Saturday, August 17, 2024


Another day, another dollar ... spent!  I ordered a different kind of hinge for the dog ramp.  I'm determined to make this thing work!!

It's another lovely morning, but someone turned up the heat a bit.  Maybe it's Ernesto in the Caribbean.  We are almost at 70 degrees and it's only 5:00 am.

What's the chicken you ask?  It's an iPhone advertisement of course.  Weird .... very weird.  At any rate, the hotspot on my phone works ... worked would be a better word.  Here's the thing.  Why do you have to do an immediate update on the brand new phone you just bought?  

Apparently the hotspot would not work because the BRAND NEW PHONE was not new enough to connect with the new computer unless updated.  Now everything on my phone is different.  Different settings, different screens and everything works differently.  I spent much of the day putting back all of my security measures and settings.  Of course now, it refuses to connect to my computer.  BIG SIGH!!  

I gave up at noon and loaded the cowboy quilt.  Apparently my dexterity is not what it used to be.  After a frustrating hour trying to get the red snappers to work (I think my bars are smaller and therefore harder to get the fabric straight) ... I gave up.  Yup .... I pinned it.  

Next up ... hunt down several patterns for the squares.  I have maybe three on the machine that might work, but nothing that really flipped my skirt.

So I tried shopping online.  It didn't take long before I was falling asleep at the wheel.  There are 79 pages of designs.  By the time I got to the good ones, they were $20.00 each and I could barely keep my eyes open.  Maybe I'll have lunch instead.

In the meantime, I called PleasureWay about a question I had on the van.  Every time I go in, the inverter is running on high speed.  That can't be good for it.  I'm plugged in, so it's keeping the computer screens running and the outlets active.  Can I just turn all that stuff off?

Yes he said ... I can.  But unlike my other rig, I have to unplug the van completely, turn off the electronics main switch and turn off the inverter main switch.  So what is going to charge the lithium coach batteries?  Nothing I guess.  So won't they die?  And how long might that take before I plug it back in?  I just can't wrap my head around all this electronic stuff.  Can I plug it back in but leave the inverter off or is it the inverter that charges the batteries?

Sewing is SO much easier.  Sort of ... but at least if you make a mistake, you can take it all apart and make it good again.  Which is exactly what I had to do with this one when I discovered after it was all done, that the bottom of the third row was stitched on upside down.  Oh my Great Aunt Sally!!!!  

I ignored it as long as I could.  I am not fixing it.  I am NOT fixing it.  It's just fine!!!  I'm fixing it.  I just couldn't stand it.  Magically, I might have just learned how to do it, because if I held one side down, my little ripper just breezed along between the layers and didn't cut anything it wasn't supposed to.  It was MAGIC!!  I finished sewing it back together and it all took maybe 15 minutes.  

And then I finished it up with borders.  DONE!  Backing will be a challenge on this one since this fabric is probably ten years old.  It's pretty hard to match design and color, but I think it turned out pretty nice.  Beer worthy, to say the least.

What's that you ask?  The Gooding Pro Rodeo is held in Gooding Idaho every year.  They have been breaking attendance records consistently.  What's different is the rough stock are some of the best in the business.  If you ride them and the BEER WORTHY sign is held up, the rider runs over to the specially approved LADIES BEER STAND in the grandstand for a beer.  

Let's be honest ... they get a beer for riding, for falling off and for just being a cowboy!!  

SEW ... (see what I did there?) THIS is my new coffee cup, stolen from Mr. Ed's Facebook account.  I NEED THIS!!  

I'll be back on the computer today to see if I can find any more patterns, so maybe ... just maybe ... I'll order this coffee cup so I can surf the web and stay awake at the same time!!


  1. A beautiful quilt I love the colors and the pattern.
    Happy Saturday!

    1. Thank you Frances. Surprisingly, it was really easy to sew.


  2. Mr. Ed 👉A quick lesson in solar electronics your solar panels are under the canopy not a problem during the day they’re still getting minuscule amount of charge known as a trickle charge. That solar power is going to your MPPT controller from there it goes to your batteries. From your batteries to the inverter
    Now, if you shut the inverter off, your batteries, will still charge .before it reaches the inverter. Once you turn your inverter on, it will produce power to your refrigerator your electric outlets, your TV, your air conditioner.
    Another thing you want to keep in mind you may have overlooked on your diagram your 1x12 wood is not 12 inches wide. The finished product is actually 3/4 x 1 1/4 so when you get your hinge you’re going to have to cut an inch off of it. Otherwise, it will overlap. Nice mug I can’t remember where I found it you’re welcome copy anytime

    1. The reason why they want you to update your NEW phone and your computer as well it is because from the time they manufactured it last year till today could be a new software change
      if you go into your phone or computer systems there’s a menu for latest updates if you turn it on, it will automatically update by itself when needed or prompt you to upload

    2. my bad again it should have said finish product is 3/4 x 11. 1/4

    3. Well .... I doubt I have any hinge cutting tool. We'll see when it gets here. So WHY oh WHY don't they update the phone before they give it to you?????

  3. Technical things confuse me, I just can't get my head around a lot of the stuff, I also can't sew tried it when I was much younger sucked at it and gave up

    1. I'm with you Joanne. So hard to get my head around all that electronic stuff ... which is why I have to keep asking the questions!

  4. I'm with Jo-Anne. It's like the song 'I can't dance, don't ask me' except substitute 'tech' or 'sew'...........and yes! I can dance and would love to!! ha ha. Your quilt is very nice, not surprising, you always find the perfect patterns to match.

    1. I suck at all that electronic stuff ... as you and Bill know!!

  5. In our van, the converter charges the batteries when we are plugged in. It CONVERTS the 110 volts to 12 volts to run your 12 volts system and charge batteries. In some rigs the inverter and converter are all one unit. If you simply turn off your inverter, does your batteries still charge, does you TV still work??? If so, than keep it off while plugged in.

    1. I have NO idea. I do know the inverter has to be one to run the control panels, which tell me if the batteries are charging. I'm so confused about everything else.

  6. You sure are getting more than your fair share of challenges lately! Barb and I have the same phones and even the functionality between those two are different!
