Friday, May 10, 2024

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

 It's so quiet this morning.  That's amazing since it rarely happens.  There are usually planes revving their engines for takeoff ... trucks heading down the highways ... and the banging of hammers.  Sound travels really well around here.

We have once again switched from knee-high socks, Levis, sweaters and snow parkas, back to shorts and tee shirts.  In the blink of an eye ... it's HOT.  Lucky for me, my one income household can afford the electricity without forgoing dinner, only because I have solar.  Not a LOT of solar like the 65 panels on the house next door, but enough to make me not cringe when I turn the air on.

I let sleeping dogs lie in the early morning.  There's just something about sitting next to a sleeping puppy (or kitty for that matter) that makes you not want to move and disturb them.  All the crazy late hours has made me pretend I'm a doggo too!!  

It's been SO quiet the last two days, I wandered out in the yard to see what was up next door.  All the banging from sledge hammers and huge pry bars had stopped for two whole days!  Ahhhh I see ... they are putting the trusses up.  

I was surprised because there was quite a bit of wind.  That thing was swinging around like crazy, making big cracking noises as it hit the boom.  

Apparently the crane doesn't have very good controls, because it would scream up, then fall back down a few feet.  There were even more screeching noises when it hit the house framing, bouncing off and swinging wildly.  He hit the side of the truck three times and even dropped it on the truck roof.  Come to find out, he was the only guy on the job, trying to do this alone.  

If it wasn't working, he would drop it back to the ground, move the cable and try it again.  When he finally laid it down on the roof, he would crawl up and unhook the cable.  That went on all day.

This one dropped all the way down inside the building before he brought it back up, swung around, set it down on the back of the truck and drove off.  Maybe it didn't fit?  

All the while I was chastising myself because I really needed to get to the grocery store.  I just could NOT get motivated.  So once again, I let sleeping dogs lie, including me.  Well not ALL the time ... I did go through two more boxes in the garage and several of the portfolios (stashed in the cookbook line), left over from a photography class.  You're going to laugh at the pictures I found.

So of course today my back is not a happy camper.  There is really no comfortable sleeping position when it hurts between your shoulder blades.  I see Tylenol in my future.  

The Elks Board Meeting (actually three separate meetings) was long.  There was much to be discussed by eight people with eight different viewpoints.  Enough of that .........

Here's something new to try.  I know, you are NOT supposed to drink your wine over ice.  I do.  Yes, travesty that it is, I put ice in my wine.  Here's an interesting way to do it.  Put your glasses at an angle in a loaf pan.  Add water and freeze.  Voila ... a fashion statement for your next dinner party.  I'm guessing it would work great for any other drinks too.

Maybe it would even replace Tylenol.  

I will be the sleeping dog most of the day because tomorrow morning begins the Mothers Day prep to feed 500 folks on Sunday morning.  Let the FUN BEGIN!!!


  1. Love the way you will ice your glasses...great idea .
    Have a great day !

  2. Mr. Ed said why not just put the wine in an 🧊 ice cube tray..👍 it’s called a shipwreck on the rocks👍

    1. Something that’s not wine, but a good breakfast and most everything is inexpensive.

    2. Does wine freeze? Never heard of doing that.

  3. You will be very busy on Mother's Day. 500 people is a lot!
    Enjoy your Friday!

  4. If you know me, I add ice to my wine, really the only way I can drink it even if it comes out very cold. When we're out for lunch at some places servers bring a glass of ice as soon as we sit down :) I like the iced glasses!

  5. When I 'use' to drink wine, I would get Mogen David Blackberry Wine and pour it over frozen berries. Now days the only thing I pour over frozen berries is Sam's Club Premier Protein drink. Of course, I still have my daily Truly Hard Seltzer with dinner, which has few calories and little to no carbs.

    1. That sounds yummy. Do they even make Mogen David any more?

    2. Yes they do...just not found in grocery stores as much as it use to be.

  6. I am not a wine drinker, so no comment about that.

    1. I drink very little Joanne ... very little and only the sweet stuff!!

  7. Wine on the rocks my kinda girl!
    Enjoy your Friday!

    1. Yup I guess that's what it's called!! If I have any at all, it has to have ice.

  8. My favorite thing here? Cooper, of course!! 💗 not a big wine drinker at all.
