Friday, September 6, 2024

The Ugly and The Good

 Well ..... a deep subject ..... we are back up above 100 for the next few days.  It was mean of Mother Nature to give us a little taste of COOL, then snatch it back and throw out hot air from a fire breathing dragon!!

Add to that a lovely night with no sleep.  As you know, nothing can wake you up faster and KEEP you up longer than your sweetest puppy companion getting sick at 1:11 a.m.  Man oh man ... nothing makes me move faster.  Only on THIS night, I was too tired to hear it until it was WAY too late.  It was UGLY to say the least.  Not only was I up for an hour, I couldn't go back to sleep.

Oh look ... after tossing and turning ... it's 3:30.  Might as well get up!!!  I stripped the beds and began the three loads of wash.  It was all my fault.  I whipped up some kielbasa and potatoes for dinner and gave him three tiny bites.  BIG MISTAKE!


I was pretty skeptical about the next task ... getting my truck to start so I could drive it to the doctor.  I had the battery charger on all night long.  Not wanting to get electrocuted, I unplugged it and disconnected everything.  I jumped inside and held my breath ... turning the key.  It protested, but YAY!!  It started!!  How lucky could I be.

I got to the shop at 7:00 ... they don't open until 7:30 ... but that sweet Benny ... he came out and parked my truck where they would be fixing it.  The wait was on.  Thirty minutes later, he called my name.  Oh no I thought ... what's wrong now!!  

Absolutely NOTHING!!  That Super Shop ... those guys are like family.  They put in not one, but TWO batteries.  Yeah, big trucks have two.  Here's the first one ......

It's on that far side ... and the second is at the bottom of the picture.  I waited for the bad news ... how much I owed.  You won't believe this ... they only charged me for the batteries.  Not the price to have them delivered, not the labor to install and not the check of the charging system to be sure it really WAS just the batteries.  I paid a whopping $414 for the two, but my last ones lasted TEN years, so I can't complain too much.  And the previous two batteries were over $500 ... so there's that!!  I love these guys!!!

I got home to be met at the door with this little face yet again.  He's back to normal, or at least as normal as he can be.  No more kielbasa for YOU my buddy, as I spent the next hour putting the bed back together and cleaning up the floor.  Yeah, it was epic!!

Lack of sleep hit me hard.  I was sooooo tired, but sleep would not arrive on this day.  Might as well have some ice cream.

Now if Walmart could only produce the perfect ice cream cone with which to celebrate, it would have been a perfect day.  Here's their variety ... cheap at a little under $1.00 each.  Once again, notice how the size has changed.

This is not my first rodeo ... thus the bowl over which to eat.  This is what the inside looks like.  Not only is the cone smaller, but they left out half the ice cream!!!  Take a bite and the chocolate crumbles into a dozens pieces, all over your clean go-to-town shirt, the couch AND the floor.  I was more careful this time.

It was okay though, better than nothing!!  Cooper was finally feeling good and I have a truck that will start on a dime!!  All is good in HOT central California on this day!!

And so I'm off this morning to yet ANOTHER eye appointment.  Maybe this time I'll get my prescription for new glasses.


  1. Cute little Cooper…looks like he forgave for such an unfriendly doggy dinner. Doris from Pa

    1. Yes he did ... though he slept quite a bit. BAD Nancy for thinking it was okay to give him even the smallest of bites.

  2. Replies
    1. Not surprising I suppose. Costco varieties are MUCH better!!!

  3. I agree with Jim the ice cream cone is a complete rip off.
    Try to keep cool!

    1. Lesson learned ... go for the good stuff when it comes to ice cream!!!

  4. Mr. Ed said once you go into your optometrist and he does an eye exam. You’re entitled to that piece of paper by law regardless of his spiel or Bs. You paid for a service what you do with that paper after is none of his business

    The law provides that once your eyes have been examined, you are entitled to your prescription or a duplicate of the prescription.

    do you keep in mind though all the namebrand glasses frames are controlled by one Swiss company .
    Tryon every pair

    1. When you find a particular frame that you like take a photograph of it and the model number you can go online and buy it for a third of that price from a third-party seller optometrist don’t make their money on a prescription they make their money on the frame very few optometrist have eyeglass cutting machines they send them out. That’s why they tell you come back in a week
      For FYI google. Who is the largest eyeglass frame company in the world Interesting nonetheless,

    2. True ... but they don't have to give you a prescription until they actually check the "health" of your eyes. More on that tomorrow. It's paid for by Medicare, and since I rarely EVER use that, I figure they owe me considering how much I pay in every single month!!


  5. If the price has not increased, then the amount of food in the container has shrunk...Bidenomics

    1. Same price, less food. Yup Bidenomics in spades!! Just like toilet paper, Oreo cookies and everything else you buy nowadays. Half the product for the same price.

  6. Glad Cooper is doing better.
    You hit the jackpot for those Two Batteries.
    Shrinkflation is now a global issue.
    Be Safe and Enjoy some sleep.

    It's about time.

    1. I just recently read that England has the same terrible problems with illegal immigrants and the ongoing shortages in food because it's all going to the illegals for free.
