Monday, August 26, 2024

She's ALIVE!

 I opened my eyes to find I was in an RV campground office.  They were flooding the floors with water so as to mop up the days mess.  Folks were scrounging for their license plates before the inspector got there.  I headed to MY rig, to find they had been using it as a lunchroom.  Nooooo ... there are BEARS out there.  They will come into my rig for the FOOD!!  In that second, a huge grizzly crashed through the door.

I WOKE UP!!  Thank goodness!!  I'm not sure if that was the normal nightmare or the wasp sting!!

This is going to be short and sweet.  I did absolutely nothing all day but keep my arm up in the air and take a few more Benadryl.  It got worse.  My arm has now doubled in size, is red from my armpit to my wrist and itches like crazy.  Pretty sure I would qualify for a WWE wrestling match, or at least a good stab at arm wrestling!!

I tried some sweets for breakfast ... surely sugar will make it all better!!   I was wrong.

I did try to get into an urgent care office, but alas, they are all closed on Sundays.  The Hospital had a wait line about 5 hours long.  Might as well just stay home, and so I did.  

I made one foray out to the rig to check the batteries.  After maybe four days (I can't remember much before the wasp sting) of being completely shut down except for the solar panels under the cover, the battery is at 100%.  Or at least that's what it said.  I didn't try to run anything, I just closed her back up.

I also checked MY batteries while I was at it.  Blood pressure is fine, oxygen rate is great and I'm still breathing, so I think I'll live.  Maybe I'll even get back to a little sewing today.  The less I think about it, the less it itches.

Dinner was a bust.  Hey Dave ... they now have KETO tortillas.  Not bad really, but I found out after the fact that you should toast them FIRST ... then add the toppings for a finally cook.  This was air fried for a few minutes ... pepperoni, olives and cheese with a terrible pizza sauce from Savemart.  It was actually edible, but then again I eat ANY pizza, even the frozen ones, and think they are just GREAT! 

That's it folks ... nothing exciting on this day that was spent on the couch.  

Anyone want to arm wrestle???????


  1. Mr. Ed said welcome to the yellow brick Road of Benadryl no🐇
    Looks more like a sick Mexican pizza to me but drop the olives

    1. I was right
      What is a Mexican Pizza?
      Mexican Pizza -
      It consists of two tortillas with a filling of seasoned beef and refried beans, topped with tomato sauce, three cheeses, and diced tomatoes.
      Thank goodness, there’s no jalapeño 👺

    2. Yeah, not the best of pizzas, that's for sure. I'll do better next time!!

  2. Oh my Nancy sounds like you are very allergic to wasp stings. Glad you are keeping an eye on it.

  3. Marcia keeps telling me to make a pizza out of our low carb Mission Tortillas... I think it is time to ask your doctor for an EpiPen of Epinephrine before the next wasp sting takes you out... By-the-way, did you ever get that blogger email thing worked out???? That is so strange....

    1. EpiPen it is if my insurance will pay for one! On the blogger, I deleted the "send me an email thing" for a few days. Then I put it back on, but I don't receive them any more at all. It's weird.

  4. As a retired EMT, GET the EpiPen the Epinephrine could save you, one day. :)

    1. Thank you Norm. It's at the top of my list now!!

  5. Mr. Ed said this to Nancy or anyone

    I’m glad you’re better BUT stop playing Russian roulette, with bees, wasps and hornets
    Anytime you get a bee sting wasp sting hornet sting 1 or more call 91 1. Tell them it’s a non-emergency that you have a bee hornet or wasp sting you may be susceptible and would like to have paramedics. Check you out. It’s called cover your ass.
    If you get stung more than once, don’t hesitate call 911
    And sheriffs department most PD’s, and all paramedics they carry the epic pen

    If you have an EpiPen, administer it as soon as symptoms begin. If you have a history of wasp allergies, administer the EpiPen as soon as you're stung and then call 911. Treatment for severe allergic reactions to wasp stings actually at the hospital they will include: additional epinephrine to calm your immune system.
    The pen is not cheap, check with your local pharmacist. I believe it’s the same pan they use for drug /heart/respiratory trauma issues ..They sometimes have a program that the epic pen is free but I don’t know what it takes to qualify for that part but if you can find it through your medical insurance company that’s another avenue to check out
    Severe allergic reaction
    A severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) to bee stings is potentially life-threatening and requires emergency treatment. A small percentage of people who are stung by a bee or other insect quickly develop anaphylaxis. Signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis include:
    * Skin reactions, including hives and itching and flushed or pale skin
    * Difficulty breathing
    * Swelling of the throat and tongue
    * A weak, rapid pulse
    * Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
    * Dizziness or fainting
    * Loss of consciousness
    People who have a severe allergic reaction to a bee sting have a 25% to 65% chance of anaphylaxis the next time they're stung. Talk to your doctor or an allergy specialist about prevention measures such as immunotherapy ("allergy shots") to avoid a similar reaction in case you get stung again.

    In the future, please, If you get stung one time or twice, call 911

    1. It's funny that you can get Narcan by the dozen to keep in case you overdose ... FOR FREE ... but you have to pay an exorbitant price for epic-pens, so most insurance won't cover them. I'll check it out.

  6. I have to agree with your last two commenters. Get thee to a doctor. This is not the usual reaction!

    1. Well ... my Doctor quit a few months ago. Haven't been able to find one in this area that is taking new patients. That means Urgent Care, which is only open during the week or the hospital emergency room where you wait 5-6 hours to be seen. Next time I'll call 911.

  7. Yes you need to see a doctor but I get it is easier said then done, it's a shame you don't have doctor to your door like we do, it's an after hours doctor service that comes to you and if they come before midnight they bulk bill so no cost to the patient. I guess all you can do is the best you are able to do

    1. Wow ... that's service Joanne. I think next time I'll try the on-line doctors. That's about all that is left in this area.

  8. I have to agree with the majority. Get thee to a doctor. That is so not normal.

    1. I agree ... though it was weird, there were no effects to my lungs or breathing. Just my arm!

  9. Skip the doctor. I'm sure you will feel better soon. Just take it easy and scratch. Maybe some baking soda paste will help.

    1. Hahaha Doug .... actually I AM feeling better ... but I'm sure next time that won't be the case. Every time the effects get worse.
