Wednesday, August 21, 2024


 Good Morning 69 degrees!!  I can't stop yawning.  It was a long day, followed by an even longer night but here I sit enjoying my morning cup of Joe and my fast internet.  There are still a couple of glitches with the email, but everything else works like a charm.  My banks no longer throw up the razor wire every time I try to check the balances.

It's that time again ... Bingo the day after a full moon.  I took my time getting ready ... no use being subjected to that any longer than necessary!!

But first ... the handshake.  Here it is.  When someone sticks their hand out like that, you're not sure WHAT to do.  You can't grab it because you can't get your hand around it, making for a very awkward situation.  You end up thumb wrestling!!  Nice guy .. just the weirdest handshake.

On with the day, I was off to the lodge to sign things and catch up with the bookkeeper.  So there I am, having nice conversation when my phone rings.  I don't answer, but get a voicemail.  We're at your house and the gate is locked.  WHAT??

Oh yeah ... it's the gangbangers out of L.A. come to fix the cable.  NOOOOO ... they told me you would call first and it wouldn't be until Friday.  "Yeah that Xfinity" he said ... "we NEVER talk to them".  "Can you come open the gate?"  No ... no I can't, I'm too far away.  There's a small gate around the side you can enter if that works.  

So that's what they did, and called me back in 20 minutes to say they pulled the cable and hooked it up.  Gee, that was fast!!  I checked out everything when I got home and nothing was missing or tagged with spray paint, so I guess I'm good to go!!  Who can pull a 150' cable that fast?  Aliens I tell you!!

And FINALLY it was Bingo time.  My Fairy Godmother was missing in action, as was my Lady in Waiting.  What?  I have to do this all by myself?  I'm am just too spoiled!!

The peasants were chomping at the bit.  One nice member thought she was doing a good deed.  Those silver tongued peasants talked her into putting their bags of dobbers and good luck charms at certain tables before they were allowed in.  The uproar was instantaneous!!  Only members are allowed to do that.  It probably would not have mattered except it was that SPECIAL seat with someone else's name stamped on it.  

The uproar was squelched by the King who admonished the member.  Poor thing was horrified, not knowing that was a NO-NO.  She apologized one hundred times.  

And so we were off ... calling numbers and winning money right and left.  You do have to know the rules and keep up with the games.  Most folks do just fine.  It's the poor newcomers who call Bingo after the next number is called.  TOO LATE.  If the caller calls the next number, you lose.  

In this case, the crowd went wild.  NO ... she does NOT have Bingo.  She called it too late!  After quieting everyone down, they finally called the NEXT number and she yelled BINGO once again.  NOOOOO went out over the entire room ... she's LATE!!  Turns out she missed calling the last number but the NEXT one was ALSO A BINGO for her.  That's just weird.  It's the full moon again!!!  She happily collected her money to the dismay of everyone else!!

Dinner was less than exciting.  I would show you a picture, but truly, you don't want to see it.  I usually go for the hard rock overcooked chicken tenders, but they give me indigestion like a champ.  This time I went for the chili cheese dog, no bun.  It might have been better if the hot dog was from the grill and not the big container of tepid water.  If only there was a place around here to get a nice sandwich to take with me.

The rest of the night at the Castle went pretty well until one of the players went through our little alcove throwing up the entire way.  NOOOOOOO!!  Nothing will make me have the same reaction faster than that!!  They made sure she was okay before she went back to playing.  I don't know, I think I heard someone in the back say GO HOME!!!

Thirty minutes later ... it happened again.  No ... I am NOT cleaning that up.  Lucky for us, we have one volunteer who is an EMT/Nurse.  He's used to it ... yes ... HE.  He cleaned it up while I looked the other direction.  Good grief ... if you are sick ..... STAY HOME!!  Or at least leave before you make everyone else sick!!

Two words ..... FULL MOON.

And so I ended another night with raging indigestion and a clothespin on my nose.  

BUT ....... I have GREAT internet this morning and a big bottle of Tums!  


  1. So happy you have a working internet.
    Enjoy your Wednesday!

    1. We certainly do get addicted to technology, don't we ...

  2. Mr. Ed said happiness is no clean 🤮 up after
    Cool mornings, (you’re a bum)
    The Xfinity alien gang probably knew more about your house and gate combination 👀👀👀they were just being polite.🤞🏻🤟🏻👌🤘
    Isn’t it fun sometimes when you bite the bullet👨🏻‍💻


    1. Now that you have a new computer have proper Internet instead of using the standard search engines that track your every move . try using a no tracking search engine suggesting DuckDuckGo I know it sounds stupid and funny but that’s the name of the company. They comes out on the top of the list. You can browse no tracking list from this website as well for information

    2. Yes, I agree & also use duck, duck go.

    3. No doubt the Crew could have gotten in any way they wanted! You will be surprised to hear that I use DuckDuckGo quite often.

  3. Someone was throwing up and didn't go home??? That's gross and rude!

  4. In early 2013 we were selling our house in Palm Harbor before moving into the Condo. When we had the realtor put up the for sale sign, he cut into the Xfinity fiber optic cable. They came out within 2 hours, ran the new cable two homes to the east, turned the corner and went another 3 homes north and we were back in business in less than an hour...only two guys. The cable they run does not go into a conduit, as one would is placed down about 6 inches, they just use a special wide shovel to open the ground a bit, put the cable in, and close it up again. I asked why no conduit and he said, "Cheaper to come and redo it like this than to run miles and miles of conduit to put the cable through to protect it."

    Don't know what I hated more...the smell of spoiled Cod or someone's barf at a table in the Restaurant business... (note: just takes one lazy cook who does not rotate the Cod when they pull new Cod from the Freezer to the Walk-in Fridge. Will not/Can not eat Cod to the day...)

    1. Hey Dave got one better Emporia Kansas.. Tyson,s Fresh smelling Meats Beef Processing Facility their life stock. Pens are up wind, their processing plant, and the town are downwind guarantee you won’t have an appetite there

    2. Madison, Wisconsin - Oscar Mayer plant - they go in as live cows & come out as hot dogs. It does smell like hot dogs in that part of town. Maybe the chili dogs were what made the bingo person sick?

    3. I think I probably wouldn't eat any fish for the rest of my life! LOL. Being from a ranch, I know the smells and can get around most of it ... but someone throwing up? No way!!!

  5. Ha ha, yay for great internet. I was hoping you got a pix of the moon, I caught it going behind the clouds. Bummer.

    1. One of these days I'll find a spot to capture the moon coming up over a mountain.

  6. Gross! Glad you are getting the computer and Internet things worked out though.

  7. Ok. I personally think the king should have put his foot down and ordered the vomiter to leave the premises. Just ick!!! So happy for you that you have internet with lots of speed. It's probably lucky you got guys to come fix the cable. For hire signs everywhere.
    We used acrylic paint. You'd really have fun with it.
