Friday, July 26, 2024

T - I - M - B - E - R !!!!!

 I'm late ... I'm late ... not for a very important date, just late getting up.  I spent a good deal of time outside in the heat yesterday, which just takes it out of me.

The good news is a tiny bit of cool has returned, to the tune of 72 degrees this morning instead of 81.  I turned the AC fans on and am pulling it in as fast as I can.  The next five days we should be in the mid to high 80's ... a nice respite from the energy sapping heat.

I finally made it to the mailbox.  Actually, I finally REMEMBERED the mailbox and went to see what ads I got this time.  Lo and behold, there were my license plates and the new manual for my rig.  I read through a bit of it, but mostly it said go find the manuals for that particular item.  Not a big help, but better than nothing.

Then the problem arose.  There's those weird screwdrivers once again.  I can't get the screws OUT of the license plate holder because I don't have the right tool.  I was sure I had one from my other rig, but it's playing hide and seek.  

And then the fun began.  This is the old dog kennel cover turned hay shed which needs to be removed.  Problem number uno was the lawn mower parked on the other side.  It belongs to my gardener who asked if he could leave it here since he didn't need it at any other location.  The key is in it he said ... move it if you need to.

Well ... there was NO key and it wasn't going to budge even one little inch.  I already called a friend/handyman to remove the shed, so the mower had to go.  The gardener came by, but could not find the key ANYWHERE.  He tried a rolling jack, but that didn't want to work on such a hot day either.  

I could feel the tension, so I just went in the house.  Better to just let men do their thing!!  Almost an hour later, it was moved.  How, I don't know and I didn't want to ask.  An hour after he left, he called to say he found the key in his clothes dryer.  OKAY THEN!!

NOW YOU SEE IT .......

NOW YOU DON'T ... kinda sorta.  Ralph came by and we discussed how it would come down.  He used a pry bar to remove the nails from the bottom of the posts holding it to the concrete, then sledge hammered out a couple of braces.  

We both began rocking it back and forth as hard as we could until it slowly crashed to the ground.  THEN came the hard part.  As much as I thought this was a cheesy little shed, it was built pretty sturdy.  I think it was 1:30 at this point and a lovely 103 degrees.  I suggested coming back at 7 am the next day.  Well you can imagine how THAT went over ... this is a MAN.  No offense to other men out there.

Once again, I made a beeline for the house.  I know when I'm in the way.  Twenty minutes later I came back outside and it was completely gone, stacked in his trailer.  I was shocked he got so much done in so little time.  To make it even better ... he refused any payment.  Come on Ralph ... you spent hours out here in the hot sun, and there will be dump fees.  I will feel bad if you don't let me pay you.  He said HE would feel bad if I did.  I threw some cash on the truck seat when he wasn't looking.  

So NOW the problem remains ... just exactly WHERE will I put the new cover.  The far side is too close to the property line.  The middle is perfect but will block the gate.  The closest side will block the walkway to the house.  Decisions ... decisions!

Dinner was easy ... my famous chicken salad.  Yeah, it's not famous at all, but I love it loaded with pecans, apples and cranberries.  And yes, that's a can of Costco chicken.  It was just too hot to cook.

And so ended a VERY productive day in the back yard.  Time to sit down and read that RV manual to figure out how to use the heater ... not that I need it NOW mind you!!!


  1. Mr. Ed said isn’t it amazing when you have so many solutions
    The portable shed that you’re going to put up. Here’s a very foolish question by all definitions it’s considered portable I don’t believe it’s subject to code enforcement because you can move it . Yes, I know it’s bolted to the ground however, Quetion point look at the picture … you have a canopy already on the Fenceline
    Even so it’s stuck in the ground. It’s still considered portable. It’s not technically, a permanent structure

    1. That has always been my question. Is it portable. I guess we can find out by putting it on the fence line!

  2. Sounds like a crazy morning! Glad the key was found.
    Becareful out in that heat!

    1. I try to be very careful in the heat. Lots of water and shade.

  3. What a time, at least you got mower moved and I hope you are remembering to stay hydrated in the heat and you are using sunscreen

    1. Yes on both counts Joanne. Hopefully the local heater shuts off soon!!!

  4. Glad it all worked out today. Hope you can find the perfect place for your cover.

  5. Center your new shelter over the gate and when you need to bring something through that gate you can always move the RV out of the way, bring in what has to come in and then move the RV back. I assume the cover is high enough to accommodate any thing that you would want to bring in.

    1. 12' tall ... so it should be okay. Thanks Bill, I appreciate the help!!

  6. I'm not proud, I would have come back at 7am the next morning!
