Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Timing is Everything!

Drum roll please ..... this is a strawberry margarita ... a real one including alcohol, though I could not really taste any alcohol.  Yeah, it didn't taste anything like a strawberry margarita!!  Next time I'll order a regular one on the rocks.

It rained on and off overnight, but nothing to write home about.  All day long the clouds were gorgeous ... sometimes covering just the tops of the hills and sometimes leaving just the tops uncovered.  No pictures since I was paying too much attention to Mr. Cooper.  He kept barking and growling at a bush that I was sure might have a coyote behind it.

And then the OH NO happened.  Timing is everything I guess.  At 7:00 am, we ran completely out of propane.  It appears one tank (which is all I had full) will last me about 15 days in 40-50 degree weather.  It would last much longer were it not for Jonathan.

I got the tanks out and loaded in the truck, when Bill volunteered to go with me.  He showed me how to strap them down and even donated a strap for the occasion.  I'm telling you ... I don't know what I would do without the bestest of friends.  

$44.00 later, we were back in business.  Jonathan was a happy camper.

SO happy that he decided to take a bath.  He dips his head completely in his water dish, raises up and shakes his head and wings ..... over and over again.

Just like my vacuum cleaner, water went everywhere!!  On the counter, my chair, the floor ... making sure the entire corner of the rig got a nice bath.

He squawks and carries on ... singing in the shower like a pro.

More dips and more shakes went on for about ten minutes.

And now he is soaking wet.  As you can see, he also chewed up his carpet.  That's what I call the paper on the bottom of his cage that has to be changed daily due to his chewing.  

ALL CLEAN MOM!!  So I turned the heat up a little more until he dried out.  The life of a parrot!

Lucky for me, my timing was right when I checked the pork loin in the fridge.  It thawed much faster than I thought.  The plan was to barbecue it and share with Patsy and Bill.  Instead, I browned it on the stove, using my handy dandy splatter screen, as recommended by Deb and Riley, before sticking it in the oven.

Since I had no roasting pan for the oven, I used one of TWO comals in the drawer.  No, I do not know WHY I have two.  Timing is everything when it comes to roasting meat even if the 425 setting never materialized.  I ate part of one, and donated the other to Patsy for their dinner, with a note that they need salt and applesauce.

Dinner was served!!  

In between all this I spent quite some time on the computer doing RV Rally stuff.  It doesn't help when you are working with someone who isn't so familiar with computers, and doesn't know how to open reports.  Add to that having to deal with IRS reports for non-profit and I could have used another one of those drinks.

The rain continued in the evening off and on, causing both Patsy and I to run outside at the same time for some sunset pictures.

Even with thick clouds, they never disappoint.  

This morning we are socked in with fog, though I can't see any at the moment.  They say no rain for several days now, so maybe the sun will come out and dry everything up.  I'm ready for a trip to Tyson Wells and meet ups with RV group friends.  


  1. Well, I thought about it being a Strawberry Margarita, but then I remembered that you did not do much alcohol, hence the 'Virgin Margarita' guess. Glad "J" waited until you got propane before he did his bath.

    1. He's such a silly parrot. It's always a challenge to keep him warm.

  2. I use a cheap dog collar on my tanks with it being on the tank in use, and once I move the collar to the full tank the empty tank is filled with in a few days, that way I never run out of propane. I also use an old milk crate to keep my tank upright in the back of the truck, unless it is really rough or I take a corner really fast they never fall over.
    I’m glad the splatter screen idea works for you.
    Obviously they made the margarita with gold tequila not clear/white, which never crossed my mind. Sorry it just didn’t look appealing to me. Funny how we have ideas about things. I thought it looked more like a shot or two of beer topped with some concoction of foam. lol.
    Jonathan looks like enjoyed the bath!


    1. Ahhh a milk crate. Sounds like a good idea. I actually have a switch that tells me which one I'm using ... if I remember to switch it! It's supposed to show red or green, but sometimes it doesn't seem to know.

  3. Good thing you didn’t go to the tent the other day I had 2 to 3 inches of flooding inside the tent. Exhibitors were not very happy. My friend said it was so deserted. Some of the exhibiters closed up

    1. No kidding!!! That was quite a bit of water coming down. That happened to us in Indio once ... what a mess for the vendors. Hopefully visitors made up for it yesterday.

  4. Those sunset pictures are beautiful!
    We are not in a flood zone area...thank God.
    Rain predicted here tonight.
    Be safe!

    1. This is shades of the old days Frances ... it used to rain a lot more then. Guess we're on the upturn again.

  5. I would close the curtain on the cage to contain the bath water!
    Your pork loin looks so good - I might have to try cooking one myself! I used to drink strawberry m's but didn't look like yours.
    Sunset pics are beautiful - clouds seem to help bounce the colors around! Thx.

    1. The cage is closed on three sides, but the front was wide open before I could get to him! Yup ... weirdest margarita I've ever had. Next time I'll go on the rocks.

  6. Beautiful pictures. That Jonathan is such a character. With margaritas I stick with what I know....regular on the rocks with salt.

    1. I'm with you Elva ... I just thought I had one here before and it was really good. Not this time.

  7. Beautiful sunset pics. I'll be glad to get out of the city for a day or two. Hope to see you tomorrow.

  8. Pork Loins look yummy! I have to agree with regular margarita on the rocks, but no salt for me. Beautiful pictures!

    1. Pork loin is one of my favorite meats ... leftovers make great sandwiches.

  9. How come your pork loin looks so good? I've never been interested in it as it always has looked like a dry slice of chicken breast and was boring. Not that I've had it often. Maybe just cook it high and fast??

    1. I use the smaller (two in a bag) pork loins (not the huge Costco version). Brown it in a frying pan on the stove on medium high heat, then stick in the oven for 15 minutes at 400. I always check the temp ... 145-150 and it's done. Comes out a tad pink in the middle and VERY tender.

    2. Thanks! It really does loook good. First time I've ever perked up over pork loin.

  10. Some things in life you just never think about. Like "do parrots take baths?". Now I know! What an interesting and apparently messy process.

    1. Yes, weird, but they all do at least once a week! LOL
