Monday, April 1, 2024

April fools!!!!

It was a very nice Easter day in not-so-sunny California.   I need some electric socks.  It's still chilly, down to the low 40's at night.  Morning looked like this.  Kind of eerie, so I double checked all the doors.  By the time the sun actually came up, the clouds had moved on for the most part and the sun peaked through.  The perfect weather for Easter egg hunting.  

Apparently that has been traced to Martin Luther, who had the men hide eggs for the women and children, to symbolize the hunt for the empty tomb of the risen Jesus.  In Germany it is said they hid them in thorny bushes and hard to reach places.  How fun for the kids. 

I had no idea.  I thought it was all about getting CANDY!!  Not that we got much as kids, but a few M&M's and jelly beans went a long way.  I was expecting a landslide of goodies on this day.  APRIL FOOL'S ... there were no Easter eggs or candy at this house!!  Here's my little bunny girl again.  She's just so darn cute!!

And so the day began with me laying out in the sun in my bikini for an hour while helicopters flew overhead.  April fools again ... you know THAT didn't happen!!  I have to admit though, I did sit out reading for quite some time, soaking up the warm sun.

I suppose I could have dyed and hidden some eggs, but I imagine they would be too easy to find.  Oh wait ... I could have hidden some for the foxy kids!!  Oh well ... too late now.

In between hand sewing, I did come up with a fabulous plan for Easter dinner.  I forgot the ham, but I found some smoked pork in the freezer.  Even better!!  Throw in a little refried beans and rice and I would be in like Flynn.  

My plan went up in smoke ... literally.  First off, there were no beans to be had.  Then I found this great recipe for Mexican rice, which I love.  I had to scrounge out in the rig for the ingredients, but find them I did.  Into the pot it all went.  When the timer went off, I opened the lid with great expectations of perfect rice.  

April fools once again.  Somehow the tomato paste and broth didn't get mixed in and it burned quite nicely. A beautiful color of black.  I don't care ... I'm eating it!!

That was a big mistake.  No matter what I ate after that first big bite, I could NOT get that burned taste out of my mouth.  Oh I ate some, but most of the plate, and ALL of the rice went in the trash.  So much for Easter Dinner!!

Maybe cookies will help.  While scrounging for rice in the rig, I found a package of cookie mix I got in Yuma at the $1.00 store.  I wasn't holding my breath on this one.  They were pumpkin ... perfect for Easter, yes?  I frosted them just like the picture on the package.  

Not a bad dinner ... with plenty of sugar to douse the burnt flavor.

I kept thinking this was not what I had planned for Easter, so I might as well head outside for the last of the sun.  This would be my first long walk since being sick.  For me, the best thing I can do is give my lungs a really good workout after being sick.  It cleans them out ... gives me energy and makes me feel better.  

The kitties agreed.  Obviously they don't particularly care for each other.  These are three of the five kids that roam the neighborhood.  I've never seen them so close together before.

In no time, I was running.  If you've ever been a runner, you know you just can't control that urge to run, no matter how you feel.  In a couple hundred feet, I was sucking down air like my vacuum.  Good grief I am out of shape.  The good news is I kept going, and soon my lungs opened up.  This morning I reap the benefits.  I can BREATHE!!!

That was it ... a totally boring but nice day.  I spent the evening watching some bull riding while Jonathan chewed his perch right off the side of the cage, landing in a big crash on the bottom.  I think he inherited my finesse.

Lastly, for those reading this morning, the brown and white quilt is called Hunter's Star Simplified by Calico Carriage Quilt Designs.  Let me know if you can't find it and I will pass it along.  And here's a picture of the purple one.  

This is an example of my bad color choices.  This was a jelly roll that I never liked because of the green fabric.  Then I made the big mistake of making it into a western design type quilt, the name of which escapes me.  I think it came from Missouri Star Quilt?

I'm off this morning way too early for an Elks alcohol inventory ... maybe I should take a swig or two ... before hunting down some local honey.  I'm not a fan of honey, but if it will help with the allergies, I'm all over it.


  1. Happy Easter! I like the colors and design of the purple quilt.

    1. Thank you Bill. I wasn't exactly thrilled with the green, but all in all, it will work just fine to keep me warm.

  2. Not everything I cook turns into something spectacular, but it's edible.
    Like Bill I like that purple design.
    You are not the only one enjoying the warming temperatures, by the way those cats are sunbathing.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. Well it's good to know I'm not alone when it comes to cooking.

  3. Dad was a April Fool Baby...he would have been 96

    1. Really ..... I don't think I've ever known anyone born on April 1st. I bet he had a good time with the jokes.

  4. Thank you Nancy for opening up the is so pretty and I think the colors look good with the white back ground.
    Have a great week !

    1. The white does make it stand out. You are very welcome.

  5. Nancy that quilt is gorgeous! I just love the colors!
    Have a good day!

    1. Well Frances, you know what happened the last time you said that! LOL. I liked the colors, but thought a better design might show them off more.

  6. April Fools!!!
    No, really it is me. 😂
    That was quite the day and you entertained me from becoming to end. The meal looks good though.
    I love the purple and green quilt, nothing wrong with your choices at all! I am so surprised Bill commented on it though!! Is that an April Fools joke? 💕

    1. Probably!! LOL. I guess I'm just not a fan of green.

  7. The quilt is beautiful but all your quilts are beautiful. Cute picture of the kitties.

  8. Easter egg hunts bring much joy to children unless they can't find the eggs, when my girls were little the Easter Bunny would write their initial on their eggs so they all got the same amount.
    Nice quilt

    1. Well for goodness sake Jo-Anne ... I never would have thought of that idea. I have to admit, ours were all laying out on top of the ground somewhere!

  9. I agree. Whoever made her up did a great job!!!
