Friday, December 1, 2023


Only 24 more days until Christmas!  How could that be?  I checked out the back door for the predicted snow storm that would afford me another chance to make snowmen.  This didn't look too promising.  The sun was shining brightly the entire day.  Honestly, I don't see how the weather guys can always be so wrong.  You would think they might lose their jobs since their predictions are always out in left field.

At any rate, it was a day of tap tap tapping.  It started with the window.  AHA ... I'm going to catch you this time!  The second I went out the door, it stopped.  Next thing I knew, I heard it again and again.  Really, I thought it was probably just the neighbor building something.

I snuck out the back door to find something amazing.  There on the roof was a big crow with a pecan nut in his beak.  He was trying to open it by banging it on the roof cap.  It finally broke and he flew off with his treasure.  Nature sure is funny ... they usually just drop it on my concrete patio, which works every time.  Maybe the tapping will stop now, except for my fingers working the calculator.

At noon I finally took a break since I had an appointment to get the shocks on my truck replaced.  I went with Bilsteins for what I thought was a reasonable price.  When they told me about two hours, I sat down in the waiting room.  This was my view.  Nice rims!

That lasted all of five minutes.  Hobby Lobby the next block over was calling my name.  Truly, I don't get it.  I can see all of the old folks in there ... they are probably retired ... but that place was absolutely packed with younger people shopping for Christmas stuff.  Doesn't anyone work any more??  It's the old double the price and stick it on the item, then offer 50% off everything in the store game.  And it's working!!  I didn't part with any of my money.

Next I walked a couple of blocks to the hardware store.  I once again have a toilet leaking water on the floor, so it's time for some new guts.  They only had self checkout aisles, so I played the old lady game and asked the girl to please show me how this thing works.  She came right up and checked me out.  Works every time.

I really needed a bag, but she wanted to charge me.  Nope ... not paying for a bag.  Well she said quietly, you can just grab one for free.  I didn't see any, so I asked her where they were.  Hidden underneath the register were huge paper bags.  Where's the plastic I asked?

Oh ... we don't have plastic any more.  They aren't safe.  I laughed out loud while explaining to her ... we got rid of the paper bags because we were cutting down all the trees ... how terrible ... and went to plastic bags, which are now SO BAD for the environment, we're back to killing trees?????  Too bad the environmentalists already put the lumber companies out of business!!  The look on her face was priceless!

So now what to do ... I've still got way too much time to be walking around holding the box because I don't have a bag.  I spotted a book store off in the distance.  That's a rare thing nowadays ... book stores.  This one even had a coffee shop in the back.  Though it LOOKS like a Starbucks, it is not, however they do sell Starbucks coffee.  

I picked up the last book on the shelf from one of my favorite two authors.  Wow ... how books have increased in price.  It cost me $20.00 for a $7.00 book.  BUT .. I got a coupon for BOGO cookies.  How could I not partake in THAT!  

That drink and two cookies cost me $13.00.  How do people afford this stuff?  To make it even MORE ridiculous, on the way out I picked up a calendar book to write down all my hours I'm going to be working for the next month finishing up year-end books.  

I almost fell over.  That little book cost me $35.00!!!  I definitely had second thoughts, but she already rang it up ... and I do think we should support bookstores.  Good grief ... this little bookstore stop cost me $68.00!!!!  I won't make that mistake again.  Except the cookies .. they were delicious!!!

Finally, the call came through.  My truck was done.  I raced back to pick it up.  The difference in the feel of the truck is surprisingly much more than I thought.  Hopefully this will make the ride even better when I'm hooked up.

Back to work ... until time for the meeting.  I got home about 10:30, exhausted with achey fingers.  I'll be back at it today until it's time for the Twelve Days of Christmas.  What's that?  I'll explain tomorrow.


  1. So glad shocks on truck are making a difference. Husband buys that brand all the time.
    Don't wear your fingers out!

    1. Good to hear. Those shocks were recommended many more times than the others.

  2. Louise from Brandon, ManitobaDecember 1, 2023 at 7:37 AM

    I just love your blog. You make my day - keep it up.

    1. Hi Louise ... thank you so much! So very nice of you to say!

  3. Crows are clever and amazing creatures. How in the world do they figure those kinds of things out? Why didn't you just install the new shocks yourself? It seems like you can do everything else!

    1. Oh yeah, right!!! I don't think so!! I know when I'm at my limits! Sort of anyway!

  4. Just finished Diablo Mesa. You are gonna love it. Little slow off the line, but it picks up nicely. Quite a story line, especially if you are a UFO buff.

    1. Really!! I've read all their books, but leaned towards the Pendergast ones. So far it's fascinating and makes you wonder.

  5. I did not offer my opinion on shocks for the truck because I did not know what would be best...but my first instinct was that Bilsteins seem to always be good, so good choice there.

    1. Thanks Dave. I had never heard of them before Dan and several others recommended them. The guys know their stuff.

  6. That’s why Amazon is so popular but unfortunately they don’t deliver coffee…. Darn. Well if you ordered coffee and have grab delivered It would only be about $35 So you know the moral of the story……. say no to plastic. ☑️ Carry cash

    1. True that! Mega big business .. it's cheaper to order online and have it delivered.

  7. So now it's Nancy the plumber. You wear a lot of hats.

    1. I've been doing plumbing for a long time. If I mess up, I can call a plumber!
