Friday, August 25, 2023

Packing Sucks, But Cleaning Is Worse!!!

 Good Morning Arizona!  It's a tad on the early side this morning as temperatures start to heat up again.  Although we got a severe heat warning, the weather guessers say 97, so we shall see.  

I'm not sure if I showed this video or not.  This was a fabulous video before it got chopped up on the editing room floor.  Blogger just won't allow large files, so I had to cut out the crazy expression on the coyote.  Then it dawned on me ... make it into three movies.  So here goes.

Rarely do I ever see the pack.  Individuals stop by quite often, but the entire pack?  That's unusual.

I just love watching these guys.  

I'm pretty sure they were tracking THESE guys.  Sadly, no one has come to drink for the last week.  With rains coming in every day, there are other places to find water.  I finally got the camera working ... new batteries ... but no visitors.  Not even Prince Charming the Toad.

The first order of the day was to meet up with the trash guy.  Since my first choice said he couldn't show up, I just googled Trash Guys on the internet.  I got a very young sounding kid named Caleb.  I'm all about kids who have the initiative to work hard and make extra money.  He sounded like he fit the bill.

Sure enough, he texted me twice to say he was on his way.  He even backed the trailer all the way up in my driveway like a pro.  I'm guessing he was about 19 years old.  He said he had three more stops to make before heading home.  Some stuff he keeps, some he sells and most gets hauled to the dump for probably under $20.  

We loaded up all the junk and filled half his trailer.  I gave him a 100 dollar bill.  It was probably worth $75, but this kid showed respect, hard work and service in fifteen minutes.  I'll all about that in young kids!

Then of course I had to spend the next twenty minutes sweeping out the garage.  That little pile on the right will be loaded on the rental truck.  Gosh .. I've never done so much cleaning in one day!!

Did you notice the shelves were gone?  Manuel from Four Arrows Garden came by to pick them up.  That was fun .... we loaded them up just like this instead of taking them apart.  These things are HEAVY!!

With most everything finally moved out of the rooms, it was cleaning time.  I'm sure you know just how much I appreciated THAT little task.  I vacuumed for all of 10 minutes before it quit altogether.  What the heck?  Oooooooohhhhh ... it was jam packed with fluff and dirt.  Hmmmm I guess I need to vacuum a little more often.  Once cleaned out, it was purring again.  

Believe it or not, I even wiped down the baseboards.  Thankfully they only exist in two rooms.  No, I'm not cleaning the blinds.  I have my limits!

The rest of the day I managed to clean up more stuff and pack even more boxes.  It never failed, just as I sealed the box, I needed something inside it.  

Chef Patty called to say she was having a fabulous casserole ... she is the Casserole Queen ... and I should stop by for dinner.  It was quite tasty, but I didn't stay long.  I couldn't stop thinking about my second day drive that would probably be ten hours long.  

Back home, I sat on the couch staring at all this stuff, thinking "I don't need that, I don't have room for that".  More things got moved into the donation room.  Those guys better bring a BIG truck!!

Just before I crashed for the night, I decided I would leave Sunday, right after we finish packing the rental truck.  I should have plenty of time to get to Quartzsite, making my second day of travel about seven hours.  Remember, I have to drive slower when towing.  I don't mind really ... it makes it easier on me.  

I'll finish cleaning today, dismantling and loading my longarm tomorrow and the big pack on Sunday.  Here's hoping all goes on schedule.


  1. Meeting kids like that restore your faith in humanity. Well, kinda. You don't mind giving money, even a little extra, to someone who has initiative and looks like an overall good person.

  2. What is the deal with the "unfinished" garage? I mean it's ready to paint.

    1. Norm ... I got halfway through the painting and it got too hot. There's a gallon left in the cupboard .. come on down!! LOL

  3. Your garage looks awesome!
    You got this kiddo!

    1. Such hard work Frances ... I'll have to sleep for a week!

  4. Great videos this morning! Getting things done ~ almost on your way!

    1. I love seeing those packs. I'm glad they still hang out around here.

  5. Things are moving right along. Glad you found a good trash guy and a home for the shelving unit.

  6. Bet you can't wait for this to be over. Has there been any interest in the house would be nice if she shows it on Monday and gets a buyer real quick.

  7. It's amazing how much stuff builds up under and behind furniture. Yesterday, we moved a file cabinet and found a newsletter from 2018!

    1. Hahaha thank you Linda. At least I know I'm not alone!!

  8. Don't forget your game camera. Enjoyed all the videos.

    1. Game camera is already packed away!! I'm glad you liked them ... there will be more.

  9. Wow Nancy. Can't believe that you got all that done in such a short time. You sure will need a big rest soon.

  10. I just binge read your last few days and write it sure does seem like things are moving quickly! Good job!
    That young man has the ambition required to make a name for himself earning $$ in the process!
