Thursday, June 11, 2020

I CAN SEE!!! Sort of .....

Good news!!!  At long last my truck made it to the repair shop.  Prince Charming (from the Elks Lodge) picked me up so I didn't have to walk four miles.  It's SO nice to have friends.  I did a double cross with my fingers that it would not be over $500, my guesstimate if I took it to the dealership.

For the next two hours, I wandered aimlessly around the house trying not to get dirty like my Mom told me when I was a kid.  It didn't work.  All it took was one sit-down on Jessie's couch spot (totally by mistake) for my black shirt to be covered in dog hair.

Soon enough I was off to the Docs, not knowing exactly what to expect.  We are rather radical here and are completely open, no thanks to our Governor.  I was rather surprised to find only ten chairs in the huge waiting room.  To be honest, it was rather nice not to be sitting next to someone sneezing or by the guy who was breathing like a freight train.

Even better, instead of the normal wait time of two hours, I was in the door in 20 minutes.  Woohoo!  There were all kinds of tests and measurements before seeing the Doc who appeared completely covered from head to toe.  He looked like he just came from surgery.  Maybe he did, who knows.

Please note, this is not me, as I'm sure you could tell.  Unfortunately, I got the dilated eyes treatment. Gosh I hate that.  First, the numbing stuff, then not one, but TWO kinds of drops.  Two more tests and I was back waiting in the same room ... that was fast ... for the bad news.

TA-DA!!!!  My eyes are just hunky dory.  The double vision I'm experiencing is due to my prescription glasses, in spite of me complaining to the "glasses" doc.  The bad news is I cannot get a NEW prescription from THIS doc (the pro) for another twelve days, meaning I won't get new glasses because I'll be where?  In Arizona!!  You get the gold star!
In the meantime, California DMV has finally seen fit to reschedule me for my new REAL driver's license, on July 1, which is of course BEFORE I get my new glasses.  Keep your fingers crossed for me!!  In the meantime, I've found the eye chart they use and I'm memorizing it as I type!  

In other good news, DMV has finally deposited my $22 check for a replacement title to my Jeep.  I mailed it to them around the first of May.  Hopefully I get it BEFORE leaving for Arizona where I plan to register it.  SO many irons in the fire .........

Oh wait ..... my truck!  So Prince Charming was nice enough to come pick me up at 4:30 and drive me back to the repair shop.  You're not going to believe this ..... my truck air conditioning works like a charm and it only cost $114.00.  Can you believe it?  I was so excited I sang "99 Bottles of Beer On The Wall" all the way home!!!

Hopefully the rest of the stuff sorts it's way out in record time.  There's not much on the schedule for today since my eyes are so scratchy and dry, but I'm determined not to stay home.  Maybe I'll just "rest my eyes" while I snooze on the couch, becoming a dog hair magnet.


  1. Replies
    1. It's always something .... keeps life interesting, sort of.

  2. Glad you are getting good news on all fronts.
    Be Safe and Enjoy demagnetizing yourself.

    It's about time.

  3. Going for glasses... and I don't mean drinking glasses you do not need to be a member of BJ's Sam's Club or Costco to get new glasses They're cheaper there price them most of them are running Special deals all the time
    All you need is your doctors current prescription
    All the big three are owned by one company in Italy 99% of all glasses shipped to the US are made in Italy

    1. I might try Costco. I've been with the same provider for believe it or not, for 62 years. They do such a great job, I've never ventured out.

  4. Great news on the truck. You need AC. Good luck with the eye test.

    1. I tried running with AC twice. It was NOT fun!!

  5. Funny, Ken's lung doctor looked just like that and we know he didn't come from surgery. geez. You do have a lot of irons in the fire! Great news on the truck! Gotta love Prince Charming!

    1. Maybe they are just being extra cautious with the surgical gowns and hat things. I guess if you are seeing a lot of old folks, that's not a bad idea right now.
