Friday, October 29, 2021

How Many Does It Take?

How many dinosaurs does it take to make a Time Travel Tractor?  I think there are 27, but I haven't counted them lately.  

It began yesterday with me arriving at 8:00 looking forward to a twelve hour day.  With no cover over the bounce, I had to sweep the water off and try to dry it out before all the kids arrived.  Mission accomplished, but by the time I was done, I was so hot I had to scrounge up some foo-foo juice from my truck.  Note to Nancy:  stay away from people today if possible. 

How many kids does it take to run the attractions?  Seventeen actually.  Ten showed up.  I think since getting paid for the first two weeks, they bailed.  Even though most only work a four hour shift, I rather imagine that $2000 check they were expecting, did not materialize.  Nor did the kids when it was time to show up last night.

I scrambled again getting everything covered.  With a lot of tweaking here and there, we made it through the day.  Somehow I never seem to get my 30 minute lunch OR a break.

This is a very short trip through time, back to the dinosaurs.  I barely had time to grab these pictures before the first big hurdle arrived.  These are all hand painted to look like the real thing.  We even have eggs hatching.  They really do make you look twice.

How many people does it take to change a toilet paper roll?  I can tell you, it's not one, nor is it two.  We have flushable porta-potties that have a container inside for every kind of paper product on the market.  The problem is they do not come with instructions.  

I held the door while the kid tried to unhook the metal bar.  It wasn't happening.  One of our night maintenance guys walked by and I asked him to please help.  Surely someone mechanically inclined could get the job done.  Thankfully I was right so we weren't stuck in there for twenty minutes trying to figure it out.

How many people show up on a Thursday night?  Well over one thousand.  In spite of wishing they would spread themselves out over the 30 days, they all come at the last minute.  Of course there is always one teenage employee who has to leave early.  A bit more scrambling and stealing the Hay Ride loader and we kept going like nothing had happened.   

How many does it take to run the snack bar every night?  Six girls plus one Manager.  They haven't been able to take any breaks, so I snuck in for 40 minutes and made nachos, hot dogs and snow-cones.  The old machine, on which I've made literally 1,000's of snowies every day, finally gave up the ghost.  

The new one arrived just in time to start the afternoon.  It's a PRO version, and I'm tell you that baby can spit out snowies like a champ.  Super fast with a much bigger ice hopper ... it's a blast to run!!

At long last the night was over as we swept the place for trash.  How many people does it take to pick up all the trash left by that many people?  Basically two ... the night guy and me.  I always wonder what their houses look like.  Do they just throw everything on the floor?  They must live in a pig sty.

I was super happy I didn't have to go in today until noon but the Boss said 11:00.  RATS!!  I'm going to sit on the couch until the very last second before heading out to sell pumpkins for four hours, then reopen the patch for another evening crowd.  It's going to be another long day.  Yes I really am counting the minutes.


  1. Just a couple more days, then you can relax!

  2. Love those dinosaurs! Too bad there's not much work ethic out there! I so agree about trash! I get so embarrassed in some women's restrooms! Take it easy for as long as you can today!

    1. It's sad really because these kids are supposed to be the cream of the crop! LOL

  3. Has there ever been a count on how many pumpkins where sold or grown in the fields? Just a rough estimate would probably blow my mind.

    1. It's hard to even guess, but I think maybe around 8,000 of the large carvers and just as many of the decorative ones, not counting the gourds.

  4. Looks like you don't have to deal with Heat or with Rain over the next few days. Hope you have a good weekend, and then a good long rest (which for you means a day or

    1. The heat has been pretty bad for the last two days. We are always in the sun and moving. Good thing we have AC in the office!!

  5. Replies
    1. I am SO looking forward to Sunday!!! In the beginning it's a challenge. Now it's "I can't wait to get out of here"!!
