Friday, July 12, 2013

Trouble In River City!!!

Actually, we went from Homer to Girdwood AK, watched a helicopter land 50 yards behind us, checked out Whittier and are getting ready to head out again.

As I mentioned before, Dan and Patty caught a big rock out of Homer, majorly cracking their already cracked windshield.  On top of that, a Vet trip in Anchorage determined that their sweet kitty Gracie has a medical condition that isn't "fixable".  :-(    To make matters even worse, Dan's dental situation has become critical, and so we are heading back to the lower 48 ahead of schedule.  I was hoping to see some Brown Bears going after salmon, but the food supply doesn't arrive until late August.

I have lots of pictures to show you, but the Sprint MiFi I'm paying $70 a month for, doesn't work worth  a damn.  Dial Up is faster than this.  When I called to see what the problem was, they told me to reset it.  Then said "Ooops" we shouldn't have told you to do that.  At present I have 5 bars and it refuses to let me load any images.  We are headed to Tok this morning, so hopefully the Library is open.  Maybe I'll get in a second post!!!

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