Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Look Out ... I'm Cooking Again

Another wonderful storm came by for a visit so I snapped a few more lightning images.  This one seemed to be much further away, so I was able to sit on the patio and enjoy it.

Jessie, on the other hand, tried to get to me by crashing into the screen door.  Luckily there was no damage to her OR the door.  Gosh ... she came from Alabama.  Don't they have storms in Alabama?
I came back inside, grabbed an old afghan and completely covered her up.  That was all she needed.  With rain still falling, it began to feel like grilled cheese time.  Weird how that happens.
I headed straight to the freezer for bread, but only found hamburger and ice cream.  You can't make a grilled cheese sandwich without bread.  But WAIT!!  I have a bread machine!!!

I gathered up all the ingredients, noticing one bag of flour was kind of outdated.  It shouldn't matter ... it's been in the fridge all year.
Following the recipe, I added everything in it's correct order.  I could just TASTE that grilled cheese.
All of a sudden ... CRACK   BANG   OUCH!!!   Good grief Charlie Brown ... that darn microwave vent cover fell down again, hitting me right on the noggin!!  Must be some ghosties around here because magically, it flew across the kitchen!!

I've had it with that thing.  Apparently the museum clay stuff doesn't really work in warm environments.  Well it's not going to happen again.  I grabbed a piece of gorilla duct tape and taped it to the cabinet.  It's rather redneck looking, but at least it won't fall off any time soon.  Parts are not available .... I need a new microwave.
Back to the bread ... I can just taste that sandwich I'm going to have for lunch.  Wasn't I surprised when I hit the ON button and 4:04 showed up.  That means the bread will be done in FOUR hours.  So much for gilled cheese for lunch.
I had lean cuisine instead.  For dinner however, the bread was done.  I opened the lid and it looked like the grand canyon.  You can't see it here because I squared off the top and turned it away from the camera.  

Next time I'll set it on "light" crust.  It's so thick and hard, it was a little difficult to slice, but I was determined.  Grilled cheese was calling my name!!
FINALLY ... my taste buds would be satisfied!!  Sort of.  I made wheat bread, which probably wasn't the best choice.  I threw in a little tomato for good measure.  The flavor of the bread almost completely obliterated the cheese taste.  It was HUGE and I ate the whole thing!!
Now to just figure out what I'm going to do with the rest of that loaf.  After all, I'm on a diet!!!!

I spent another couple hours playing referee with the kitties.  Missy must have said something bad because Snoopy wanted to ring her bell.  
Suddenly Snoopy disappeared.  I called and called but couldn't find her.  I KNOW she did it on purpose.  As I walked into the bathroom, she jumped down from the top of the cabinet, six feet above the countertop, scaring the you know what out of me.  To make up for it, she came purring to my lap where she spent the next hour.  KIDS!!!!
My next project involves leveling the house, which apparently needs to be done every few years.  My floors make so much noise it's like thunder every time I walk around.  I'll let you know how that goes.


  1. That sandwich looks tasty but too much of a good thing is not good. Kathy Freezes our bread and only takes out what she needs when making sandwiches.
    With your dry climate I'm surprised that releveling your house is necessary. Something I heard of about Homes built on pillars.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. I freeze my bread too Rick ... sure save me a lot! The house is a modular home with supports underneath that need to be checked occasionally. You would think it's dry, but in monsoon season I get three or four times the amount of rain as I get in California.

  2. I totally think it was worth the trouble to get that grilled cheese and tomato sandwich! It looks awesome!

    1. I bet yours was better than mine ... you had home grown tomatoes!!!
