Friday, January 17, 2025

Add Insult To Injury

 RAIN?  In Quartzsite?  Will wonders never cease.  But first ... let's wake up once again, dress like we are going to the Arctic and go for a walk.

This could possibly be why I don't sleep well.  Someone seems to think this is HIS bed ... and he's not sharing!  

Thank goodness Jon sleeps in his OWN bed ... or on the perch as the case may be.

Cooper and I made the rounds, then I proceeded to cook breakfast.  Obviously, I need lessons.  I do this at home with instant oatmeal all the time.  I don't know what happened here, unless it was because I used milk instead of water.  And it wasn't even DONE!!  I begrudgingly ate it and cleaned up the mess.

Then I was off into the sunrise.  I've been lax in my walking, so I headed out early.  I discovered that when you flail your arms back and forth, it affects your back.  So I tried my best to keep them at my side.  That means I looked like a wobbly drunk walking down the road.  Luckily I didn't get stopped by the PoPo.

The full moon was again setting in the West as I wobbled along, but when that first crossroad showed up, I made an immediate right, looking for a shortcut.

Not finding one, I continued along the paved road until I saw this guy hiding in the bushes.  It looked suspiciously like an alien watching me as I watched him.  What IS that?  Okay, it was my shadow.  Weird, yes?

Back home, I fixed a quick sandwich for lunch before heading to the puzzle.  Patsy joined me in a few and we made great leaps and bounds.  Maybe 21 of the 1,000 pieces found their home.  Enough of that!!  

While Cooper slept from his long 5 minute walk, I got out the yarn I purchased at the Craft Shop and began a small afghan for the rig.  It's a good pastime to keep me out of trouble.

Dinner was a lesson in frustration.  You probably expected that, since I haven't tried using the microwave/convection oven, other than to heat water for my coffee.  Look closely .... these Idahoan Au Gratin potatoes cost me 50 cents at the Green Tree store, and they are good until October of 2025.  Well let's just see how we can completely ruin them.

Right off the bat, just HOW do you make the convection oven work?  I hit the Convec button, then number 6 which was 325 degrees.  It heated up and quit.  No matter what I did, I could not tell it to stay on for 25 minutes.  

I googled it ... nothing.  I hit every button in every order I could, to no avail.  Anyone know how to make this thing work?  It would only run for a few minutes, so I kept resetting it over and over.  Seriously, I thought it might just explode at any second.  In the end, I gave up and microwaved them for 8 minutes.  

I know, I know ... Chef Patty and I have taken at least 10 microwave/convection cooking classes at RV rallies over the years, and I STILL can't make it happen.

So here they are.  I even added extra cheddar cheese in the hopes they would be edible.  I ate them, but they left a lot to be desired.  Oh WAIT ... maybe ONIONS would have made them better!!  They will be just fine for breakfast.

To add insult to injury, it rained.  You can see the arm of my chair on the patio.  It's now completely soaked, so there's no bringing it inside.  

The last sight of the night was a nice one though.  There's Patsy pointing it out.  We both ran in and out of our rigs three times making sure we caught the "good" one.

Mother Nature said goodnight with a few more raindrops on our heads, but we stayed high and dry.

Today there's lots of anticipation floating about ... the BIG TENT IS UP and the show starts TOMORROW!!  Be sure and read Bill and Patsy's blogs ... they have a surprise!!


  1. Don't feel bad about the oatmeal I have done that several times. Lol
    Happy Friday!

  2. I don't use the convection oven in a microwave...never liked them, never will like them. As for oatmeal, I have one larger plastic container to cook oatmeal in, then dish it up into two bowls. Paper bowls always seem to "runneth over" as they say

  3. I would use a deeper bowl when making the oatmeal, I need to use a deeper bowl when I do my porridge in the microwave. Animals and toddlers love to hog the bed

    1. I'll try that Joanne ... much as I don't like to wash dishes, it would save washing the microwave!

  4. It appears that you are in the preheat mode of the microwave. In the preheat mode, the oven preheats to your temp, then stops so you can put in the food. It needs a second step to tell it how long to cook and at what temp. Watch the display when you set the time and temp. It may have another step asking cooking time and temp. This is before it reaches the actual act of pushing the start button. My convection has another mode where it skips the preheat. Just set time and temperature, put in the food in the cold oven and push start button. (The oven is cold when you put the food in.)

    1. Patsy told me the same thing yesterday afternoon. I just needed lessons I guess. I've never used the convection part before.

  5. Hey Nancy! Love augratin potatoes. If you want, we've got some fried onions (like for green bean casserole) that you are welcome to try!

    1. Good morning Jess!!! Oh I LOVE those onions! What a great idea, but the potatoes are gone now. I'll borrow some next time!!! Thank you so much!!
