Friday, January 17, 2025

Add Insult To Injury

 RAIN?  In Quartzsite?  Will wonders never cease.  But first ... let's wake up once again, dress like we are going to the Arctic and go for a walk.

This could possibly be why I don't sleep well.  Someone seems to think this is HIS bed ... and he's not sharing!  

Thank goodness Jon sleeps in his OWN bed ... or on the perch as the case may be.

Cooper and I made the rounds, then I proceeded to cook breakfast.  Obviously, I need lessons.  I do this at home with instant oatmeal all the time.  I don't know what happened here, unless it was because I used milk instead of water.  And it wasn't even DONE!!  I begrudgingly ate it and cleaned up the mess.

Then I was off into the sunrise.  I've been lax in my walking, so I headed out early.  I discovered that when you flail your arms back and forth, it affects your back.  So I tried my best to keep them at my side.  That means I looked like a wobbly drunk walking down the road.  Luckily I didn't get stopped by the PoPo.

The full moon was again setting in the West as I wobbled along, but when that first crossroad showed up, I made an immediate right, looking for a shortcut.

Not finding one, I continued along the paved road until I saw this guy hiding in the bushes.  It looked suspiciously like an alien watching me as I watched him.  What IS that?  Okay, it was my shadow.  Weird, yes?

Back home, I fixed a quick sandwich for lunch before heading to the puzzle.  Patsy joined me in a few and we made great leaps and bounds.  Maybe 21 of the 1,000 pieces found their home.  Enough of that!!  

While Cooper slept from his long 5 minute walk, I got out the yarn I purchased at the Craft Shop and began a small afghan for the rig.  It's a good pastime to keep me out of trouble.

Dinner was a lesson in frustration.  You probably expected that, since I haven't tried using the microwave/convection oven, other than to heat water for my coffee.  Look closely .... these Idahoan Au Gratin potatoes cost me 50 cents at the Green Tree store, and they are good until October of 2025.  Well let's just see how we can completely ruin them.

Right off the bat, just HOW do you make the convection oven work?  I hit the Convec button, then number 6 which was 325 degrees.  It heated up and quit.  No matter what I did, I could not tell it to stay on for 25 minutes.  

I googled it ... nothing.  I hit every button in every order I could, to no avail.  Anyone know how to make this thing work?  It would only run for a few minutes, so I kept resetting it over and over.  Seriously, I thought it might just explode at any second.  In the end, I gave up and microwaved them for 8 minutes.  

I know, I know ... Chef Patty and I have taken at least 10 microwave/convection cooking classes at RV rallies over the years, and I STILL can't make it happen.

So here they are.  I even added extra cheddar cheese in the hopes they would be edible.  I ate them, but they left a lot to be desired.  Oh WAIT ... maybe ONIONS would have made them better!!  They will be just fine for breakfast.

To add insult to injury, it rained.  You can see the arm of my chair on the patio.  It's now completely soaked, so there's no bringing it inside.  

The last sight of the night was a nice one though.  There's Patsy pointing it out.  We both ran in and out of our rigs three times making sure we caught the "good" one.

Mother Nature said goodnight with a few more raindrops on our heads, but we stayed high and dry.

Today there's lots of anticipation floating about ... the BIG TENT IS UP and the show starts TOMORROW!!  Be sure and read Bill and Patsy's blogs ... they have a surprise!!

Thursday, January 16, 2025


 It was a cold dark morning, like every morning in the desert, as I walked along the dusty road.  Yeah, I was once again walking the dog.  This kid ... he's so demanding.  

This is how he starts his mornings, playing hide and seek with the ball.  It makes no difference whatsoever that we only have 30 square feet to play in.  

It turns into a bad hair day every time.  

Some may remember a picture in Patsy's blog of Gibbs wearing this cute coat.  It was too small for him, but fits Mr. Cooper just fine.  Thank you Gibbs ... we love it!!

By 6:00 I was back on the dusty road to the laundry room.  I thought the washer was going to explode when it got lopsided and shook the entire building.  I jumped on top of it to calm it down.  Well that was fun!!  

Back at the rig, I had socks scattered over every level space and shirts hanging from every possible hook in the ceiling.  There's nothing like walking into a wet towel trying to get from one end to the other.

Once done, I went back to the clubhouse for coffee hour with homemade muffins.  Seriously, there is something going on every single day.

After that, I joined Patsy and Jess at Jess's craft class in town.  While it usually involves quilling, on this day we did something different.  Here's all the stuff we worked with.  Check out Patsy's blog to see the first one we made.

This is the second one, the tree of life shadow box.  It was a fun morning, enjoying the company of ten crazy ladies.  Of course I signed up for NEXT week's class too.

Back home, lunch was the last piece of the "Yuma" pizza.  It was quite tasty, this time heated up in the frying pan on the induction cooktop.  It came out okay, but I need to be more patient with it.

I did notice one thing, I seem to be walking well over 6,000 steps a day.  What the hay??  How could that be?  I'm sure it's good for me, but good golly ... I might just end up healthy again!

This was the last sight of the day.  Patsy and I worked on this awful puzzle I donated to her cause.  Patsy is the Queen of Puzzles.  She can take this 1000 piece monstrosity where it's 90% the exact same color, and put it together in a day or two.  

I worked all afternoon getting those six pieces together at the bottom.  She did all the rest.  The teacher gave me a D+.

To end the day ... I mean you should always end the day on a high note, yes? ... I dumped my tanks.  That's always fun entertainment.  No, I didn't get anything on me ... I've learned to be VERY careful with that lovely job.  Just for kicks, I also hooked up the city water.  I forgot how nice that is.  I suppose that means I should actually turn the hot water heater on too.  

Unlike previous years, we are having 65 degree days and 45 degree nights.  Although it's chilly and I wear a coat every day, it's better to turn on the HEAT at night, rather than the air conditioner when we are melting at 90 degrees inside.  

That being said, it's been sunny and gorgeous every day, while spending time with fun friends and GREAT watch pups!!!

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Satellite Advantages

It was a nice warm morning in the dark when I went outside to turn the propane on.  Yeah, I'm a wimp and needed a little more heat.  All the while, you know who was sleeping away!!

Lucky for me, I got another Bingo call late last night.  I guess when I get back, I'll have to write up a tutorial of exactly how to do everything.  No one remembered from last week, so we went through it again.  Yes, I expect a call NEXT week too!  But here's the thing, the more they do it without me, the more they CAN do it without me, right?

The main thing on my agenda today was getting television.  Jonathan and Cooper are great company, but actual humans speaking English, are required in my house.  Jonathan made the trip over to his babysitters to the excited woofs of Mr. Gibbs.  He's such a good watch pup!!  

Of course Jon began talking up a storm right away.  Gibbs was fascinated!!  He even stood on his hind feet to see what the heck was making that noise.  He was a good boy though, and didn't bother Jon at all, though as you can tell, he was getting the EVIL EYE from that green thing!

And so I was OFF to Satellite Advantage.  I drove slow, only to discover they were not open yet.  A tour of town ensued, getting completely lost somewhere out there.  Eventually, I made it back to the RV park where I headed out once again.  

 This is what I wanted, the same as was on my Class A and Fifth Wheel.  Sadly, there was no room ... and those 8 huge bolts made me a little nervous.

This was the only alternative.  It's a Dish Tailgater dome, installed where the local stations dome antenna was.  You know, the one that didn't work at all?  It looks like she has a big bump on her head now.

Here's the Wally receiver.  The hopper can't be used with this system, nor do I need to record anything.  Just give me the news and a few shows to watch, as well as FOOTBALL and RODEO!!  And so it was installed for a measly $750, with only $5.00 per month for the receiver to be added to my existing account.  I was shocked because I expected $2500.  They were done in under an hour.  I headed back to the park.

That's when the problems began.  I couldn't get it to do anything.  "No signal" stared at me over and over.  Back I drove where it worked perfectly.  Back to the RV Park and it wouldn't work.  ARRRGGGHHHH!!

We finally figured it out ... I must unplug it when I travel and plug it back in when I stop.  It automatically sets up each time, and finds the satellites by itself.  When I moved, I didn't reset.  In case you are interested, it needs more time to find the satellite than the big pricey system.  It also needs to move the dish if you pick a channel on the second satellite, as it will only connect to one at a time.  You have to be patient.  It will also probably NOT work outside the U.S. because the farther north you get, the greater the curvature of the earth, so the small satellite in the dome can't see well.  I can't complain because the price was right, and how many times do I go outside the U.S.

To keep from sawing holes in the cabinetry, I will velcro the lightweight receiver to the wall when I get some more heavy duty velcro.  LET THERE BE TV!!!  

To wile away the afternoon, we played pokeno.  Anyone know what that is?  I've played it only once before.  You need pennies, of which I had none.  Patsy let me borrow hers.  Suddenly, in spite of my zero luck in this kind of thing, I began winning.  Between Patsy and I, we completely filled her penny container to the brim and I brought home another 50 cents worth!!  Maybe I should start playing BINGO after all!!!

So maybe yesterday's full moon brought me a little luck.  The first full moon of the year is called the WOLF moon.  This was the full moon setting on that morning, compared to ................

The almost full moonset the morning before, which you've already seen.

Now that I wouldn't be moving for awhile, I hooked up the water to my rig and plan on actually doing dishes.  I admit, they have been piling up.  Yes, there's laundry piling up also, but it will have to wait since I'm going with Patsy to a crafting session this morning -- after coffee hour.  There's never a dull moment around here!!

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

A Whirlwind Monday

Oh MOMMA ... it was COLD with a capital C.  I actually had turn the gas on and run the BIG heater in the rig.  Poor Jonathan had icicles hanging off his beak.  It didn't bother Mr. Cooper too much however,  Here is his new game.  Play a little, push it on the floor and bark until I pick it up.  Over and over again.  I am extremely well trained.

Early morning, I walked Cooper outside to find this.  It's not a sunset, or a moon rise .. it's a moon SET at about 6:30 in the morning. Wish I had caught it just a little sooner, but what a beauty.

Here's the special treats I got at the Craft Fair in Yuma.  Cashew brittle.  I got a taste before I purchased it, so I knew it was good, but every time I turn around, I'm in the fridge getting another piece out.  

The red spice is what I used on the squash and WOOHOO IT IS HOT!!  Just a little spicy he said.  YIKES!  I'm not sure I will be able to use it on anything, but it does have a wonderful smokey flavor.

The white bottle is smoked Baja Sea Salt ... and boy is it good!  I'll be experimenting with that one soon.

Once he thawed out, Jon let loose on the towel covering his cage.  You can see him biting it.  He tears off chunks and throws them on the floor.  That's what I get for letting him get cold.

9:30 found Patsy and I in the clubhouse, ready for some Poker Pool.  I played terrible, but here's the thing.  If someone ELSE gets your ball in, it counts for YOU. Surprisingly, I came in second after about 3 games.  A great time was had by all.

After lunch, five of us headed out in Black Beauty to Parker for some Walmart grocery shopping.  Good grief ... that place was a madhouse.  The lines were clear back into the clothing department.  I didn't have much on my list, mostly because I have no place to PUT anything, but I did pick up this little $20 radio to keep Cooper company when I'm gone.  When I leave it on, it covers up the outside noises and he doesn't bark.  I had a few more purchases that didn't even fill one bag ... except for the ice cream.  Nestles drumsticks ... YUM!!  Yes, I can make room for that ANY time!!

I actually cooked dinner once again.  These tasty spice covered potatoes are an easy fix and last several days for me.  I'm making up a list of things like this and the meatloaf that I can bring along for easy meals.  Yes, there is only one bite of meatloaf left.  It was so good I practically swallowed it in one bite!!

This morning, after packing up, I'll be off to the Satellite place for my Dish Network/Winegard Traveler fix.  I'm hoping they not only have enough space up top to install it, but space INSIDE, which is critical.  I'll let you know how it goes!!

Monday, January 13, 2025

Induction Deduction

 Here we are in Quartzsite, 30 minutes after Cooper gets me up to take him outside.  Right back to sleep he goes.  

Even Jonathan was asleep!  Me?  Not so much.  Once I'm up, I'm UP.  I took a quick shower, which I'm getting better at, and fed everyone breakfast.  It's not quite as much trouble cooking for THEM, as it is for me.

By 7:45 Patsy and I were headed off to the store for groceries.  Just a few things we needed to get by, since we'll head to the REAL store today.  I'm not saying this is a long walk, but it was longer than I've taken in awhile.  I was trying hard not to sound like I was dying as we walked UPHILL the last half a mile.  It might have been a much more pleasant experience if we weren't both carrying ten pounds of groceries on the way back.

Back at the rig, I decided to try out the induction cooktop.  But wait ... where can I set the cutting board top?  Not knowing which button to push, I tried the TEMP one, but had no idea what to set it at to toast my bread.  I finally switched it to numbers 1-10 ... 9 for good measure, which toasted the bread quite nicely.  I ate it with lasagne I got at Coyote Fresh.  

Here's my best critique of the food:  DO NOT BUY IT.  Oh my ... as good as it looked, it tasted (and ate) like the white jar of paste you used in kindergarten.  As for the induction deduction, it worked, so I imagine my fried pizza will turn out okay too.

I ate one of these yummy cheesecake bars Patsy gave me to get the taste of lasagne out of my mouth.  It worked well.

The days are full.  I think Patsy and Bill have their calendars completely taken up with Happy Hours, plane flying and just having fun.  We headed out to visit Ken and Kim at Roadrunner.  For two hours we laughed and yakked.

Mostly because of this sweet baby girl who was visiting her grandparents.  Ainsley's smiles were cute as a button!

Silly Als was on the menu for dinner, but alas, they were packed to the brim.  Bill suggested we check out Outback Pizza.  They had eaten there previously and said it was quite good.  You order in one building, then go two doors down to the bar and tables where you eat.  

After my failed kitchen attempts, I ordered a LARGE just for me.  It's called a BUCKLE.  I've no idea why.  The good news is it was as delicious as I've ever had.  Just look at this monster.  I now have SIX days of pizza left.  HA!  Take THAT induction stovetop!!

And so ended another very cool windy day.  Tonight I'll turn my heater up a notch, since we all got pretty cold.  It's 40 degrees out and only 65 inside.  Jonathan doth protest!!

On the menu this morning ... poker pool before our grocery run!!!  I see more re-organizing in my future.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

The Big Q

Good Morning Yuma!!  You would think it's warm in the desert, but this year, you would be incorrect.  Wrong as it were.  It was a chilly 40-something, but at least the wind wasn't blowing.  What a relief!

I could smell it from outside.  Just look at this table, with peach/apricot sauce, blackberry sauce, pancake syrup and my Canadian maple syrup (out of sight).

Let the pancaking begin!!  Ray cooked up sausage and pancakes like a pro.  What a send off THIS was going to be.

The perfect end to a week of trying to stuff fabric into every tiny little hole in the rig.  I see a lot more organizing in my future ... shelves, drawers ... anything I can find to give me more space.  Cooper's toys are even on the line.  

No the sausages are not burned, it's my camera.

In no time, I was on the road.  But not until I tried to mow down that tree behind me.  Luckily I looked at the camera just in time.  I was off to the gas station to fuel up, using Ray's points for the month.  The diesel cost me $3 a gallon.  You sure can't beat that with a stick.  I had a fabulous time and can't thank Cindy and Ray enough for their wonderful hospitality, let alone the quilt patterns.

I did spend about 15 minutes in the gas station telling a guy about the van.  He wanted to know the good and the bad before buying one.  I told him to buy a chair to sit in outside while his wife was INSIDE.  Your marriage will last longer.  He laughed.  I wasn't kidding.

Next I ran into Fry's for some groceries.  That was a HUGE crazy store on a Saturday morning.  I got out for under $75, but I think that's pricier than my home town.  I'm sure it was the Velveeta Mac 'n Cheese!

The drive was a smooth one.  Hardly any traffic at all, so we cruised right along.  I arrived just in time to see Patsy drive Black Beauty down the road and into the park.  I waved ... yelled ... honked and waved again.  All to no avail.  You can't say Patsy doesn't watch the road.  I admit, I'm the same.

Thank goodness she was there to help me set up.  We put the blocks down and I drove up until she said STOP!  I can't see them unless I open the door, and if you open the door, the rig goes into park.  Another surprise.  The best part, it's the first time I've actually been LEVEL and don't get slammed by the side door when I open or close it.  

As soon as I got set up, I headed over to visit for a bit.  You'll never guess who met me at the door.  That's part of Tigger hanging out of his mouth, whereupon the foot fell on the floor.  Oops!!  I think Tigger is a goner.

After lunch we went for a short walk and landed back beside my home away from home.  Gibbs sat there for several minutes staring at the door.  I finally opened it and he jumped in.  I think he smelled or heard Jonathan.  Silly boy ... 

And so we are settled in to the Big Q, with the wind picking up every minute.  It's a perfect 66 degrees, so no complaints.  

After a long day I was looking forward to a nice dinner.  Here it is my friends ... my FIRST dinner prepared in my little RV on wheels.  Little is the operative word here.  And to say I cooked dinner would be a bit of a misconception.  I reheated the meatloaf a tad bit too much.  On the other end of the spectrum, I didn't cook the squash as much as needed.  

What I realized is I have nothing to cook IN except paper bowls.  Add to that the fact that I spiced it up with something I'll explain tomorrow.  OOOWEEEEE it's hot like a firecracker!  Like jalapeño hot!!  I got out the little tomatoes to cool off the fire a bit, but they didn't help.  

It also didn't help that I forgot to close the microwave door and ran smack dab into it.  Forehead height.  Holding my ice water cup to my forehead, I ate in silence.  I was doing so good with the electronics, I forgot how to move in small spaces.  

My solution of course, is to head on out to Silly Als and buy their ultra large pizza, that I will eat for the next two weeks.  Maybe they have a Panda Express around here.  I would even settle for TV dinners, which I will buy on our little foray this morning, regardless of the price.  

Truly, it will get better when I have Dish Network and don't have to mess with internet TV any more, which has decided to foil me at every turn, refusing to connect.  Even with the generous offer of StarLink from Patsy and Bill, my TV is having none of it.  I think it needs an update, but it keeps saying the internet connection is not good enough.  The story of my life.  

CHEERS!!  Here's to my first fun day in Quartzsite!!