Wednesday, September 26, 2018

OH WELL .........

I know I can't expect every single day to go along without a hitch, so over the years, I have finally taken the "oh well" attitude to heart.  I'm not alone.  Thankfully this entire group is really good at expressing that when things happen.

I was up early yesterday as usual and had to chase off a couple of kitties before letting the dogs out.  No problem, they ran away as normal wild cats do.  There was no time for Words With Friends or television ... the meeting started at 8:30 sharp.
First up, a long set of questions from the main office of FMCA (Family Motor Coach Association), the parent company of this shindig.  I only belong because of the Golden Spike Chapter's love of all things locomotive.

By the questions they had for us, they are actually interested in what we think about various things.  We answered their questions and got on to lunch, which of course is MUCH more important.

In the past, we have always had great food here.  I don't know what happened last year, but it was a big fail.  THIS year we all got Subway sandwiches, chips, cookies and water.  I'm not at all into Italian sandwiches however.  It helped that there was lettuce and tomato she said, except OOPS .... they forgot to put those ingredients on mine.  Oh well .........
After lunch, we got down to the business of the ice cream social.  Everyone LOVED the new ice cream bars I got, but a cost of $4,000 was over my $3,200 budget.  That means we are back to cheap ice cream all around for both days, or good bars on Friday and scooped ice cream on Saturday.  It took an hour's worth of time to decide.  Ice cream is important ya know!!

I let them figure it out.  For those that attend this January rally in Indio, we are handing out the same really good bars one day and hand scooping the second day.  I'm still going to be over my budget (oh well), but we won't tell them that.

Finally the meetings were over and we were all set for that catered dinner.  Last year was Kentucky Fried Chicken (yes, really).  With so many complaints, they went back to having it catered.  Tri-tip, chicken, potatoes au gratin, green beans ... YUM YUM!

So why is there a picture of pizza?  Because the caterer put us on his calendar for today, not yesterday.  There will be no really good dinner after all.  Oh well .....  the crowd was very understanding.  They made a quick trip to Costco and brought back pizza and apple pie.  What can I say ... it's better than Colonel Sanders!!
I got absolutely no sleep last night as I'm sure one of our group had a head-banging, acid rock, screaming band in their rig ... right next door to me.  I've never heard such a racket in my life.  It went on until 2:00 am.  I thought this was cattle country!  Where's the country music?

At one point, I even stepped outside to see where it was coming from and couldn't figure it out.  I was surrounded .... in Hanford of all places.  Oh well, I've only got a 90 minute drive and I'll be home.

This morning when I tried to take the puppies out, I heard the loudest growl ever.  I turned around expecting to see a coyote ready to attack.  The dogs started barking and acting crazy, but I couldn't really see anything.  

I hurriedly drug them back to the rig and went out to see what huge critter was chasing us.  Come to find out, it wasn't a coyote.  It was three cats making the most horrid sounds I've ever heard.  I mean I've heard cats yowl, but this was crazy.  I came back inside and locked the door.  Puppies will have to go out when it's light and the night critters have left.

I can't wait to get home and fall fast asleep on the couch!!!  I have lots of stuff to do, but OH WELL!


  1. Oh well is right .no matter what no matter what happens you did get fed, solved a few issues. But the loud music next door is frustrating and the cats early morning can be unsettling. But soon you will be home again.

  2. Glad things are coming together but that Neighbour only cares about himself. It's a shame.
    Be Safe and Enjoy your trip Home.

    It's about time.

    1. I can't believe on a Wednesday night they would have a loud band. Maybe it WAS just a neighbor, in which case I should have called the police! LOL

  3. I hope you catch up on your sleep some time!

  4. Right now, pizza sounds better than tri-tip to me (still on that low carb diet...) lol

    1. Actually, I would have had the chicken (you got two choices) but you KNOW I love pizza!
