Wednesday, February 28, 2024


 You knew it was coming up today ... I'm BACK TO BINGO!!  Oh yes, back to confrontation, impatience, cheating and screaming.  And that's just ME!!  I'm kidding ..... that's the Kingdom peasants AND me!!  For those that don't read my blog often, the word peasants is used because just like in Frankenstein, where the peasants storm the castle with flaming torches and pitchforks, they do the same at Bingo.  It's a kick in the pants to see them again, and I love them every one.  Well maybe MOST of them!!

So if I'm going to carouse with the rebels, I need sustenance.  CAKE comes to mind, and I just happened to have an angel food mix.  It went into my brick oven that knows not how hot it is.  Yes that's a temperature gauge sitting in there, but its head is a little scrambled too.  I would use the big oven, but it takes 30 minutes just to heat up.  They both need to be recalculated, but no one around here knows how.

I watched it like a hawk.  You cannot under bake these beauties.  It's sitting upside down because I didn't want you to see the very VERY dark brown spots on top.  No matter, it worked its magic and I was sufficiently sugared up to do two things.

The first was make the bed in the rig.  I discovered the biggest problem was the huge comforter that was 3" thick.  It took up WAY too much room.  This nice quilt I made is much better and should be just as warm.  Also, I cheated.  I only used the bottom sheet.  I know, that's weird, but boy is it easier all the way around!!!  I'll see how that works out on my next trip.

That wasn't exactly fun on my back because it brought about a frenzy of switching out bedspreads in the house.  I could barely drag the one king sized comforter to my bedroom, whereupon I discovered it was WAY too big.  Yeah, I had to drag it all the way BACK to the closet.

Time for a little more chocolate sugar before heading off to the Castle.  I gathered up more items to donate to the peasants that I don't need since I have three of everything.  An instant pot, a blender ... just stuff.  I loaded it all in the truck.  It's time to go ... I jumped in the Jeep and took off.  It needed to be driven.  I completely forgot all the stuff in the truck.  Maybe next week.

I was hoping I didn't forget how to control the infernal machine.  Sure enough, it worked just fine, with one small glitch.  They forgot to clear it out last week, meaning the bookkeeper thinks we made $10,000.  With that cleared up, we were off to the races.

And then the most amazing thing happened.  The other Nancy who works through those doors to the left, volunteered to learn the infernal machine for when I'm gone.  You could hear me yell OKAY the next block over.  

She wanted to watch, but there's no better way to learn anything than to just do it.  In 15 minutes she was a nervous wreck, but she did a GREAT job!!  YAY ... another VICTIM .... I mean volunteer!!  I gave her a break, but we were too busy to continue, so she got a reprieve until next week.  The King was a happy camper.  I was smiling ear to ear!

As for the 123 peasants, there were the normal good guys that all were happy I was back, only because I'm fast on the infernal machine, and then there were the OTHERS.  So many people I've never seen before.  Sadly, we have lost a few of our regulars, but there seats have been quickly filled.  

Let's face it ... most of these players are older.  Two young girls came in for the first time and won TWO games.  You could hear the grumbling across the room.  First timers luck we call it.  When the regular gal won two big pots, including $1199, the pitchforks and flaming arrows came out.  If looks could kill!!

I only had one problem ... and she's always a problem ... an elderly peasant who never can make up her mind.  She buys two cards and uses her debit card to pay.  She never gets her PIN number right.  Then she comes back six times and buys one or two more cards, using the same "wrong" PIN number.  After the sale is completed, she'll grab one more of something and we go through the whole rigamarole once again.

The players standing in line don't like it any better than I do.  I admit, I ran out of patience last night.  BAD Nancy!  I'll try to improve next week ... when she will do it all over again!  

Lucky for me the infernal machine balanced, once I remembered I had to borrow cash from the pull tab side in order to make the payouts.  We actually give cash back when buying cards because they will turn around and buy pull tabs.  On this night I gave out so much cash, I didn't have any to pay the jackpots.

I was exhausted.  I had completely forgotten just how much work it was to run the machine, make change, put up cards, deal with people, turn around and grab dobbers and get up and down 35 times.  My back complaineth!  Today you will find me on the couch ... eating angel food cake!!


  1. Nancy you always have funny stories after Bingo and good you will soon have a back up helper . Love your quilt in the RV.
    Have a good day !

    1. It's a good thing all the workers have a sense of humor!

  2. I'm sure you were missed and isn't it nice to be needed.
    Also nice to have a new trainee though.
    Love the quilt on your bed.

  3. Bingo sounds so exciting, would like to be a fly on the wall. The quilt looks great in the rv, matches perfectly.

    1. Thank you Cheryl! It's one of my favorite quilts.

  4. I'll be right over for some cake!

    1. Old fashioned angel food ... you don't see that much any more.

  5. Nice to have another volunteer to run the machine, hopefully she does not get scared off before your next trip!

    1. She's been working there for several years, so I think she'll stick around ... thank goodness!!!!

  6. You gotta say to that 'older lady', "Ok, are you SURE you don't want anything else, because once I run this card, "IF" you want something else, you will have to go back to the end of the line and wait your turn again."

    1. Oh believe me Dave ... I say that every single time!! In one ear and out the other! LOL

  7. I love the rv quilt. And that cake...that's a CAKE. Congratulations on finding a backup!

    1. My Mom used to frost those cakes with a lemon-powdered sugar drizzle. YUM!!!
