Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Good Luck, Bad Luck

Oooohhhhhh it was COOL last morning.  I can't believe it ... we got all the way down to 75 degrees.  I sat outside and absorbed all the crisp morning air I could.  Lucky for me, my camera was not waterlogged after all that rain.  

What I saw next however, was beyond weird.  There were bugs flying in the air in a big swarm.  When I looked down, the ants were out in force.  Some of these have wings, but the majority are just big 1/4" long ants.  What the heck?  The water trough was full of them.  I swiped three big chunks out before I thought to get my camera.  Maybe this was a big hatching?

I came back with a gallon of water to flood the trough and most of them were gone.  I guess this was the result of all that rainwater yesterday?  Now I'm wondering what OTHER creatures will show up.  I've only seen Mr. Toad once.  Too bad ... he would have had a feast here!!

That's when I found this on the critter cam card.  There are several babies, but watch it to the very end.  That is a brand spanking new tiny baby following after Mom.  That's the first time I've had one so very young.  My good luck continues.

Well at least for an hour it did.  My repaired quilting machine showed up at 8:30 and my luck went south.  No kidding ... the delivery guy from Tucson mashed the computer frame into the machine, breaking the USB cable that controls the whole thing.  The Manager who delivered it to me drove all the way back to his office to pick up the control board from his showroom floor model.  What a nice guy!  There's more ......

Good luck ... the shot seems to be working for Cooper.  He still chews a bit, but not like he did.  I'm so happy he's feeling better, even if it did cost me a fortune.   I just keep shaking my head at the crazy prices of absolutely everything after the last two year's fiasco.  

Good luck ... I drove all the way deep in the heart to REI Sports Equipment to find something cooler to wear.  Sort of bad luck .. amazingly I found a decent pair of well made shorts for a whopping $69.00.  I'm embarrassed to say I actually bought them.  Three years ago I bought a pair for $35.00. 

Add to that the shirt ... just a T-shirt ... I'm not even going to tell you how much it was.  Less than the shorts, but not by much.  I mean seriously, who can afford this stuff??  How are those stores staying in business?  At least these are really good quality that will last several years.

I would have checked out Penneys and Macys, but the stores around here don't open until 11:00.  I didn't want to hang around for an hour.

Good luck, or so I thought ... the Manager came back at 5:00 to fix my quilting machine.

Bad luck ... it still wouldn't run.  He finally narrowed it down to an encoder on the frame, whatever that is.  He called his best repair guy and asked him to stop by my house today with new parts.  It took a little convincing, but hopefully sometime today I MIGHT have it running again.  

What about the roof?  I've no idea.  I've given up.  I guess they will show up when they show up.  I'm trying to remain optimistic.  My backup plan ..... I'm thinking I will offer all my RV friends free parking with electric and water, and two cases of beer each, to help install my roof.  I may even break down and FLY you here.  

I'm keeping my fingers crossed I see some handsome hunks arriving this morning for my viewing pleasure ..... and a new roof!!  


  1. If they’re big ants with wings, more likely Swarming termites when the main hive gets too full, they go look for another place

    1. WHAT???? Noooooooo. Guess I better go take another look.

  2. I agree termites!
    Clothing prices are crazy! Frances:)

  3. Arid subterranean termites are the most commonly found termite species in Arizona. "IF" you have termite coverage for you house, it should not be a problem because your provider will have put out poison to kill them when they get to the house. "IF" not, better get coverage as termites can do much damage. We have coverage for our Condo, part of HOA, and they inspect each year. We still get swarms, but they don't take hold (so far).

    1. Just what I need ... another problem!!!

    2. Is that really a problem. The little buggers are everywhere, as long as they aren't in your house.
      I live in the woods, so there's even more here.
      It rained hard, so they know times will be good and so they sent out queens and drones to mate and go look for some nice wood to eat, likely not your house as there are more better places around then that. They have likely been there for years.
      Save your money.

    3. After some research, I came to the same conclusion Bob. Thank you so much!!!
