Tuesday, January 9, 2024

If You Know, You Know!!

If you know, then you know exactly where I am.  I made it, though not in record time, which was okay with me.  On the other hand, that section that ties traffic up for an hour or more?  I just flew right through it.  Traffic was light, and the trucks even lighter.   

The first order of the day, after waking up for the third time, was to remove the battery cables from the Jeep.  I completely forgot that little task.  It's still dark outside and since I NEVER work outside in the dark, I couldn't find the light switch.  At long last ... done.

Then it was on to last minute packing and hookup.  That's always fun.  I took this picture just to see how level the rig was riding with the new shocks and springs on the truck.  It looks pretty good I guess, since I'm not the expert there.

And we were off.  All went pretty well.  The rest stop I always give Cooper a break at was actually open. Imagine that?  I think it's been closed for the last two years.  I have to say I'm very happy with the ride.  It was much nicer than my last trip, and no major bouncing like before!!

I pulled into the RV Park and went to setting up.  I don't do much ... just take the pressure off the hitch.  This time I'm VERY unlevel.  No I'm not unhooking.  That's way too much trouble for a one night stand.    That's when I heard it.  BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP.  How irritating!!  For some reason my fridge didn't like being on gas.  Seems to me it was fine when I left.  Everything is still frozen and cold, so I think we're okay.

I turned the gas off, then oh so slowly turned it back on and lit all the stove burners.  Well ... two of them because the third doesn't spark.  It's okay, since there's no way I'm cooking enough to need three burners!!  Today if the fridge beeps again, I'll just leave it off.  

Mr. Cooper decided not to eat anything I fixed.  I know I'm a bad cook, but REALLY!!  I tried everything I could find and he refused it all.  At long last I scrambled an egg and he gobbled it up.  What a spoiled little buddy he is!  

We had a little trouble with the guy next door who doesn't think his dog needs to be on a leash.  He came after Cooper and I the second we walked out the door.  The guy called him back, and everything was okay until the last walk of the night.  I stepped down (in the dark), only to trip over him at the bottom of my steps.  I kicked a little gravel and told him to get away.  He growled, whereupon Cooper came unglued.  No one growls at his Mom.  You know me ... THAT DOG NEEDS TO BE ON A LEASH!  All was well, and no one got bit.

It's dark this morning ... no surprise, as I'm always up early.  It's a lovely 37 degrees and I'm looking forward to an afternoon nap to make up for being awake half the night.  Everyone's heater is running, including mine.  Add to that the generator next door to keep the oranges from freezing.  Earplugs are a must.  

And so I leave you with this huge nugget of vitamin C, about 5" wide.  Oh yeah Dave ... the big oranges are back in stock.


  1. I can still taste my last good orange we got from there...they are the best when they are properly ripened. Have a great trip.

    1. They are delicious this year!! Would be better if it were 20 degrees warmer!

  2. Be safe! We had a hard frost here last night!

    1. So did we. I had to get water to clean the ice off the windshield!! Stay warm.

  3. Yay, on the road again! Glad the truck is riding better for you. Our puppies have their own feelings about different situations too. I don't have a probem spoiling our little guy when necessary. ALL the time!! Safe journey!
    That's a wonderful looking piece of fruit!!

    1. Cooper and John like the ride too. I'm saving a couple oranges for you.

  4. I don’t think the fridge liked not being level. My 2 cents…

    1. That is very possible!!! I forgot about that part.

  5. Good to see you off on another adventure. Have fun and stay out of trouble.

  6. One thing I do know is that the package has arrived and been secured!
    I laughed at the image of Cooper going after that dog!

    1. Yay!!! I think you'll be surprised. As for Cooper ... he can be a tough little fifteen year old dude! LOL

  7. Some RV Fridges stop working as soon as the unit is not level.
    Some dog owners believe Rules only are for other people, not them. Glad Cooper was sticking up for you.
    Be Safe and Enjoy the heater.

    It's about time.

    1. That is SO true of some dog owners. They always say ... not MY dog ... just before they bite someone or get in a dog fight!

  8. Safe travels!
    When our fridge beeps there is usually a code and it is the one telling us the pilot light has gone out. (Our code for that is FL we have a Norcold Refrigerator.) All we do is shut if off give it about 10 seconds and turn it back on.

    1. I have a Dometic. FIRE ... just kidding. All I get is a flashing CHECK light. I think the readers are right ... it wasn't level enough. I flipped it to electric and it was fine.
