Wednesday, September 11, 2024

In Memory Of Those Lost

It's hard to believe it's been 23 years since the terrorist attack on the twin towers.   It's a solemn day in our history, which was obviously forgotten when the borders were opened and terrorists just walked right in.  As of last year, there were 294 noted terrorists on the watch list who are INSIDE the U.S. border.  It appears many people have forgotten, because now terrorists walk among us.

I watched this attack unfold on television, never EVER thinking I would be at the site just a few weeks later.  It was shocking ... something I will NEVER FORGET!  You can't even begin to imagine the devastation ... the twisted steel beams snapped like toothpicks ... pieces of stairway going nowhere that people had just run down trying to escape.  At the time they were still looking for bodies among the rubble.

The death toll has been set at 2,977 people, not counting those who have died since from 9-11 related illnesses.  

So today's blog is all about remembering those souls lost in this horrific act, and praying for those that survived.



  1. It is hard to believe that so many of today's youth know little or nothing about 9/11. I would really like to know what our schools are teaching our children about 9/11, if they teach anything at all.

    1. I don't think they teach much history at all, at least not current history.

  2. A very sad day! Never ever forget.

    1. SO many lives lost ... so many families devastated.

  3. I also would like to know what they teach about 9/11 or if the teachers are allowed to talk about it?

    1. My guess is that they teach about 9/11 like they taught our generation about Vietnam. Not much at all.Dee

    2. The gal next door is a teacher at a school for problem kids. I'll ask her what they teach and let you know.

  4. A horrible and shocking event that should not be forgotten along with those brave people who went to help

  5. On that Tuesday my son Michael had a orthodontist appointment...We heard about first plane. I dropped him off and went back to work and it was there where I saw the second plane hit. Needless to say, my office was the place where staff came to see what was going on. It was a very emotional day.

    1. Same here Dave ... we had a small TV in the break room that we all crowded around. Not much work got done. We just could not believe what we were seeing.

  6. A sad day in our country.One Tom and I will never forget.

    I am going to be asking my grandchildren if they know what people are referring to when they say, they will never forget 9/11?
    Tom and Deb
