Thursday, February 15, 2024

It's A Greek Tradition!

THE SUN IS SHINING!  At long last it is warm, though a tad bit windy, in beautiful southern Arizona.  I've gone through 14 gallons of propane trying to stay warm and keep the pipes from freezing.  Not that they would ... it's not THAT cold ... but with all the horror stories I've heard, I'm not taking any chances.  This rig throws some of that heat into the underbelly to keep things toasty warm.

Mr. Cooper and I were out early this morning, checking out all the empty spaces.  Boy do I love it when everyone leaves.  It's quite relaxing ... well except for the drag racing.   Just down the road a bit is an NHRA drag racing facility.  Around the other side is a round-de-round race track.  On two other sides are firearms facilities, and in the middle, horse barns for every kind of riding you can imagine.  Add to that the bandstand facilities and this place is rarely quiet.  

Look what we found!  This is a Sprinter Van, diesel, 4-wheel drive ... right up my alley.  I was completely surprised when I saw the ever-so-fit good looking guy get out from behind the wheel and begin to hook her up.  It took me 10 seconds to come face to face.

He's from Colorado and comes with a wife and two kids.  Can you imagine all of them camping in this van?  That's what I call close quarters.  He let me open the door and check out the interior.  The shower hangs on the outside wall in the back, but they do have a bathroom ... kinda sorta.  It sleeps four and still has seating for five when going down the road.  He has solar panels, so he can charge up stuff and has not only propane, but a diesel heater that runs off the fuel tank.  

Yeah .. it's too small, even for just Cooper and I.  BUT I LIKE IT!!!

Back at my rig, it was time to head out to the location of our addiction.  The quilt store.  I picked Patty up and away we went.  Although I found the colors for one small quilt I'm making, we were both disappointed with their supply.  

If you are a quilter, your favorite quilt store has all the fabrics you love.  That means their buyer has the same taste you do.  This shops buyer has gone off the deep end with only modern fabrics.  That means we have to find a new store ... OH DARN!!  Yes, the yellow orange is for a completely different quilt.

So as you probably guessed, it's Patty's birthday.  She's kind of shy when it comes to that.  No presents, no flowers ... but we do have our traditions.  Of course the first one is fabric because she gets a discount on her birthday.  The second one is a Greek Tradition.  We always go to lunch at Opa's.

Also a Greek Tradition ... we order this Greek salad every single time.  This is gyro meat, a mixture of beef and lamb, cooked to perfection on an upright rotisserie.  This salad is (and always has been) $11.00 and more than enough for two people.  It's a huge plate and Patty already took a chunk out of one side.  

Oh my goodness I was full to the brim!!  Why cook when you can have food like this??  One of these days I'll expand my palate and try some desserts.  On the way home, I decided I shouldn't worry about bringing food.  Just bring ice cream and some frozen chicken for Cooper.  I'll just eat out from now on!!  No cooking, no washing dishes ... how easy is that!!

Time to check out my propane.  Mother Nature has been cold as ice, so I've been using a lot for the heater.  Yes I have a small electric heater that I've been using too, but if it stays on too long, the cord gets warm.  It's been about three weeks, so it's time for a refill.  Mr. Chance has volunteered to come and lift them back into the rig for me this morning.  

And so ended another fun-filled day in the desert.  It would be FUNNER (yes, that's a word) or MORE fun if it would warm up a tad.  And it's going to ... the day I have to leave.

In the meantime, let's see what trouble I can get into today.  


  1. Love the pottery material - I like the western theme prints too!
    Warmer days now then Summer arrives......very warm days!

  2. Happy Birthday Patty.
    The salad looked great.
    I assume you have two tanks, leave one shut off and when the first one runs dry, switch to the next, now you know it’s time to refill a single tank while the other one is in use. No guessing about propane levels.
    There was a van like that at Road Runner earlier this year, it was towing a trailer that matched the van. Very efficient and well made, lots of interesting features. It was a couple, from the Tucson area. I think we will see a lot more of those in the future. It came complete with linens, dishes, pots, pans, etc.


    1. A trailer? That would help a bunch!!! As for the tanks, that's what I usually do, but since they have a tank fill setup here, I just let them both go empty.

  3. Salad looks delicious!
    Glad you were able to shop and have lunch with your best, good friend!

  4. Great birthday tradition with your friend Patty.
    Quilt shop looking for fabric and Greek salad.
    Eating ice cream always sounds good !

  5. For Valentine's Day Marcia asked me to go out and get a bottle of Mataxa Ouzo...I think it has been nearly 10 years since we had an Ouzo in the house, which is a BIG Greek Liquor of course. An ounce for her and ounce and a half for me and that is all it takes....OPA!

    1. Ohhhhh that ouzo ... that's some tough stuff. OPA is right!!

  6. Best wishes to Patty. Is her birthday on Valentine's or the 15th?
    Lots of food, right there!

    1. It was the 14th ... it's an easy one to remember.

  7. I think those campervans are pretty cool, but I could not do one with more than one person.

    1. Agree ... I think they have more room than your camper!! FOUR people? No WAY!!

  8. Happy one day past your birthday to Patty!
