vegetables just substitute Tillamook ice cream and you’ll be fine. Just don’t put it in the microwave oven. Otherwise you’ll have Tillasoup.
    The next time you’re shopping pick up Microwavable bags put your ribs in there and let them cook in their own juice. Comes out better.
    They have an adapter for your solar charger you can plug it into A working USB your solar charger only puts out a small amount, so that set up would work

    1. That was a pretty crazy invention ... and now there's one in every home. If it browned, it would replace ovens!! Happy Thanksgiving Ed .. hope you enjoyed your day.

  4. In 1967 we visited Jerry's family in Seattle. His mom worked in an "experimental" kitchen at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center. That was the first time we saw a microwave oven and surprisingly it was quite small. Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Pretty amazing little device. I think it's burned me more than my oven! Happy Happy Elva!!!!

  5. Happy Thanksgiving Nancy.

    Perhaps Cooper has an allergy with something in the dry food. I had a Yellow Lab that did the itching and scratching, along with ear infections. After spending many dollars on vets, lab testing, etc., it was determined she was allergic to wheat. We put her on fish/potato - salmon sweet potato dry food with no wheat and her problems disappeared.

    1. I have a feeling that's what is happening. His food says it does not have any grains, but I don't believe them. Surprisingly, he's eating the salmon. I'll try some potato also. Hope you had a wonderful day!!

  6. Happy Thanksgiving! I'm sure not having to cook today was something to be thankful for. Looking forward to the photo of your home cooked turkey which I think will be excellent!

    1. I think it was a first. I always seem to be the cook. I'll roast my turkey today and take some pics. Hopefully I don't burn it!

  7. Happy thanksgiving. Hope you had a great day. Becky

    1. It was pretty fun just to sit there and not cook! Happy Thanksgiving Becky!

  8. Happy Thanksgiving Nancy. I don't think my first microwave was that heavy, but the ones we've had in the Suite sure are!!

    1. And to think they are just hung up there with a bolt or two!! Hope your turkey get-together turned out well.

  9. Our first big purchase was a microwave from the store I worked at. It was huge & heavy. I remember it costing $299 & the cash register only did sales up to 99.99. They had to ring that up three times. We were still printing & putting price tags on items back then. Kids can't imagine that pallet of boxes and every item needs a price tag. I worked in the vitamin/OTC drugs/cigars/etc. Price changes required new, or covering completely, the old tag! Things sure have changed.

    1. Amazing, isn't it? I don't think they worked all that great either, because I remember always have a hole burned in the middle! LOL

    2. We had something we nicknamed "the bomb". You wound it up and it turned the food. It ticked like a bomb, but fixed hotspots.
