Sunday, July 7, 2024

Work Work Work .......

 HOOWEEEE it was another HOT HOT day.  I just keep thinking about my electric bill as my air conditioners hum along.  I'm pretty sure there's going to be a true-up in my future ... and it will be this month.  You can tell I'm looking forward to THAT!

I deposited myself on the patio for a time in the early morning, the better to check out my sprinklers.  Sure enough I found two not working at all.  No wonder there are such big brown spots.  It went on my Honey-Do list.

But first, while it was only 90 degrees, I did some work on the RV.  I think I figured out the AC.  I turned it on and messed with the controls until I understood what the little red and blue circles meant.  This is not your normal thermostat.    My plan was to leave it running for a couple of hours and see how it goes.

In the meantime, Renate gave me this curtain to use as a privacy screen.  Really, since I'm using the front windshield screen, I don't need it.  On the other hand, I had read where it actually provides just a little more separation from the hot front area.  I decided to put it up.  By golly, it helped ... but that leaves Jonathan in the passenger seat in the heat.  Down it came.

Next I went to work on the Reflectix.  This stuff is awesome.  I've been using it my entire RV life.  If you buy the REAL stuff and not the "looks like" kind, it works really well at keeping the heat and cold OUT.  I reused several pieces from the other RV and recut them to fit.  

I did discover one other small problem.  See that black thing on the counter?  That's the induction cooktop.  If you even barely brush your arm, or anything else across the top, it turns on.  I know nothing about these, but I assume (and you know what happens if you do that) they don't get hot unless you have a special pan on top?  I freak out every time it turns on.  It also seems to work on temperature, not low, medium, high.  Something else to learn.

I also discovered that the pull down shades have magnets that keep them from flopping back and forth.  Nice touch!!  Every window is now covered, so I headed inside the house, leaving the AC running.

My plan was to head out for a new computer, since I'm now getting several messages every day that my programs are too outdated.  That means I won't be able to use them much longer at all.  That's not good when it's your banking and internet apps.  

Instead, I decided to get this quilted so I had time to hand stitch the binding before Tuesday.  The pattern I just paid for would not work.  It just would not size correctly, so I went with my favorite bubbles.  Everything was going along just great until I walked to the end of the machine to grab my phone.  

My tip of the day is ALWAYS walk around.  I accidentally hit the machine with my arm ... hardly a bump ... and it made the most awful squiggle right in the middle.  Big sigh!!!  Ok Nancy ... think ... how can you fix this.  I let it finish out the row, then went back and removed the stitching before giving it a new start spot.  You could have heard me across the street when it stitched it perfectly ... well almost perfectly.  I don't think anyone can tell but me.  I had to completely reset everything for the last row, but it's done.

I no more sat down than this arrived at my door.  It's supposed to be a "smaller" collapsible crate for Cooper in case it's too hot where I'm going ... so he can be inside a cool house instead of a hot RV.  It took a bit for me to get it set up.  Cooper was not impressed.  

When he was a puppy, he had to live in a cage while I was at work.  He hated it, and he hates it still.  In two seconds he was madly scratching and crying to get out.  It made me feel awful, but it's for the best.  Now let's fold it back up.

Good grief ... I was almost in tears after 30 minutes and I STILL could not get it right.  I blame it on the heat.  This is the only picture I had to go by.  At long last I GOT IT.  Oh the relief!!  So I took this picture which will remain in my camera for the next time I have to fold it up.  

What about the AC in the rig you ask?  Well here's what I found out.  It only screams like a Diesel truck pulling a trailer load of horses uphill when you first turn it on.  I went out an hour later when it was 100 degrees outside and it was a lovely 85 inside.  Yes the AC still make a LOT of noise.   There won't be any sleeping with it on three feet over my head ... but it's much more doable for inside during the hot part of the day.  Maybe it was the AC, maybe it was the reflectix ... but it's better.  My plan is to never go anywhere except the ocean when it's hot.

By now I was pretty tired of work work work ... fixing this, fixing that ... when I heard a commotion next door.  Well looky here who came to visit.  There must be a gazillion of these guys roaming around.  I see them everywhere now, but was very surprised to find one here.  I watched a video yesterday of one trying to cross a river.  It couldn't get out the other side (too steep) and it couldn't back up the side it just came from.  I guess they weren't made for off-roading.  

And so ended another hot as Hades day in central California.  This did used to be a desert after all, and now that they have removed so much agriculture land for housing and asphalt, it's expected.

What about the sprinklers you ask?  Ummmm yeah ... I'll try to get those fixed this morning.


  1. Sounds like a busy day.
    Hopefully this heat spell will end soon.
    Have a nice Sunday!

    1. It cannot end soon enough for me, Frances!! I think next week.

  2. Mr. Ed said try putting Mr. Cooper in there two or three times a day for about 10 minutes. Put a couple of dog treats in there It’ll take a while to get used to
    nice Tesla refrigerator.. there’s a couple of refrigerators in town do you want to have some fun go check the price one of the guys has his highly reflected polished looks like a mirror going down the street


    1. If you haven’t watched, it already has a really good idea as to how your EMC works going to get into the finer points

      Also, on the exterior of the van, (not the windshield )you can get a perforated vinyl sunscreen it’s the same as what they use and you see them on advertisement and storefront windows. I have them on my house and it cuts the heat down considerably. I install my own, but any window tinter can install them easily, if you buy it by the roll, they’re very inexpensive comes in, almost any color, and you can purchase it on Amazon by the roll
      And yes, you can put them on your house windows as well

    2. I will check these out, because they are close. My rig is a Plateau TS model, so everything is a little different, including the control panel.

  3. Once in Citrus Heights I think a trip to Home Depot will be in order to get some Reflectix...we used it in our last one, it does really work. Can you not take that curtain and push it over Jonathan's Chair which I assume, when you are stopped for a prolong time period, this chair will be turned around facing the living area? It might need some of that Quakehold to hold it to the back of the chair...just a thought, but it seems it would keep the place cooler and keep Jonathan cooler too. (BTW: I have some Quakehold coming in today...never tried the stuff.)

    1. Yes ... definitely will put it behind Jonathan when stopped. I have had a chunk of Quakehold for 13 years ... and it STILL works perfectly. I use small pieces and it still holds like it was brand new. Good stuff.

  4. When you take your Van/RV in for its first service, mention the AC is struggling to cool. They won't charge you to check it out and they may even find a problem.
    Be Safe in this heat and Enjoy your adventures.

    It's about time.

    1. It's hard to take a van from 105 down to 80 some degrees, so I'm sure that's the problem. This IS a brand new one, so it BETTER work!! LOL

  5. You always have so much going on but also seem to get it all figured out. Poor Cooper, another cage, he's thinking. I know those reflect shields must work but I'm glad we don't have to use them. We're never that hot. I'd much rather see out the windows. People in the park in Q leave them in all winter long. Would drive me nuts!

    1. Hopefully the AC will be able to keep the heat down enough so Mr. Mr. doesn't end up in jail. I agree ... I could NOT leave that stuff in the windows. It will all come down when I'm traveling, and only go back up on the sunny side if I need it.
