Sunday, April 28, 2024

Seeing Red

Yes, BAD Nancy retracted those bad things she said about the politician and removed them from the blog.  If you can't say anything nice, you shouldn't say anything at all.  He MIGHT have donated personally through different channels.  On the other hand, as everyone knows, California's politicians have turned a great state into a mess.  I dislike them one and all.

I'm off to another meeting, this time a "Clinic", whatever that is.  How could I say no when the first words were DONUTS WILL BE SERVED.

The worst part ... I have to be there by 9:30 am.  Who has a meeting at 9:30 am on a Sunday?

And so for your viewing pleasure, here's my blooming geraniums. 

Red seems to be a recurring theme.  No, I haven't planted the gazanias yet, but hope to get that done soon. In the meantime, I vegged out (still miserably full of food from the night before), looked up fire pits and housing in Yuma, followed by some boring sewing.

That's it folks ... I've got nothing, except my neighbor still has the last gardener, and guess what.  He did not show up Friday OR yesterday.  I'm thinking he's fired yet again!!

I'll let you know how the donuts were .............


  1. Beautiful flowers!
    Your yard will soon look even better!
    Have a blessed Sunday!

    1. I think you are right Frances .... I can't wait!!

  2. Your flowers are beautiful and housing in Yuma ????

    1. I know, whoever would have thought I would say that. Just looking ... I've been looking everywhere in Arizona.

  3. A meeting at 9:30 on a Sunday morning? HEY EVERYONE, NANCY IS GOING TO CHURCH TODAY!!!! lol

    1. Almost ... in fact, it rather felt like church for awhile there!

  4. Ditto to what Sue says. Don't forget the big yard for rv's while looking in Yuma! haha
    Your red flowers are gorgeous.

    1. If I were to move, it would HAVE to have a big yard for RV's!!!
