Thursday, May 2, 2024

Another Great Day In The Books

I always wake up after Bingo feeling like I got drug through a knothole backwards.  I usually end up with about four hours sleep ... if you can call it that ... which makes Wednesdays pretty ugly.  On this day however, I was pretty happy.  My new gardener showed up and I was so glad to see him!  

The good news is he's an older gentleman who actually has a sense of doing a good job.  YAHOO!!  He started with mowing both big lawns, when the first problem arose.  The last guys used a mulching mower, so all that old grass was still lying in the grass.  When Al's mower went over, it picked up the grass it cut and all of the OTHER grass.  

I felt bad because he barely got 30 feet and had to dump the bags.  Over and over again.  Then he edged, blew everything off and trimmed a couple of way-too-big bushes, doing a wonderful job.  He even hauled all of that stuff off in his trailer because no more could fit in my bin.  Believe me, no one around here does that.  Nancy is a happy camper!!  Hopefully it will get easier for him as it gets back in shape from the mow and blow guys.

That's when I found my new flowers just about dead.  WHAT?  I watered them every day!  Apparently wind is not good for potted flowers.  I watered them once again and waited until late in the day when I planted them on what used to be my hill.  As you can see, the mowers and blowers actually blew all the sand off the top over the years ... about five inches worth ... so now the roots show.  

I'm going to try and haul in a little sand from the corral to raise it back up a bit and I'm calling the curb guys to put in a nice mowing curb along the entire back yard.  I really need to spiff the place up a bit!!

And then I was off.  Note to self ... make NO appointments on Wednesdays after Bingo.  I had to head back to the Elks Lodge once again for signing things (no one told me this was going to be a daily habit), as well as fielding even MORE complaints.  Good grief ... kids nowadays need to GROW UP!!

With that done, there was a nice Mexican lunch with a lodge member girlfriend, where we both complained about everything the entire time, especially the kids.  We laugh because they actually think they are WORTH the money we have to pay them in wages.  They haven't a clue, so she and I decided we should educate them a bit.  This should be fun!!

Lunch over, I headed back home where I promptly fell asleep on the couch.  I'm not a nap person at all, but this day had me beat.  It was funny when I woke up because I began doing my morning routine!  No no ... it's actually DINNER time.  

And so I brought out the last of the three meals from Hello Fresh.  I need to learn to make better orders.  This meatloaf looked delicious.

Look at the calories on that meal!  First off, this took WAY too many prep dishes to wash and way too long to cook.  And see the difference?  THIS is what it REALLY looked like.  Nothing like the above picture.  Honestly, it didn't taste all that great either, except the balsamic sauce was pretty good.

So for your viewing pleasure, I ramped up the color a tad ... which is what they did in spades on their advertisement for this meal.  However, they seem to have fallen down on the flavor-mobile.  It was okay, but I won't be ordering it again.  I got three full meals out of it, so there's that.  

And so another great day was in the books as Cooper and I hit the hay with smiles on our faces.  Me because I finally have a good gardener and Cooper because he felt much better after that bath!!!  

P.S.   No, the landscape guy who was to fix my dead grass has STILL not showed up.


  1. That meal DID look red. Yours looked much better!!
    A day of rest is needed once in a while!

  2. Maybe some Mulch for that garden spot, it would hold the moisture in...but Mulch can be a pain in the A$$, but for that small spot might work out well.

    1. I was thinking the same, except the gardeners blow it all out into the corral. The front flowerbeds were completely covered and now it's all gone.

  3. I'm glad Al is working out for you!
    Enjoy your Thursday!

    1. Me too Frances. Me too! I needed someone who was a little conscientious about their work!

  4. I have never played bingo, just saying

    1. Oh Jo-Anne .... you either love it or you hate it!! Better not to even get started! LOL

  5. Your meal looks more natural, you're not having much luck with the last few choices from Hello Fresh. Yay for a good gardener!
    Choose after his bath, haha, I'm sure he was thrilled.

    1. I think I've been making decisions too quick on the food because I'm either tired or running out the door. Hopefully better ones are coming soon.
