Tuesday, July 30, 2024


 There comes a time in every RV'ers life when you have to dump the dump.  I admit, it is the least fun part of being on the road.  When you only have a 12 gallon black tank, you have to do it a little more often.  Therefore my mantra ... use someone else's facilities before using your own.

It's quite easy don't you know ... just hook up the hose and pull the handle.  First times however, can be daunting, especially when the outlet is 8 inches from the concrete and your run is about 20 feet.  Oh yes ... see that tiny black dot by the wall?  That's my dump.  Why in the world they put it in such an inaccessible place is beyond me.

But first ... let's add a couple more buckets of water and drive around the block a few times.  I was pretty shocked at the LOUD sloshing noises.  Yikes!!!!

There are no pictures of this operation since it's really not something you want to see.  It's a good thing I kept all those long hoses from my big rig, not that I needed ALL of them.  It's funny how you can't stretch them far until you begin to dump, whereupon you end up with 40 feet of hose snaking around the bushes.    NAILED IT!!

A fancy handled gadget is NOT what I have, though I might have been able to use the stretchy thing you can lay the hose on.  MIGHT ... if the outlet was a little higher off the ground.

Obviously not my rig ... but again, not really something you want to see.  The hard part was trying to get the hoses to empty.  Know what I mean?  Yes, you know what I mean.  Over and over again I lifted a section, only to have it fill up again.  There MUST be an easier way.  For SURE next time I will only use three sections.  Maybe a board or something in between to try and keep it somewhat level instead of uphill.  

Finally the grey tank, though it had little in it.  I've become an expert at collecting water in the kitchen sink and emptying it by the nearest tree, even though it says the grey water tank is 35 gallons.  Good grief ... the fresh water tank is only 24!!!  

At any rate, it was finally a done deal and I didn't spill a drop!!

On to the next lovely job around the house .... the weeds are having a field day in the heat.  Time for a little spraying.  I swear, I have not yet learned my lesson about being in my back yard.  WEAR YOUR COWBOY BOOTS.  

I had on sandals as I stopped for a second to spray a little extra around a sprinkler.  Yes, I know they live there because of the water.  You just can't SEE them.  In a nanosecond my sandaled foot was covered in ANTS that I could not feel until they began to bite.  OMG!!!  I danced around like I was in the River Dance show.

The same foot as last time now has six more bites on it!!!  I sprayed them with weed killer, which they didn't seem to like and I RAN LIKE THE WIND!!!  Back in the house I grabbed a kitchen scrubby and went to town on my foot.  Better to scrape all the skin off than to have it itch madly for the next two weeks.  Yes it hurts, but it's the only solution I know of.

Now limping around the house with my foot bandaged, I went back to my quilt.  This became the problem of the day.  I cut the inner border per the SECOND set of instructions.  I was short one strip.  I called the store and they said they would send me a 2" piece.  That's all ... just a 2" strip.  I sewed on the strips that I had.

Then I get a phone call that they are NOT sending me anything, that I should have enough fabric.  They said the PATTERN was wrong and they had corrected it yet AGAIN (that makes three times).  Well if the PATTERN is wrong, why did you not give me the corrected one when I bought the kit?  Basically they said too bad.  My only recourse was to grab all the little pieces out of the trash and sew them together in order to finish the border.  I spent over $300 there and you can't send me 2" of fabric?

So now, on to the outside border and the backing.  Since NEITHER of the two instructions sheets I have are correct, I'm now wondering if I have enough to finish it.  You know "madder than a wet hen"?  

Even though they KNEW the pattern had been corrected (actually the quilt made much smaller), they sold me 7-1/2 yards of backing material when it only required 5 yards according to the NEW corrected pattern.  Yeah, Nancy won't be buying anything from them ever again, not that they care.  In all my years of quilting, I've never run across a shop like this one.

Dinner was a complete disaster.  Typical for me.  Remember, I try these recipes so you don't have to.  This is a fabulous cauliflower smothered in cheese.  NAILED IT!!  

They said it was the best thing EVER and they would never eat cauliflower any other way.  Lies .... all lies!!

I par cooked it, smothered it in mayo, cheese and spices, then broiled it.  Oh I ate it ... waste not, want not ...  But I guarantee I won't be making it again.  

I KNEW I should have gone for the chicken pot pie!!!

And so ended another "sort of" cool day.  We are edging up a little every day to a week of 104-105.  I cringe every time I turn the AC on.  

So ..... let's see what trouble we can get into!!  After all, it's BINGO NIGHT!!!!!


  1. Quilt looks great!
    Nancy you could make a quilt out of Gunny sack and it would look amazing.
    Enjoy your day!

    1. Oh I don't know about that, but I still like this one just fine. No one will notice that border except me.

  2. Ed said dump hoses are primitive, Look online they make a , RV macerator for rv unit, It attaches to the outlet pipe. You can use a dedicated garden hose, (Yes, I know exactly what you’re thinking right now they make Red hose,s ) Any length you want
    As for the fire ants, they like a sandy soil, which obviously you have ,, they have a Spray, but the granular Is better that you can get at Lowes or Home Depot, put it down with a lawn spreader, don’t Spare, the granular, on the first application next year, you can do it light

    1. 🤦‍♀️What you have is technically not a dump station that’s used for the plumber as your💩🚽 septic clean out

    2. The problem with a macerator is storage space. They are also slow to dump. It might be good for use here however ... and just use the hoses away from home.

  3. Lol, we got the RV dump down pretty good. It is surprising when we find elevated dump stations. I toss my dish water down into the black tank. More water, more better.
    There is a certain pattern maker in Hawaii that I refuse to buy any more of hers. So many inaccurate measurements. On one, I even had to figure out the block size as it was never mentioned.
    We use granular ant poison on our ants.

    1. Luckily I haven't run into many incorrect patterns. I've used the granular ant stuff, but am too worried about Mr. Cooper eating it in the back yard. Previously, the ants had a very particular palate and refused to eat it. Worked great in the house cupboards though.

  4. I'm only a beginner but would have boiled the Cauliflower first, drained it then added the toppings.
    Be Safe and Enjoy Bingo.

    It's about time.

    1. Yup that's what I did. It was okay, I like cauliflower, I guess I just expected more flavor.

  5. May be able to park the rv on 2x6 inch boards to gain a little height to increase pitch to the dump.

  6. Yes I remember my dad always saying the loo in the motorhome was for emergencies and whenever possible use another one

  7. I love that quilt! Just perfect! Glad I've got the hubby for dumping, but I could do it if I HAD too. LOL.

    1. It just takes time. I'm always in a hurry so other folks don't have to wait. At least here, there's no one watching.
