Tuesday, April 23, 2024


Never a dull moment around here as Mother Nature cools off just a tad bit yet again. You just have to have a sense of humor.  Mine is running pretty thin these days, but I'm trying hard to BUCK UP.

Lost hearing in my RIGHT eye too, but it came back this morning with a double dose of fake coffee.  I think it's the sugar rush. 

 I waited around for three hours ... SO very close to making that call to the Ag Department ... when the Weed Man guy finally showed up.  James was his name ... a nice young kid ... as we walked over to the lawn.  I watched his eyes bug out as he said OH.  

Yes I explained, it was not just a small drip.  It was a huge leak that dropped at least 15-20 gallons.  He was the one that could not respond to the kid doing my spraying because he was in Yosemite National Park on another job.  He thought the kid and I were exaggerating a bit.  No ... no we weren't.  

NO PROBLEM he said right off the bat.  We will fix ALL of it, all the way down to those very dark trees at the end of the fence.  I told him this was all sand and the chemicals had gone deep.  He said he would have his landscaper come and dig it all out real deep, haul in new sand and replace the entire area with new sod.  Okay then!  That was easy!  But time will tell.

I told him I felt so bad for the kid because he was kind of panicked and I hoped he didn't get fired.  Stuff happens!!  He thanked me for being so understanding about the whole thing and his landscaper will be here next Monday.  YAY!!  I can't remember the name of the chemical, but it is NOT glyphosate (roundup).  It's something else with a similar name.

Hey ... let's celebrate with some homemade pineapple upside down cake!  I have a big pan that makes huge cupcakes.  I placed a slice of pineapple in each hole, dropped in a little brown sugar and poured in white cake batter.  I think yellow cake mix might have been a little better.

After baking, I stuck the pan in the freezer.  When frozen, they came out pretty easily and I wrapped them in foil.

Time to try one out.  I dropped a little more brown sugar on the top because ... well you know my sweet tooth ... and popped it in the microwave for 30 seconds.  OH MY GOSH!  It was VERY good ... and I don't have to eat an entire cake in three days before it goes bad.

To help wear off the calories from eating THREE of them ... just kidding, I only ate one ... I went outside to try and fix the sprinklers.  Truly, they are easy to dig up and replace.  The problem comes from having two different manufacturers.  Nothing works the same when it comes to adjustments.  I'll have to explain that tomorrow however, because it's a long story.

Finally ... it was time to hit the hay.  Oh yeah ... a nice long sleep before Bingo!!  That's when I heard the noise ... HUGE EXPLOSIONS!  There's a party going on over my back fence.  I saw and heard the tents going up ... on a MONDAY night?  TENTS?  Who does THAT?  So I took Cooper and his blanket to the farthest room in my house.  It was 9:30 when the explosions began.

It was so bad that Cooper went ballistic ... which he NEVER does.  From the flashes coming through my bedroom windows at the far side of my house, it looked like they were in MY back yard.  It rattled the windows like never before.  I'm thinking they must be setting off flash bombs.  It made cars horns start honking all over the neighborhood.

I let it go the first time, thinking it was a one time thing.  The second time was even worse, longer and louder still.  I called 911.  I'm not putting up with this craziness.  I even told them exactly which house it was.  Turns out I was not the only caller.

The explosions continued so I called again.  For the second time, I gave them EXACT directions to the house.  Five minutes later the band stopped, so I knew they got a knock at the door.  I hope they got a big fine too.  The music started back up some time later, but it was very quiet for the rest of the night.  People are just so rude AND STUPID.  There are fields and fields of dry grass very close by here.

It's sad ... it used to be such a nice neighborhood ..........

I think I got to sleep around 11:30.  So much for being rested and awake for Bingo.  I'm hoping something like six cups of coffee will keep me awake long enough to finish the day on a high note.  


  1. Every time I hear "pineapple upside down cake" I think about my (our family) first dog, Snoopy. One Sunday night when we got back from Church we found that she had gotten up on the dining table and ate about half of a huge round pineapple upside down cake. Some of us ate what was left, others passed...didn't bother me a bit, except for having to clean up the doggie barf.

  2. Oh my goodness the fireworks looks like it could cause a serious fire.
    Enjoy your Bingo night!

    1. I'm wondering if my grandmother said the same thing about us. It's just hard for me to believe people can be so careless and rude to their neighbors. One guy is still looking for his dog that jumped the fence and ran away because he was so scared.

  3. Lost hearing in my left eye !!! :))) Almost spit out my coffee on that one! Rocks and boulders would eliminate sprinklers! AND are low maintenance - NONE! Now I'm hungry again !

    1. I'm glad my food makes SOMEONE hungry! I've definitely thought about big sections of rocks, but I'd have to hire a landscape guy to do the work. It would sure cut down on replacing sprinklers!

  4. Hopefully the landscaper will fix the grass issue to your satisfaction. I will require more mowing of grass, however :-)

    1. That's true ... I may talk to the landscaper and see what my options are. Maybe gravel would be better!

  5. Explosions? ....the stupidty of some people is still amazing.

    1. I mean BIG explosions. It was absolutely crazy. I can't believe how people think that's okay.

  6. Never tried pineapple upside down cake
    Losing the hearing in your right eye doesn't sound good, how is the vision in your right ear.

    1. Hahahaha Jo-Anne!!!! That's funny!! BAD .. it's BAD!

  7. Where was the Cool Whip

    1. OH YEAH!!! I completely forgot ... now I have to go to the store!!

  8. Good news on the lawn front, lets hope they follow through.

  9. I hope they follow through with the grass issue, it may take more than one visit, I would keep the number handy in case of a no show.
    Explosions….you can’t fix stupid, but apparently it can buy many things that should have a ‘cannot be purchased by the stupid’ sticker on it.

