Well that was fun!! We set a record yesterday for the warmest winter day ever. A lovely 71 degrees it was, meaning my heater didn't come on all day. Woohoo!! More money for food!
The heat however, did not keep me from my appointed task. Rodeo!! Yes, it's rodeo season once again. I admit, it's not as exciting as years past. All the new kids on the block are coming up. It's more fun when you know the guys, like Ky Hamilton from Australia.
Just like my all time favorite Stetson Wright, Ky got hurt last year and had to take the entire season off. But he's BACK! This is a close up of how they hang on to the bull rope. He will open his hand, lay the bull rope across his fingers and hold on for dear life. It's all about balance and leg strength.
This guy didn't have it. On the ground from the left .. the gate guy, the bullfighter, the bull ... and on the right, that big ball of blurry ... that's the rider. He lost the fight. In other good news, at another rodeo, Stetson is not only back, but he rode his two bulls and won the San Antonio Rodeo. Good times!
With that out of the way, it was time to drive the van. It's not hard to get ready ... unhook the electricity, open all the shades and manhandle the front window insulation that keeps out the heat. What takes the longest is closing all the cupboards and drawers, including the fridge so nothing slams open when turning. If I forget one, I know it very quickly!!
Interestingly enough, I think I have a propane problem again. I'm out of propane when I didn't even use it. I've had them check it previously with no results. Maybe it's where it connects to the generator? Everything else is turned off. I don't smell it ... but it's disappearing somewhere very slowly.
My first stop was for fuel at my usual station. Not bad ... $4.35 a gallon compared to $5.09 in December. The station across the street was $5.25.
I hit the fabric store with gusto ... and lots of problems for them to help me with. We could not match the problem border I had, so their suggestion was to take it off and change the color. That's why they get paid the big bucks!! GREAT idea.
This was the end result, the only ones that match in color to the quilts I'm working on. Hopefully fabric follows fuel prices soon. This was $163.00 that hopefully will turn into Quilts of Valor or Veterans quilts without too much hassle. I'm hoping to be reimbursed by the Elks Lodge for fabric, but I'm not sure that can happen since I'm a trustee. Most likely I will just write it off my taxes ... along with my time.
Once home, I spent quite a bit of time going through the boxes of stuff I received for those quilts, trying to come up with a pattern. Nothing ... I got nothing!! Thus the little package of Quilts of Valor patterns. Maybe this morning when my brain is a little more active I can come up with something for the panels that are in the box..
Dinner was an easy choice. I tried out those cauliflower pizza crust thingies. Here's my tip of the day, as given to me by the Pizza Queen Terry Russell. Always put down a layer of cheese right on the crust first. I didn't have provolone, so I used parmesan. That keeps the crust from getting soggy.
Next up ... sauce ... and more cheese. Yeah, I forgot the mozzarella, so I used cheddar. Finally, the toppings .. thin sliced onions, olives and pepperoni. I precook the pepperoni on a sheet pan in the oven to get rid of all the grease ... and there is a LOT!
Finally, into the oven at 425 for 14 minutes. I was shocked to find the crust came out PERFECT! It was crispy and crunchy ... not soggy at all ... kind of like a crisp cracker. I LOVE IT! Thank you to Shirley for this great tip. To make it even better, I didn't feel like I ate an entire horse!!
I tried to spend the evening sewing the binding on this quilt, but as you can tell, I didn't get far. It's okay, I'd rather get puppy snuggles.
And so another day has passed, bringing me back to yet another rousing night of BINGO!! Thankfully there's no full moon for the next couple of weeks. No steel armor should be required.
The bad news is it will be a late night, followed by a very early morning drive south to get my embroidery machine fixed while I wait. And so my blog friends, you won't be seeing a blog tomorrow morning. Late nights and early mornings should not be held back to back, but alas, I've no choice on the date or time. I'm taking a blanket though .. maybe I can catch up on some sleep in my truck. I'll see you Thursday morning!