Wednesday, December 6, 2023

It's A Short One

 Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.  Yesterday I was on the losing side.  Was it a full moon?  It sure felt like it.

Everything went wrong from the git-go.  I was out of the house at 10:00 and returned at 10:00 p.m.  It was one of those "if it could go wrong, it did" days.  

So not much of a blog today!  There was a special meeting which will continue today at 8:00 am, followed by an MRI on my back at noon (just to see what's really going on).  Maybe, just maybe I'll be able to sleep this afternoon in time for yet another meeting tonight.

Because of all that, or maybe DUE to all that, Bingo was crazy from everything you can imagine.  There were lost tickets, stolen dobbers, disappearing phones, big winners of $500 to $1199 and THREE people trying to run the infernal machine, who protested the loudest.  

Chaos erupted at every turn until I finally went screaming out the door!  Okay, not really screaming, but boy was I glad to hear that last BINGO so I could exit the building.  I'll explain more tomorrow after I have a chance to rest and recuperate.


  1. Good luck with the MRI, glad you're getting one done. Pray all is well.

  2. Praying for a good MRI.
    Hopefully you can rest a bit today.

    1. Rest ... what a nice thought!!! Thank you for the prayers Frances.

  3. Things can only get better now... I am hoping that my aches and pains go away soon, but I still have a number of things to bring in from the motorhome...then it is getting everything back in place where it belongs.

    1. Right? Little at a time Dave ... little at a time. Glad you are safe and sound.

  4. Those were some nice pay outs at bingo.

    1. Not bad ... some of the other big halls pay even more, but I think we do very well.

  5. Sorry to hear about your rough day. Sure hope today improves and your MRI shows your back healing up nicely.
