Sunday, January 28, 2024


 We are back at the Dollar Store.  I have to admit, the first walk here was excruciating.  Well, maybe not THAT bad.  I've been sitting WAY too long, so climbing the steps in and out of my rig ten times a day with Cooper in hand has been the best thing I could do.   I sure got back in shape quickly.

Patsy already showed you this find, in case you need to test everyone who enters your house.  I admit, this is the first I've ever seen.  No worries there, I never get within 100 feet of the stuff.

Apparently a truckload or two came in on this day.  Every aisle was full of boxes and boxes of product.  They had more crew in the store than we had EVER seen.  I picked up a few small things, but nothing special.

Until now.  I've become a part of the Gen  X, Z, Y A generation, or whatever letter they are using now.  I had thought about ear buds previously looking for something to run with.  I have an iPod I can use, but I still have to carry my phone.

The solution?  Ear buds ... but electronics are not the cheapest thing on the market.  Except when you shop the DOLLAR STORE.  No kidding ... I was pretty shocked when I saw these for $15.00.  I mean even if I stepped on them, it would be no big loss.  Turns out they work great!  I can even answer the phone and get messages.  A USB charges the case, which charges the buds.  I said I would never go there, yet here I am.

I think Patsy posted a picture of this house.  Good grief ... what a mansion.  Yup I would buy it in a hot second.  It was on the market for awhile and has been sold a few times.  Too bad the value is now at $778,000.  There's a huge building in back, a half covered pool and 4 acres just waiting for horse barns.  Sadly, it's not for sale.

On this morning there was no gorgeous sunrise .. just the sun coming up and finally warming up the place.  Patsy and I went for a walk to check out some of the local housing.  It's crazy she said we walked over 10,000 steps yesterday.  By this time today, I was only at 5100.  

I think these cool houses were going for $200,000 when I first looked.  Now it seems they are $300,000 and up, with one just selling for $428,000.  Yikes!!!  But look ... the perfectly cute house with RV parking.  

You know this would be one of my first purchases.  The yard art around here is pretty crazy!!

I keep asking WHO BUYS ALL THESE ROCKS?  Well here's some decorating the house yard.  Who knew?

Back home, I played with the kid.  Think he has enough toys??   I spent another couple of hours on the phone with my RV groups, to find out two have now left.  That's less work for me!

I had more leftovers for lunch.  This is another cheese covered tuna and noodles casserole.  I mean really, anything is better smothered in cheese.

In the afternoon Patsy and I went over to the clubhouse to be regaled by the local group that gathers to sing and play their instruments for a few hours.  That will have to wait for tomorrow's blog.  You're going to love it!

About that time, the proctologist stopped in the RV park.  Uh oh ... that's not good for somebody.  Turns out it was me and the guy right behind me.  His rig was completely plugged up.  I tried to stay inside with all the doors and windows shut, trying to keep out the lovely odors.

The neighbor introduced himself, and his first words were WHERE'S YOUR SEWER HOSE?  Gee ... nice to meet you too.  I only take it out when I need to dump.  That's probably why you need to call in the pros.  There was lots of banging and pumping going on as I prayed the tanks here at the park were really really big ones.

Seems he's a single guy from Nevada with a little four wheeler and a boat.  The boat doesn't work, but he's working on it.

Thankfully, the dinner bell rang.  I was invited over to Patsy and Bills for one of their magnificent cheeseburgers.  I don't know what their secret is, but these taste just as good as they look.  One hundred times better than that Walla Walla burger.

Stuffed to the gills, it was already the end of the day.  Time flies when you're having fun.  Be sure and check in for tomorrow's jam session.  You will be surprised just how good these guys are!!


  1. Love that big ol' house! I'd be on the balcony in a hammock!
    Burgers look great ~ not even 7am and I'm thinking lunch!
    Cooper needs more toys!

    1. Hahaha you are funny!!! No more toys! A hammock ... perfect!

  2. When it comes time to buy yourself, another set of earbuds Check Amazon They have good prices

  3. I need earbuds I better check the Dollar store and Amazon.
    Burger looks fantastic.
    Have a good Sunday!

    1. They actually work very well. It was a GREAT Sunday.

  4. I worked in retail my entire life managing people. There is no way I could manage today's generation with being arrested.

    1. I'm with you Jim. I would probably be firing a lot of people.

  5. Love the TRUE picture of the boxes at the dollar store. You captured it well. Those ear buds were a steal, if I'd only known, could have saved ourselves the time waiting for delivery plus a few dollars. :)
    Glad you could join us for a burger and I've been happy to spend as much time with you this winter as I have. ♥

    1. ps - and Gibbs and Cooper became real good friends. ♥♥

    2. I can't think of any better place to spend time. No worries on paying more for the ear buds ... I'm sure your's will be higher on the quality scale! LOL. Gibbs and Cooper DID become good friends. That's unusual for Cooper. Gibbs just has a magnetic personality!! I'm going to miss you guys!
