Monday, August 5, 2024

Like Having A Husband

Oh my gosh ... I'm looking ahead at the forecast and I see night numbers in the 50s!!!  I'm so excited for a break in the heat to happen.  Of course we all know the weather guessers are never right, so we shall see.  I'm not betting the house on it.

Speaking of house ... it's like having a husband around here.  The pup snoring was epic last night, causing a sleeping pill and extra air conditioning to happen.  Watch where you walk too cuz there is stuff everywhere.  Can you say FIVE balls are underfoot?  I'm pretty used to it ... hearing the loud squeak when I step on one.  I've tried to hide one or two, but the nose knows.  He finds them every time ... and barks until I put it back on the floor.  Not that he plays with it, but it's there just in case.

I was off early ... earlier than expected when I got a call at 10:00 at night to say the meeting was at 9:30 instead of 10:00.  It's a 45 minute drive in this terrible race-car traffic.  No kidding ... I went 70 ... everyone else when 80 in a 65 mph zone.  With NO Highway Patrol on the roads, people just drive any speed they want and never get caught.

Wouldn't you know, the PRE meeting lasted until 10:00, so we were all early.  I'm pretty sure I'm going to be sick the next time there is a meeting.  It was long and boring, as meetings tend to be.

I was finally heading out the door, purposely missing the next TWO meetings.  They didn't pertain to me anyway, and I was on a mission.  Anyone know what this is?

Me either, BUT there is a computer store in this little town.  After a measly 6 years, my computer is giving me so much trouble I could just throw it out the window.  Not having a DSL connection makes it impossible to update anything.  Over time, things don't work, like picking up a connection to my MiFi.  I don't know if I've got bugs or just old age problems.

I'm sure you know THIS brand.  Actually, I thought I might just drive on home and hassle with mine another few months, but I'm here ... might as well look.

Obviously I did more than look.  Hopefully the hassle was worth it.  I'm a MacBook Pro fan from way back.  When you're running photography software, you need the extra oomph.  So OOMPH it is, though I almost didn't get it.

Not-so-smart Nancy left her major credit card in her shorts pocket back home.  No problem ... I'll use THIS one from Hawaiian Airlines.  NOPE ... denied.  WHAT?  Run it again.  Denied.  

Normally they send you a text or an email about fraud ... click if this is you.  Nothing ... crickets from my phone.  I tried calling, but they put me on hold for 15 minutes, then hung up on me.  You could see the steam coming from my ears.  

It took THREE debit cards to make the purchase.  Mostly because I only have TWO credit cards.  The purchase went through, but man oh man Nancy was not happy.  I didn't get my cash credit for using that card.

There was a mad rush when I got home, to cover those debit cards, but all is good.  Now to open my prize and set it up.  I got to about the fourth screen before I was completely lost.  Just walk away Nancy.

I made an appointment to go back today and set it up, moving all of my data from the old to the new.

FOUR HOURS LATER ... I finally get a call from the Credit Card company.  Of course I had to call them back, this time being on hold for 30 minutes.  No way was I hanging up until I gave them a piece of my mind, for all the good it would do. 

They cannot explain why I didn't get a text message, but finally, after another 30 minutes of "please hold", they unlocked my credit card.  If it weren't for the flying miles on that card (enough to go back and forth to Hawaii ten times first class for FREE), I would cut it up and get one from someone else.  It's nice to have cards, but boy what a hassle they can be!!!

SO .... Happy Monday .... I'm heading back for more pain and torture at Noon.  Wish me luck!!


  1. Getting a new computer can be a royal pain.
    Love the picture of Cooper such a cutie!

    1. Boy are you right Frances!!!!!

  2. I think it is time for Nancy to get a home Starlink connection...or the wandering version you can take with you on trips.... Also, don't let Elks suck you into a district or regional position...Rotary tried that with me and I quickly said "no thank you".

    1. I know I need Starlink, but in the end it will cost me even more. I've spent a bundle lately, so I'm waiting. No worries about the Elks ... I'm not going there EVER!!

  3. We constantly got our credit card stopped when we first started traveling. Then I explained to them that we travel fulltime and they did something to our account to stop it. No idea what.

    1. This is interesting. New computer won't put my name on replies ... says I'm anonymous! LOL. Weird ... I never had trouble when traveling ... not even $500 for fuel. But try to buy a computer and they nail you!!

  4. Mr. Ed said I think a lot of your issue on the computer is your hotspot you can always take whatever computer you have to the local library /coffee shop/ fast food/truckstop log in there and upload your software most of those places have reliable speed where your hotspot does not. It may be too late but while you’re at the appointment update, do your newest version on both computers
    as for your debit cards. not knowing your bank ,mine Wells Fargo allows me to make changes inside my account so I don’t have that issue , another bonus they even have when you’re leaving date vacation return date …. no live person needed
    I’ll trade you one hurricane with rain and 85° weather for some 50° weather

    1. I saw that ... no bueno!!! Hope all is okay.

  5. Thanks for putting a smile of my face, how did you do that, well it's that photo of the balls it made me imagine someone tripping over them ending up of the floor and a certain doggie jumping all over them thinking the new game of trip the human is so much fun to play. I know I'm weird.

    So much hassle just to pay for something and then the frustration of setting it up, I hope it is all up and running now.

    1. You got it Joanne ... Cooper would smother them thinking it was play time! LOL. New computers are always a pain. Hoping this one gets better quickly.

  6. Cooper, you make me laugh, kid. ♥
    So, when is it you're taking me to Hawaii?? I must have missed that date.
    Congrats on the laptop, you'll be set up in no time, but sorry about the credit card hassle. LOL

    1. Sadly, when I no longer have a puppy to babysit ... you and I (and Bill if he wants) will DEFINITELY go to Hawaii ... my treat!!

  7. hi Nancy,congrats on the new Apple: perhaps go through the setup with Apple Support they are really customer oriented & patient ,thank goodness.Probably Starlink is the way to go when you are ready-very fast plus much safer combined with Safari from being hacked & suits a mobile life as well. All those balls--what a hoot.All the best.

    1. I agree, Starlink will probably resolve most of my problems. Learning a new computer ... ooooowheeee!

  8. A James--Nancy you might like this blog re: use
