Sunday, August 4, 2024

Saturday ... A Day of Rest

A good Sunday morning to you!  I've never had such crazy nightmares as I did this morning.  I definitely need to watch my P's and Q's.  Unfortunately however, I won't be going to church to ask for help.  Instead, there is an Elks meeting being held in another town that I have been summoned to.  Truly, it's a nothing meeting, but they promised DONUTS if I showed up.  Who could turn THAT down!!

The first order of the day was to set JAMES in motion, cleaning the floors.  I tripped over him three times before kicking him across the room.  He went back to his station in disgust.  Maybe we'll try again tomorrow.

I fixed breakfast first in spite of the donuts.  That will be lunch.  This is the cranberry cinnamon bread from THAT store.  Gosh this stuff is tasty.  Alas, I won't be getting any more loaves of it soon, so I'm savoring every bite.  Cooper and I share the egg ... one scrambled and WELL cooked.  Otherwise, he makes a big mess on the couch.

I had two things on the menu for this day.  Putting my new license plates on the Van was first on the list.  Remember that Canadian screwdriver?  Was it a Robertson?  Anyway, I lucked out finding a small cash of weird screwdriver tips for my Ryobi drill and was able to get the back plate on.  The included screws were 1/4" long.  I doubt it will last long.

The front plate was another problem altogether.  NO screws were included and the holes were teeny tiny.  Lucky again, I save screws and general crap in my tool drawer.  I found four that worked, but again, I don't know how long they will stay on.

Next up ... the reason my lawn is brown in back instead of green.  That spot by the rose bush?  That's where I got bit by now a total of NINE fire ants.  Little buggers are long dead after a nice drink of gasoline.  Nothing else works .... so .......    

When I dug up the sprinkler, I found the ants had set up housekeeping not only around it, but INSIDE it.  The entire sprinkler head was completely full of ant carcasses, allowing no water to escape.  

I threw away the top and installed a new one.  YAY ... water!!!  Now maybe the lawn will green up a bit.

It was way too hot to do anything the rest of the day except sew.  By the way, I actually DID turn the AC down to 79 degrees.  I may have to go lower and stay longer in Quartzsite this winter.  OH DARN!!

Here's the newest quilt called Publick House.  I think I bought this at least 8 years ago when I was passing through Reno.  The good thing about fabric is it never goes BAD.

I spent an hour or so cutting up parts and pieces.  It always looks so daunting when I start.  At my age, this takes a LOT of concentration and triple checking the directions.  You never want to make a mistake because they never include enough material to fix it.  Oh yeah ... everything is labeled so I don't sew the wrong one to the wrong one.  Which of course I did ... and had to take out a yard of stitching.  Then I labeled everything.

Just for kicks, I spent the evening making peanut butter cookies.  I'm not sure how these are going to taste.  I usually put peanut butter chips in them ... but I am OUT!  DRAT!!  I had to use chocolate chips.  They just don't taste the same, but as you know, SOMEONE has to eat them so as not to be wasteful!!

And so I'm off this morning to the 10:00 meeting that was changed to 9:30 last night at 9:00.  I'm already running late.  I hope everyone has a fabulous Sunday!!!


  1. Have you tried lookin on the Internet for that bread? It sounds awfully tasty. Maybe checking the package for address of-the company and emailing the question. As you can see, I’m not above pandering to the company when i have an obsession!
    Mat that force be with YOU!

    1. I just might have to do that. I think it was Aspen Bread Company, but I'll have to check the package in the freezer!

    2. Love your quilt!
      Enjoy your Sunday!

  2. Mr. Ed ๐ŸคกYou’re funny, you won’t use fire ant killer (it kills ants not dogs ) (not skunks either ) because of the pooche but you’ll use gasoline . ๐Ÿฉ☠️I know you’re going to say oh I didn’t use that much. You wonder …there goes the environment, besides, gasoline is technically ineffective.
    Granular Fire ant treatments are non-toxic to animals, including cats and dogs. When spread across a property, the granules settle deep in the grass, making it hard for animals to find enough bait to harm them. An animal would need to eat its body weight in bait for it to have any effect.
    Fire ants pose a greater risk to animals than the treatment does. They can become aggressive towards animals, and their nests can obstruct animals’ access to food and water sources.
    ๐Ÿ‘‰They make a spray fire ant killer that you put on the end of your garden hose. (If you’re worried Spray it at night)
    Your furry friends do not need to leave completely. Just give the products time to dry before letting your cats and dogs have free rein through the treated areas (about 30 minutes to an hour for outside treatments ๐Ÿœ๐Ÿœ๐Ÿœ๐Ÿœ

    1. Nope not trying it. Cooper ran right over the first time I used it and tried to eat some. "Avoid direct exposure to animals". A quarter cup of gas isn't going to kill the environment, but it did kill the ants. Besides, most of the ant hills are in dirt, not grass, so easy for the critters to pick it up, and last time I used it they didn't touch any of it. I had to scoop it up and throw it away. Maybe they will come up with another product.

  3. Peanut butter cookies with chocolate chips? That sounds delicious ๐Ÿ˜‹.

    1. They are not bad ... and I only eat ONE when I'm craving sweets.

  4. Nancy, if you want the license plate screws to stay in, place a dab of clear nail polish on the treads and quickly tighten them, that keeps them from vibrating out.

  5. Never had peanut butter cookies, in fact never heard of them before.

    1. Really? Oh Joanne ... cookies made with peanut butter are YUMMY!!

  6. I wonder where Jo-Anne lives? Never heard of p.b. cookies? By the way, Bill is on his way to get some! He'll say his wife won't make them because he eats them too fast. :) They look great, have fun with the quilt.
    and you go girl, with those darned ants!!

    1. Hahahaha I think I've heard that before! Joanne lives in Australia. I'm surprised they don't have peanut butter cookies there. I may have to send her some.

  7. You should know better than to name your floor cleaner James. That thing will never listen and always be stubborn!

    1. My laugh of the day ... and I'm betting Barb would agree with you!!!!
